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gRPC Calculator Demo

A toy project to demonstrate how a gRPC service might be developed and deployed to Kubernetes.



The gRPC service defined in pkg/v1pb/calculator.proto exposes two RPC endpoints for evaluating a postfix mathematical expression. EvaluateStream RPC expects to receive a stream of operands and operators from the client and returns the result when the stream terminates. EvaluateBatch RPC expects the receive the set of operators and operands as a batch and returns the result of evaluating that batch.



Run make build to generate the gRPC code and build a minimal container image containing the server component.


Run make cli to produce a local binary named cli that can be used to interact with the server



The service can be configured via command line flags or environment variables

  --debug                Enable debug mode (CALC_DEBUG)
  --listen_addr=":8080"  Listen address (CALC_LISTEN_ADDR)
  --log_level=info       Log level (CALC_LOG_LEVEL)
  --status_addr=":5000"  Status address (CALC_STATUS_ADDR)
  --tls_ca=TLS_CA        Path to TLS CA certificate (CALC_TLS_CA)
  --tls_cert=TLS_CERT    Path to TLS certificate (CALC_TLS_CERT)
  --tls_key=TLS_KEY      Path to TLS key (CALC_TLS_KEY)

Cluster Deployment

If Minikube or any other Kubernetes cluster is accessible and has a working Helm installation, running make deploy will deploy the server to the cluster. As this is a demo project, no ingress is created by the deployment and accessing the service requires port forwarding as follows:

export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8080 5000:5000

The gRPC service is available over port 8080 and can be accessed using the CLI or tools such as grpcurl. An HTTP status service is available over port 5000 and can be used for health checking (/status) and obtaining metrics (/metrics). If the service was started in debug mode, the HTTP service also exposes profiling and monitoring pages as well.

Using the CLI

Build the CLI by running make cli. This will produce a binary named cli. The following flags can be used to configure the CLI session:

  --help                   Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  --addr="localhost:8080"  Server address
  --insecure               Trust unknown CAs
  --plaintext              Use unencrypted connection

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.

    Stream mode

  batch [<expr>...]
    Batch mode

Stream Mode

Start the stream mode as follows and then enter each operator and operand in a new line. Press Ctrl+D to calculate the result.

./cli --addr=localhost:8080 --plaintext stream

Batch Mode

Enter the set of operators and operands as space separated arguments

./cli --addr=localhost:8080 --plaintext batch 5 10 + 3 '*' 4 +


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