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v2.0.0-beta.21 - isTracking Flag

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@charkour charkour released this 15 Jun 22:27
· 42 commits to main since this release

852 B --> 839 B

Breaking Change

- trackingStatus: 'tracking' | 'paused'
+ isTracking: boolean

- trackingStatus === 'tracking'
+ isTracking === true

- trackingStatus === 'paused'
+ isTracking === false

Stop and start history

isTracking: boolean

isTracking: a stateful flag in the temporal store that indicates whether the temporal store is tracking state changes or not. Possible values are true or false. To programmatically pause and resume tracking, use pause() and resume() explained below.

Pause tracking of history

pause: () => void

pause: call function to pause tracking state changes. This will prevent new states from being stored in history within the temporal store. Sets isTracking to false.

Resume tracking of history

resume: () => void

resume: call function to resume tracking state changes. This will allow new states to be stored in history within the temporal store. Sets isTracking to true.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta.20...v2.0.0-beta.21