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This repository contains examples of prompt engineering for ChatGPT4PCG 2 competition. We provide examples of an implementation of the prompt engineering techniques utilizing our Python package, chatgpt4pcg-python.


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Prompt Engineering Examples for ChatGPT4PCG 2

This repository contains examples of prompt engineering for ChatGPT4PCG 2 competition. We provide examples of an implementation of the prompt engineering techniques utilizing our Python package, chatgpt4pcg-python. We implemented several prompt engineering techniques, including:

  1. Zero-shot (single-turn and multi-turn versions) prompting (zero_shot and zero_shot_multi_turn folders).
  2. Null-shot prompting (null_shot folder).
  3. Few-shot prompting (few_shot folder).
  4. Zero-shot chain-of-thought prompting (zero_shot_cot folder).
  5. Null-shot chain-of-thought prompting (null_shot_cot folder).
  6. Tree-of-thought prompting (tot folder).

We recommend participants start by taking a look at the zero_shot and zero_shot_multi_turn examples to understand the basic implementation of zero-shot prompting. Participants who interest only in optimizing the prompt are welcome to take a look at the prompts folder in each example to see the prompt used in the example and modify it to their needs. Participants who interest in implementing more elaborate prompt engineering technique may interest in taking a look at the implementation of the tree-of-thought prompting in the tot folder.

It is important to note that the examples provided in this repository are not exhaustive and are intended to serve as a starting point for the participants to experiment with prompt engineering techniques. We encourage the participants to explore and experiment with different prompt engineering techniques to improve the performance of their approach. Furthermore, prompts provided in each example are not optimal and can be further improved by the participants.

Folder structure

├── .env.example
├── few_shot
│ ├──
│ └── prompts
│    └── few_shot.txt
├── null_shot
│ ├──
│ └── prompts
│    └── null_shot.txt
├── null_shot_cot
│ ├──
│ └── prompts
│    └── null_shot_cot.txt
├── requirements.txt
├── tot
│ ├── prompts
│ │ ├── evaluate.txt
│ │ ├── format.txt
│ │ └── task.txt
│ └──
├── zero_shot
│ ├── prompts
│ │ └── zero_shot.txt
│ └──
├── zero_shot_cot
│ ├── prompts
│ │ └── zero_shot_cot.txt
│ └──
└── zero_shot_multi_turn
├── prompts
│ ├── 0.txt
│ └── 1.txt


We recommend participants create a virtual environment to run the examples. You can create a virtual environment through conda or venv. For example, to create a virtual environment using conda, you can run the following command:

conda create -n chatgpt4pcg2 python=3.11

Once you have created the virtual environment, you can activate the virtual environment by running the following command:

conda activate chatgpt4pcg2

To run the examples, you need to install the required packages. You can install the required packages by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the examples

To run the examples, you need to set the environment variables in the .env file. You can copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env. Then, you need to set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable to your OpenAI API key. You can get the OpenAI API key by following the instructions here. Please note that we do not provide support for the OpenAI API key. It is the responsibility of the participants to obtain their own OpenAI API key and secure it.

After setting the environment variables, you can run the examples by running the following command:

python <pe_folder>/<pe_name>.py

For example, to run the zero-shot example, you can run the following command:

python zero_shot/

Please note that the examples provided in this repository are set to generate only one trial for A character. You can modify the run_evaluation function in the examples to generate more trials for different characters.

For example, to generate 10 trials for A character, you can modify the run_evaluation function in the file as follows:

run_evaluation("zero_shot", ZeroShotPrompting, num_trials=10, characters=["A"])


We welcome contributions to this repository to expand the examples and improve the prompt engineering techniques.


This repository contains examples of prompt engineering for ChatGPT4PCG 2 competition. We provide examples of an implementation of the prompt engineering techniques utilizing our Python package, chatgpt4pcg-python.







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