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Releases: charmbracelet/huh


09 Jul 22:11
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This big news in this release is that forms in Huh can now be dynamic. Read on for more:

Dynamic Forms 🪄

Country / State form with dynamic inputs running.

huh? forms can now react to changes in other parts of the form. Replace properties such as Options, Title, Description with their dynamic counterparts: OptionsFunc, TitleFunc, and DescriptionFunc to recompute properties values on changes when watched variables change.

Let’s build a simple state / province picker.

var country string
var state string

The country select will be static, we’ll use this value to recompute the
options and title for the next input.

    Options(huh.NewOptions("United States", "Canada", "Mexico")...).

Define your Select with TitleFunc and OptionsFunc and bind them to the
&country value from the previous field. Whenever the user chooses a different
country, the TitleFunc and OptionsFunc will be recomputed.


We have to pass &country as the binding to recompute the function only when
country changes, otherwise we will hit the API too often.

    TitleFunc(func() string {
        switch country {
        case "United States":
            return "State"
        case "Canada":
            return "Province"
            return "Territory"
    }, &country).
    OptionsFunc(func() []huh.Option[string] {
        opts := fetchStatesForCountry(country)
        return huh.NewOptions(opts...)
    }, &country),

Lastly, run the form with these inputs.

err := form.Run()
if err != nil {




New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v0.5.0

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25 May 17:42
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Your favourite files 📁

Huh? v0.4.0 (v0.4.2) introduces the File Picker to forms ✨

Prompt users to select a file in just a few lines of code, you know the drill :)

var file string

    Title("Select a file:").
    Description("This will be your profile image.").
    AllowedTypes([]string{".png", ".jpeg", ".webp", ".gif"}).

Made with VHS

Field Interface


File pickers introduce a new Zoom method to the Field interface.

type Field interface {

    // ...

    Zoom() bool

    // ...


Zoom tells the form whether this field should be the only visible field.

Notice how the FilePicker field zooms in when selecting a file and zooms out when the file is selected, showing only the selected file.


Notes introduce a new Skip method to the Field interface.

type Field interface {

    // ...

    Skip() bool

    // ...


Skip indicates to the form whether or not to skip this field, i.e. don't let the user interact with it. This is useful for notes to be purely informational.

What else?

Bug Fixes

New Contributors

A special thanks to everyone who made this release of Huh? possible! 🤗

Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or Slack.


25 Jan 17:47
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Scrolling, autocomplete, smaller binaries and more!

This is a big release with a tonne of new features.

  • Scrollable Forms
  • Scrollable Selects and Multi selects
  • Autocomplete for inputs
  • 7x smaller binaries
  • Multi select filtering
  • Lotsa' bugfixes and quality-of-life improvements

To upgrade to huh v0.3.0:

go get -u

For details read on!

Scrollable forms

If a form is in a small terminal it will automatically resize to fit the available space and the active group will scroll to stay in view. Form heights can also be set manually with the new WithHeight method.

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Select and Multi select Scrolling

Select and Multi select fields can now be restricted to a certain height, allowing their options to be scrollable. This means you can now pack in tonnes of options.

To make a Select or MultiSelect scrollable simply set the height on the field or form through the Height method.

s := huh.NewSelect()
    .Title("What’s for dinner?")
    .Options(/* ... */)

Made with VHS


Now Inputs can offer suggestions making it easier for users to fill out inputs. These suggestions can be accepted autocomplete-style with a configurable key binding (which defaults to ctrl+e).

Simply provide a []string to Suggestions to enable this feature.

    Title("What's for lunch?").
    Prompt("? ").
        // ...
        "Cashew Apple",
        "Cat Food",
        "Coconut Milk",
        "Curry Paste",
        // ...

Made with VHS

More helpful help

Forms will automatically adjust their help text to indicate to the user whether the form will continue or submit on actions. This works with hidden groups. In the below example, the user will be asked to list their allergies if they select "Yes" otherwise, the form will submit.

Made with VHS

Way smaller binaries

Huh now produces way smaller binaries! Thanks to #94 Huh now has a 7x smaller compiled footprint.

Before, using huh@v0.2.3:

33M     ./burger

After, using huh@v0.3.0:

4.5M    ./burger

Thanks, Vitor!

Special thanks to the intrepid @vitor-mariano, one of the earliest huh contributors, who came in hot with features, fixes, improvements and good vibes. Thank you, Vitor!




Full Changelog: v0.2.3...v0.3.0

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.


18 Dec 16:08
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Better Defaults!

Huh? v0.2.3 fixes some bugs for more consistent behaviour across inputs 🐞

  • Text inputs now update values on each keystroke rather than on Blur for consistency.
  • Select and MultiSelect read their default values from the initial values set by the Value variable if provided.

A special thanks to @vitor-mariano for all his contributions to this release 🤗

Defaults Example

You can now have preselected options by declaring them in the Value variable:

var toppings = []string{"Lettuce", "Tomatoes"}
var options = huh.NewOptions("Lettuce", "Tomatoes", "Charm Sauce", "Cheese", "Vegan Cheese")


In the above example, Lettuce and Tomatoes will be preselected by default.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.2.3

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.


15 Dec 19:26
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Better Wrapping 🎁

Huh? v0.2.2 improves wrapping of the Input and Text fields.
It applies width set on the form to the inputs to perform wrapping based on the specified or terminal width.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or Discord.


13 Dec 04:27
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New Theme! 😸

huh? forms can now use Catppuccin themes. (Thanks to the wonderful @sgoudham ✨)

Simply add the following to your huh.Forms:


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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or Discord.


12 Dec 20:06
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Better Help Styles!

Help Styles now apply on a Theme rather than embedded in FieldStyles. (Thanks to the wonderful @jolheiser ✨)

// Old...
theme.Focused.Help.ShortKey = lipgloss.NewStyle() //...

// Updated!
theme.Help.ShortKey = lipgloss.NewStyle() //...

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or Discord.


12 Dec 03:03
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Huh? Build forms in Go!

A simple, powerful library for building interactive forms and prompts in the terminal.

Running a burger form

huh? is easy to use in a standalone fashion, can be integrated into a Bubble Tea application, and contains a first-class accessible mode mode for screen readers.

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or Discord.