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MongoDB Atlas Workshop

Date: January 30, 2019 [9AM - 2PM]


Supported Cloud Services for full deployment: AWS, GCP, and Azure

Similarly to MongoDB Operations Manager, clusters can be detected in an existing environment for continuous integration.

Workshop Slides
You can deploy a sharded cluster with MongoDB Atlas without the technical hassle of manually configuring it. An additional tool called MongoDB Compass is a schema visualizer that helps you execute queries without accessing the command-line interface.

MongoDB Stitch is a framework that deploys web applications with the control of Atlas and Compass for the back-end.

**All of these applications can work in a dockerized environment with a few extra steps.

Basic CRUD Operations ( Review )

Assumptions: Create a database with the collection name movies.


Insert a single entity:

   "title": "Ghostbusters",
   "Year": 1984,
   "Rated": "PG",
   "Runtime": 105,
   "Type": "movie",
   "Genres": ["comedy", "action"] ,
   "Director": "Ivan Reitman",
   "Writers": ["dan aykroyd", "Harold ramis"]


Find a single entity: db.movies.findOne()
Find and format output: db.movies.find().pretty()


Update the record with a movie rating:

	title: "Ghostbusters"
	  $set: {
  	    imdb: { id: "tt0087332", rating: 7.8, votes: 312798 }


Delete the entity:

	title: "Ghostbusters"

Crud Exercise Solutions

Question Query String
From 1987 db.movies.find( { year : 1987 } )
"Comedy” as one of their genres db.movies.find( { genres : "Comedy" } )
"Comedy" as only genre db.movies.find( { genres : [ "Comedy" ] } )
"Comedy" or "Drama" db.movies.find( { genres : { $in : [ "Comedy", "Drama" ] } } )
"Comedy" and "Drama" db.movies.find( { genres : { $all : [ "Comedy", "Drama" ] } } )
IMDB Rating>8.0 and PG Rating db.movies.find( { "imdb.rating" : { $gt : 8.0 }, rated : "PG" } )
Title starting with “Dr. Strangelove” db.movies.find( { title : { $regex: '^Dr. Strangelove' } } )

Aggregation Exercise Solutions

Question Query String
How can you use $match to find all comedies? $match { genres: "Comedy" }
How can you use $unwind to create an individual document for each country? $unwind { path : "$countries" }
How can you use $group to count all the comedies grouped by country? $group { _id: "$countries", count: { $sum:1 } }


MongoDB Stitch Workshop

Stitch Examples can be found here.
git clone

alt text


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