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added handler to transform creds
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charlesread committed Jan 18, 2019
1 parent ca25821 commit d47820f
Showing 1 changed file with 120 additions and 104 deletions.
224 changes: 120 additions & 104 deletions plugin.js
Expand Up @@ -13,122 +13,138 @@ const configFactory = require(path.join(__dirname, 'lib', 'config.js'))

const implementation = async function (fastify, options) {

const config = configFactory(options)
const _config = config.get()
const log = fastify.log.child({module: 'fastify-jwt-webapp'})
const config = configFactory(options)
const _config = config.get()
const log = fastify.log.child({module: 'fastify-jwt-webapp'})

function getCookieOptionsForExpiration(_expirationDate) {
return Object.assign({}, _config.cookie, {expires: new Date(_expirationDate)})
function getCookieOptionsForExpiration(_expirationDate) {
return Object.assign({}, _config.cookie, {expires: new Date(_expirationDate)})
const _cookieOptions = getCookieOptionsForExpiration(moment().add(1, 'days'))

// register cookie plugin so that we can persist the JWT from request to request
// register cookie plugin so that we can persist the JWT from request to request

// endpoint for logging in
fastify.get(_config.pathLogin, async function (req, reply) {
log.debug('%s was invoked', _config.pathLogin)
const authorizationUrl = config.generateAuthorizationUrl()
log.debug('generated authorizationUrl: %s', authorizationUrl)
// redirect to authentication provider (like Auth0)
return reply.redirect(authorizationUrl)
// endpoint for logging in
fastify.get(_config.pathLogin, async function (req, reply) {
log.debug('%s was invoked', _config.pathLogin)
const authorizationUrl = config.generateAuthorizationUrl()
log.debug('generated authorizationUrl: %s', authorizationUrl)
// redirect to authentication provider (like Auth0)
return reply.redirect(authorizationUrl)

// endpoint for logging out
fastify.get(_config.pathLogout, async function (req, reply) {
log.debug('%s was invoked', _config.pathLogout)
const _cookieOptions = getCookieOptionsForExpiration(moment().subtract(1, 'days'))
log.debug('setting cookie "%s" to a value of "%s", with these attributes: %o',, '', _cookieOptions)
return reply
.setCookie(, '', _cookieOptions)
// endpoint for logging out
fastify.get(_config.pathLogout, async function (req, reply) {
log.debug('%s was invoked', _config.pathLogout)
// const _cookieOptions = getCookieOptionsForExpiration(moment().subtract(1, 'days'))
log.debug('setting cookie "%s" to a value of "%s", with these attributes: %o',, '', _cookieOptions)
return reply
.setCookie(, '', _cookieOptions)

// callback endpoint that will be redirected to once successfully authenticated with the authentication provider
// this endpoint will convert the authorization code to a JWT and set a cookie with the JWT
fastify.get(_config.pathCallback, async function (req, reply) {
log.debug(`fastify-jwt-webapp callback endpoint ${_config.pathCallback} requested`)
let token
if (_config.mode === 'id_token') {
log.debug('id_token mode detected')
token = req.query.id_token
} else {
// trade the auth code for a JWT
log.debug(`exchanging ${req.query.code} for a JWT`)
const jwtResponse = await config.functionGetJWT(req.query.code)
log.debug('functionGetJWT invoked, response: %o', jwtResponse)
// pull out the actual JWT from the response
token = jwtResponse[_config.nameTokenAttribute]
log.debug(`token attained: ${token}`)
if (token) {
log.debug('the token exists')
let decodedToken
try {
log.debug(`attempting to verify the token`)
decodedToken = await config.verifyJWT(token)
log.debug('the token was successfully decoded: %o', decodedToken)
// call the user-defined callback upon successful authentication, totally optional
if (_config.authorizationCallback) {
log.debug('authorizationCallback was specified')
try {
await _config.authorizationCallback(jwtResponse, req, reply)
} catch (err) {
// callback endpoint that will be redirected to once successfully authenticated with the authentication provider
// this endpoint will convert the authorization code to a JWT and set a cookie with the JWT
fastify.get(_config.pathCallback, async function (req, reply) {
log.debug(`fastify-jwt-webapp callback endpoint ${_config.pathCallback} requested`)
let token
if (_config.mode === 'id_token') {
log.debug('id_token mode detected')
token = req.query.id_token
} else {
// trade the auth code for a JWT
log.debug(`exchanging ${req.query.code} for a JWT`)
const jwtResponse = await config.functionGetJWT(req.query.code)
log.debug('functionGetJWT invoked, response: %o', jwtResponse)
// pull out the actual JWT from the response
token = jwtResponse[_config.nameTokenAttribute]
const _cookieOptions = getCookieOptionsForExpiration(moment().add(1, 'days'))
log.debug('setting cookie "%s" to a value of "%s", with these attributes: %o',, token, _cookieOptions)
return reply
.setCookie(, token, _cookieOptions)
} catch (err) {
log.warn('the token was not successfully verified, no cookie will be set: %s', err.message)
return reply
} else {
log.debug('the token does not exists')
throw new Error('authorization code could not be exchanged for a JWT')
log.debug(`token attained: ${token}`)
if (token) {
log.debug('the token exists')
let decodedToken
try {
log.debug(`attempting to verify the token`)
decodedToken = await config.verifyJWT(token)
log.debug('the token was successfully decoded: %o', decodedToken)
// call the user-defined callback upon successful authentication, totally optional
if (_config.authorizationCallback) {
log.debug('authorizationCallback was specified')
try {
await _config.authorizationCallback(jwtResponse, req, reply)
} catch (err) {
log.debug('setting cookie "%s" to a value of "%s", with these attributes: %o',, token, _cookieOptions)
const cookieOriginalPath = req.cookies['originalPath']
log.debug(`cookieOriginalPath: ${cookieOriginalPath}`)
let determinedPathSuccessRedirect
if (!options.pathSuccessRedirect && cookieOriginalPath) {
log.debug(`pathSuccessRedirect was NOT specified in options, redirecting to the path that was originally requested: ${cookieOriginalPath}`)
determinedPathSuccessRedirect = cookieOriginalPath
} else {
log.debug(`pathSuccessRedirect WAS specified in options, so it takes precedence, redirecting to ${_config.pathSuccessRedirect}`)
determinedPathSuccessRedirect = _config.pathSuccessRedirect
return reply
.setCookie(, token, _cookieOptions)
} catch (err) {
log.warn('the token was not successfully verified, no cookie will be set: %s', err.message)
return reply
} else {
log.debug('the token does not exists')
throw new Error('authorization code could not be exchanged for a JWT')

fastify.decorateRequest(_config.nameCredentialsDecorator, undefined)
fastify.decorateRequest(_config.nameCredentialsDecorator, undefined)

fastify.addHook('preHandler', async function (req, reply) {
log.debug('fastify-jwt-webapp preHandler hook invoked')
const originalUrl = (new URL(`${req.raw.originalUrl}`)).pathname
log.debug('originalUrl: %s', originalUrl)
const token = req.cookies[]
if (token) {
log.debug(`a token exists in the '${}' cookie: ${token}`)
try {
const verifiedToken = await config.verifyJWT(token)
log.debug('token verification was successful, verified token: %j', verifiedToken)
req[_config.nameCredentialsDecorator] = verifiedToken
} catch (err) {
log.debug('token verification was not successful: %j', err.message)
if (!_config.pathExempt.includes(originalUrl)) {
log.debug(`pathExempt does NOT include ${originalUrl}, redirecting to ${_config.urlAuthorize}`)
return reply
.setCookie(, undefined, Object.assign({}, _config.cookie, {expires: (( - 1000)}))
fastify.addHook('preHandler', async function (req, reply) {
log.debug('fastify-jwt-webapp preHandler hook invoked')
const originalUrlObject = new URL(`${req.raw.originalUrl}`)
const originalUrl = originalUrlObject.pathname
const originalPath = `${originalUrlObject.pathname}${}`
log.debug('originalPath: %s', originalPath)
const token = req.cookies[]
if (token) {
log.debug(`a token exists in the '${}' cookie: ${token}`)
try {
let verifiedToken = await config.verifyJWT(token)
log.debug('token verification was successful, verified token: %j', verifiedToken)
if (_config.credentialTransformation) {
verifiedToken = await _config.credentialTransformation(verifiedToken)
req[_config.nameCredentialsDecorator] = verifiedToken
} catch (err) {
log.debug('token verification was not successful: %j', err.message)
if (!_config.pathExempt.includes(originalUrl)) {
log.debug(`pathExempt does NOT include ${originalUrl}, redirecting to ${_config.urlAuthorize}`)
return reply
.setCookie(, undefined, Object.assign({}, _config.cookie, {expires: (( - 1000)}))
} else {
log.debug(`pathExempt DOES include ${originalUrl}, letting through`)
} else {
log.debug(`pathExempt DOES include ${originalUrl}, letting through`)
log.debug('a token does not exist')
if (!_config.pathExempt.includes(originalUrl)) {
log.debug(`pathExempt does NOT include ${originalUrl}, redirecting to ${_config.urlAuthorize}`)
return reply
.setCookie('originalPath', originalPath, _cookieOptions)
log.debug(`pathExempt DOES include ${originalUrl}, letting through`)
} else {
log.debug('a token does not exist')
if (!_config.pathExempt.includes(originalUrl)) {
log.debug(`pathExempt does NOT include ${originalUrl}, redirecting to ${_config.urlAuthorize}`)
return reply
log.debug(`pathExempt DOES include ${originalUrl}, letting through`)


module.exports = fp(implementation, {
fastify: '1.x'
fastify: '1.x'

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