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use a local version of znc for now to fix bug
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charlietanksley committed Jan 3, 2013
1 parent fd83ee9 commit 96b74a5
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Showing 4 changed files with 270 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .emacs.d/init.d/my-packages.el
Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
;(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/packages/logito")
;(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/packages/pcache")
;(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/packages/gh.el")
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/packages/ZNC.el")

; A few extra packages
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/packages/"))
Expand Down
Empty file.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions .emacs.d/packages/ZNC.el/README
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
It's a ZNC "mode"

Aint that exciting?

$ git clone

Make sure the contents of the repo, or just ./znc.el is on your load-path.

;; Install
(require 'znc)

;; Configure
M-x customize-group znc RET

;; Engage!
; It'll prompt you for a configured server, or tell you to configure one
M-x znc-erc

; Or you can make a giant sweep and connect to freaking everything
M-x znc-all

;; Usage
/reconnect will recycle the hell out of the server buffer.

By default, when you kill a channel buffer instead of /parting from the channel, you will detach from it
This is customizable

You can also get ZNC.el from the Marmalade ELPA repository. See for instructions on using Marmalade.
241 changes: 241 additions & 0 deletions .emacs.d/packages/ZNC.el/znc.el
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
;;; znc.el --- ZNC + ERC

;; Author: Yaroslav Shirokov
;; URL:
;; Version: 0.0.3
;; Package-Requires: ((cl-lib "2.2") (erc "5.3"))
;; Also available via Marmalade
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'erc)

(defgroup znc nil
"ZNC IRC Bouncer assistance and opinions.
This is a thin wrapper around `erc' that makes using
the ZNC ( IRC bouncer and irons out
some of the quirks that arise from using it with a naive ERC. "
:group 'erc)

;; Default vars
(defvar *znc-server-default-host* "localhost" "Default host to use in `*znc-server-default*'")
(defvar *znc-server-default-port* 12533 "Default port to use in `*znc-server-default*'")

;; Types
(defconst *znc-server-accounts-type* '((cons :tag "Account"
(symbol :tag "Network Slug" :value network-slug)
(group (string :tag "Username" :value "znc-username")
(string :tag "Password" :value "znc-password"))))
"A group describing an account belonging to a server")

(defconst *znc-server-type* `(group (string :tag "Host" :value ,*znc-server-default-host*)
(integer :tag "Port" :value ,*znc-server-default-port*)
(boolean :tag "SSL" :value nil)
(repeat :tag "Accounts on server" ,@*znc-server-accounts-type*))
"A group describing a ZNC server endpoint and the accounts on it")

;; Customizations
(defcustom znc-servers nil
"List of ZNC servers"
:tag "ZNC Servers"
:group 'znc
:type `(repeat ,*znc-server-type*))

(defcustom znc-erc-connector 'erc
"The ERC connection function, must be compatible with `erc'"
:group 'znc
:type 'symbol)

(defcustom znc-erc-ssl-connector 'erc-tls
"The ERC SSL connection function, must be compatible with `erc'"
:group 'znc
:type 'symbol)

(defcustom znc-detatch-on-kill t
"Detach from, rather than /part from channels when you a buffer is killed"
:group 'znc
:type 'boolean)

;; Interactive
(defun znc-erc (&optional network)
"Connect to a configured znc network"
(let* ((networks (znc-walk-all-servers :each 'znc-endpoint-slug-name))
(network (or (and network (format "%s" network))
(when networks
(znc-prompt-string-or-nil "Network" networks (car networks) t))))
(endpoint (when network
(znc-walk-all-servers :first t :pred (znc-walk-slugp (read network))))))
(if endpoint
(znc-erc-connect endpoint)
(message "Network %s not defined. Try M-x customize-group znc."
(symbol-name network)))))

(defun znc-discard (&optional network)
;; (interactive) ;;TODO: Abstract asking for anetwork, and interactive this
(let* ((buffer (znc-network-server-buffer network))
(proc (and buffer
(znc-network-server-process network)))
(pending (and buffer proc
(erc-with-all-buffers-of-server proc
(lambda () (not (equal (current-buffer) (erc-server-buffer))))
(if buffer
(loop for kidbuffer in pending
do (znc-kill-buffer-always kidbuffer)
initially (znc-kill-buffer-always buffer)
finally return `(buffer ,@pending))
(message "%s is unknown or not currently running"))))

(defun znc-all (&optional disconnect)
"Connect to all known networks"
(interactive "P")
(loop for network in (znc-walk-all-servers :each 'znc-endpoint-slug)
(message "Connecting to: %s" network)
(if disconnect
(znc-discard network)
(znc-erc network))
collecting network))

;; Advice
(defadvice erc-server-reconnect (after znc-erc-rename last nil activate)
"Maybe rename the buffer we create"
(let* ((wants-name (and (local-variable-p 'znc-buffer-name (erc-server-buffer))
(buffer-local-value 'znc-buffer-name (erc-server-buffer))))
(current (erc-server-buffer))
(returning ad-return-value))
(if wants-name
(ignore-errors (znc-kill-buffer-always wants-name))
(with-current-buffer returning
(znc-set-name wants-name)
(rename-buffer wants-name))
(get-buffer wants-name))

(defadvice erc-kill-channel (around znc-maybe-dont-part first nil activate)
"Maybe don't let `erc-kill-channel' run"
(let ((is-znc (and (local-variable-p 'znc-buffer-name (erc-server-buffer))
(buffer-local-value 'znc-buffer-name (erc-server-buffer)))))
(if is-znc
(unless znc-detatch-on-kill ad-do-it)

;; Hooks
(add-hook 'erc-kill-channel-hook (defun znc-kill-channel-hook ()
"Hook that handles ZNC-specific channel killing behavior"
(and (local-variable-p 'znc-buffer-name (erc-server-buffer))

;;; Traversal
(defun* znc-walk-all-servers (&key (each (lambda (&rest r) (mapcar 'identity r)))
(pred (lambda (&rest _) t))
(first nil))
"Walk ever defined server and user pair calling `each' every time `pred' is non-nil
Both functions are called as: (apply f slug host port user pass)
`each' defaults to (mapcar 'identity ..)
`pred' is a truth function
`first' if non-nil, return the car of the result"
(funcall (if first 'car 'identity)
(loop for (host port ssl users) in znc-servers
appending (loop for (slug user pass) in users collecting
`(,slug ,host ,port ,ssl ,user ,pass)) into endpoints
finally return (loop for endpoint in endpoints
if (apply pred endpoint)
collect (apply each endpoint)))))

;;; Traversal helpers
(defun znc-walk-slugp (slug)
(lexical-let ((slug slug))
(lambda (s &rest _) (eq s slug))))

(defun znc-endpoint-slug-name (&rest args)
(symbol-name (apply 'znc-endpoint-slug args)))

(defun znc-endpoint-slug (s &rest _) s)

;;; Helper Macro(s)
(defmacro with-endpoint (endpoint &rest forms)
"Wraps the remainder in a binding in which
`slug' `host' `port' `ssl' `user' `pass' are bound
to the matching values for the endpoint"
(let ((sympoint (gensym "endpoint")))
`(let ((,sympoint ,endpoint))
(destructuring-bind (slug host port ssl user pass) ,sympoint

;;; Helpers
(defun znc-network-buffer-name (network)
"Formats a buffer name for a given `network'"
(format "*irc-%s*" network))

(defun znc-network-has-buffer (network)
(znc-walk-all-servers :first t :pred (znc-walk-slugp network))
(get-buffer (znc-network-buffer-name network))))

(defun znc-network-server-process (network)
(let ((buffer (znc-network-server-buffer network)))
(when buffer
(with-current-buffer buffer erc-server-process))))

(defun znc-network-server-buffer (network)
"Returns a server buffer for `network' or nil"
(let ((buffer (znc-network-has-buffer network)))
(when buffer
(with-current-buffer buffer

(defun znc-kill-buffer-always (&optional buffer)
"Murderface a buffer, don't listen to nobody, son!"
(let ((buffer (or buffer (current-buffer)))
(kill-buffer-query-functions nil))
(kill-buffer buffer)))

(defun znc-detach-channel ()
(when (erc-server-process-alive)
(let ((tgt (erc-default-target)))
(erc-server-send (format "DETACH %s" tgt)
nil tgt))))

(defun znc-set-name (znc-name &optional buffer)
"Set the znc-buffer-name buffer local to znc-name in buffer or (current-buffer)"
(let ((buffer (get-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer)))))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(make-local-variable 'znc-buffer-name)
(setf znc-buffer-name znc-name))))

(defun znc-erc-connect (endpoint)
(message "Called with: %s" endpoint)
(with-endpoint endpoint
(message "Have endpoint: %s" endpoint)
(let* ((buffer (znc-network-buffer-name slug))
(erc-fun (if ssl znc-erc-ssl-connector znc-erc-connector))
(erc-args `(:server ,host :port ,port
:nick ,user :password ,(format "%s:%s" user pass)))
(erc-buffer (apply erc-fun erc-args)))
(when (get-buffer buffer)
(znc-kill-buffer-always buffer))
(znc-set-name buffer erc-buffer)
(with-current-buffer erc-buffer
(rename-buffer buffer)))))

(defun znc-prompt-string-or-nil (prompt &optional completions default require-match)
(let* ((string (completing-read (concat prompt ": ") completions nil require-match default))
(string (if (equal string "") nil string)))

;; Provide! ;;;
(provide 'znc) ;;;
;;; znc.el ends here

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