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IMDB Movie score recommender & movie review sentiment analysis.

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Project: IMDB Movie score recommender & Movie review sentiment analysis.

Data Science Life Cycles:

STEP-1 Purpose, motivation and description:

  1. What can we say about the success of a movie before it is released? Are there certain companies (Pixar?) that have found a consistent formula? Given that major films costing over $100 million to produce can still flop, this question is more important than ever to the industry.

  2. This question puzzled almost everybody for a long time since there is no universal way to claim the success of movies. Many people rely on critics to gauge the quality of a film, while others use their instincts. But it takes the time to obtain a reasonable amount of critic’s review after a movie is released. And human instinct sometimes is unreliable.

  3. Predicting IMDB Score of a movie before it released in cinemas is my primary goal for this project without relying on critic’s review data and human instincts data along with movie review sentiment analysis.

  4. This will benefit all cinema lovers like me or film producers/directors who can get a high of overview of the probable score of the new movie they are releasing like a pre-poll forecast.


How to recommend IMDB Movie Score(Score ranges from 0-Low to 10-Excellent) for the new movies?

Refer to the notebook "Capstone_1_movierecmnd_iter_1.ipynb" for details.

How to identify bad(0) or good(1) sentiment from Movie reviews?

Refer to the notebook "Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews using multilayer RNNs.ipynb" for details.

  1. We have 28 in-dependent variables that I scraped from IMDB site. Roughly speaking, half of the variables are directly related to movies themselves, such as title, year, duration, country, color, aspect ratio, language, budget, gross, movie IMDB Link, human faces in primary poster etc. Another half is related to the people who involved in the production of the movies, eg, director names, director Facebook popularity, movie rating from critics, lead and supporting actor names and their facebook popularity, movie facebook likes, user review comments for already released movies etc. Used review text and sentiment fields to RNN sentiment analysis.

  2. After discretizing the imdb_score to two categories Bad (0 to 5) and good (6 to 10) and fit to different classification models say Decision Tree, Random Forest, XGBoost and Logistic Regression, i am getting 82% of average model prediction accuracy with 18% error prediction rate for the test.

STEP-2 Data acquisition:

Received the 50000 IMDB movie dataset from kaggle in a csv format. I was able to obtain all needed 28 variables for 5043 movies and 4906 posters (998MB), spanning across 100 years in 66 countries. There are 2399 unique director names, and thousands of actors/actresses.

STEP-3 Data Cleaning:

  1. In almost all columns, I have missing values except the output variable “IMDB SCORE” that I am going to predict as part of this problem. That’s good news.

  2. After careful analysis, I have found that I have only 2% of data loss if I remove 80% of the missing value observations. So, I go for it. For some fields, say actor facebook likes, director facebook likes and movie facebook likes, I have interpolated the missing value with mean.

  3. With pandas info () method, I have analyzed the data types for each features and corrected some of the data types from object to categorical to save space in memory and faster processing. Such variables are imdb score (good or bad) etc.

  4. Used pandas describe () method to get descriptive statistics for all numerical features to identify any outliers if any, max, min, mean, std, median, 25 and 755 percentiles. Luckily no outliers are found.

  5. Created a new output variable after discretizing the imdb_score to two categories Bad (0 to 5) and good (6 to 10).

  6. Many machine learning algorithms require input features on the same scale for optimal performance. Thus, we standardize some columns say gross, budget before we can feed them to a model.

  7. Movie reviews are sequence of words, therefore we want to build an rnn model to process the words in each sequence, and at the end, classify the entire sequence to 0 or 1 classes.

  8. To prepare the data for input to neural network, we need to encode it into numeric values. Find the unique words in the entire dataset.

  9. So far, we've converted sequence of words into sequence of integers. But sequences currently have different length. In order to generate input data that is compatible with our RNN architecture, we will need to make sure that all the sequences have the same length. Create matrix of zeroes where each row corresponds to a sequence of size 200-- fill the index of words in each sequence from the right hand side of the matrix.

  10. After we preprocess the dataset, we can proceed with splitting the data into separete training and test sets.

  11. Finally, we define one helper function that breaks a given dataset into chunks and returns a generator to iterate through these chunks(mini-batches).

  12. This is very useful techniques for handling memory limitations. This is the recommended approach for splitting the dataset into mini-batches for training a neural network, rather than creating all the data splits upfront and keeping them in memory during training.

STEP-4 Exploratory data Analysis(EDA):

  1. After plotting histogram on the output variable imdb_score, i have found that distribution is normal like bell curve having mean of 6.44 and most scores are between 5.8(25%) and 7.2(75%) with std of 1.13.

  2. Plotted scatterplots between imdb_score and all other independent variables to find out the relation between them say strongly correlated or weakly correlated.

  3. Before we begin, it is necessary to investigate the correlation of those variables. These strongly correlation independent variables can be used easily for my model.

Face detection from movie posters vs IMDB Score:

  1. It should be pointed out that, it is unfair to rate movie solely based on the number of human faces in poster, because there are great movies whose posters have many faces. For example, the poster of the movie "(500) Days of summer" has 43 faces, all from the same actress.
  2. But remember that having large face number (> 10) in poster and simultaneously being a great movie is uncommon based on my findings. 
  3. Overall, nearly 95% of all the 4096 posters have less than 5 faces. Besides, Great movies tend to have fewer faces in posters.
  4. If a poster has one or no human faces, we cannot tell if the movie is great simply from poster.
  5. If a poster has more than 5 faces, the likelihood of the movie being great is low.

IMDB score VS country:

  1. USA and UK are the two countries that produced the most number of movies in the past century, including a large amount of bad movies.
  2. The median IMDB scores for both USA and UK are, however, not the highest among all countries.
  3. Some developing countries, such as Libya, Iran, Brazil, and Afghanistan, produced a small number of movies with high median IMDB scores.

IMDB score VS movie facebook popularity:

  1. From the scatter plot below, we can find that overall, the movies that have very high facebook likes tend to be the ones that have IMDB scores around 8.0. As we know, IMDB scores of higher than 8.0 are considered as the greatest movies in the IMDB top 250 list. It is interesting to see that those greatest movies do not have the highest facebook popularity.

  2. The movie "Mad Max" and "Batman vs Superman" both have very high facebook likes, but their IMDB scores are slightly above 8.0. The movie "The Godfather" is deemed as one of the greatest movies, but its facebook popularity is hugely dwarfed by that of the "Interstellar".

IMDB score VS director facebook popularity:

  1. From the scatter plot, it can be seen that the directors who directed movies of rating higher than 6.0 tend to have more facebook popularity than the ones who directed movies of rating lower than 6.0.
  2. And I listed the top four directors who have the most number of facebook popularity (Christopher Nolan, David Fincher, Martin Scorsese, and Quentin Tarantino), along with their four representative movies.

Correlation analysis

Choosing 15 continuous variables, I plotted the correlation matrix below. Note that "imdb_score" in the matrix denote the IMDB rating score of a movie. The matrix reveals that:

The "cast_total_facebook_likes" has a strong positive correlation with the "actor_1_facebook_likes", and has smaller positive correlation with both "actor_2_facebook_likes" and "actor_3_facebook_likes".

The "movie_facebook_likes" has strong correlation with "num_critic_for_reviews", meaning that the popularity of a movie in social network can be largely affected by the critics.

The "movie_facebook_likes" has relatively large correlation with the "num_voted_users".

The movie "gross" has strong positive correlation with the "num_voted_users".

Surprisingly, there are some pairwise correlations that are perhaps counter-intuitive:

The "imdb_score" has very small but positive correlation with the "director_facebook_likes", meaning a popular director does not necessarily mean his directed movie is great.

The "imdb_score" has very small but positive correlation with the "actor_1_facebook_likes", meaning that an actor is popular in social network does not mean that a movie is high rating if he is the leading actor. So do supporting actors.

The "imdb_score" has small but positive correlation with "duration". Long movies tend to have high rating.

The "imdb_score" has small but negative correlation with "facenumber_in_poster". It is perhaps not a good idea to have many faces in movie poster if a movie wants to be great.

The "imdb_score" has almost no correlation with "budget". Throwing money at a movie will not necessarily make it great.

STEP-5 Feature Selection:

  1. Although initially I used 28 variables from IMDB website, many variables are not applicable to predict movie rating. I will therefore only select several critical variables.

  2. Correlation matrix shows that multicollinearity exists in the 15 continuous variables. We need to further remove some variables to reduce multicollinearity.

  3. Therefore, I remove the following variables: "gross", "cast_total_facebook_likes", "num_critic_for_reviews", "num_voted_users", and "movie_facebook_likes".  Some variables are not applicable for prediction, such as "num_voted_users" and "movie_facebook_likes", because these numbers will be unavailable before a movie is released.

  4. Used F-regression/chi2 for feature selection in machine learning pipeline from sklearn Selectkbest.

STEP-6 Modeling:

  1. So far, we cleaned the data and did some exploratory analysis and did some testing to get the useful features.

  2. Many machine learning algorithms require input features on the same scale for optimal performance. Thus, we standardize some columns say gross, budget before we can feed them to a model.

  3. Before we construct our first model pipeline, we divide the dataset into a separate training dataset (80 percent of the data) and a separate test dataset (20 percent of the data).

  4. After discretizing the imdb_score to two categories Bad (0 to 7.5) and good (7.6 to

  1. and fit to different classification models say Decision Tree, Random Forest and Logistic Regression, i am getting 82% of average model prediction accuracy with 18% error prediction rate for the test.

Logistic Regression:

I used logistic regression because it’s most powerful for linear and binary classification (good/bad). Performs very well on linearly separable classes as probalistic model. When I used all the 28 features, I am having overfitting problem due to too many parameters and my model works well with training data but does not generalize well with unseen data. After removing the unnecessary features and to find a good bias-variance trade-off is to tune the complexity of the model via regularization. Regularization is a very useful method to handle high collinearity among features, filter out noise from data and eventually prevent overfitting. So I introduce bias to penalize extreme weight values by L2 regularization parameter lambda. By increasing lambda, we increase regularization strength. We have another parameter C which is inverse to lambda. Decreasing the value of the inverse regularization parameter C means that we are increasing the regularization strength. BY plotting weight co-efficient as y and C and X, I see that weight co-efficient shrink if we decrease the parameter C, that is, we increase the regularization strength. With grid searching cross validation, I have correctly identified C=0.01 value for my model to get 82% training accuracy and 85% test accuracy.

Decision Tree:

We start with the root and split the data that results the largest information gain. In an iterative process, we can then repeat this splitting procedure at each child until the leaves are pure. This means that the samples at each node all belong to the same class. This can result in a deep tree with many nodes, which can easily lead to overfitting. Thus, we want to prune the tree by setting a maximal depth of the tree. Impurity measures or splitting criteria are commonly used in binary decision tree gini impurity/entropy impurity. I use max_depth of 3 and then tuned this hyper parameter to gate correct accuracy.

Random Forests:

Gain his popularity because of classification performance, scalability and easy to use. Ensemble of decision trees. It average multiple deep decision trees that individually suffer from high variance, to build a more robust model that has a better generalization performance and is less susceptible to overfitting.

Select n bootstrap samples (randomly select n samples with replacement). Grow a decision tree from the bootstrap sample. At each node randomly select d features without replacement. Split the node using features that provides best info gain.

Aggregate the prediction using majority voting.


We don’t have worry too much with hyper parameter values. We typically don’t need to prune the random forest since the ensemble model is quite robust to noise from individual decision trees. Only parameter is number of trees k.larger the number of trees, better performance of the random forest at the cost of higher computional cost.

I have choosen n_estimators=10 no of trees and get 81% accuracy score.


XGboost is an implementation of the gradient boosted decision trees algorithm which is very good with tabular data.

We go through the cycles that repeatedly builds new models and combine them into an ensemble model. We start the cycle by calculating the errors for each observation in the dataset. We then build a new model to predict those. We add predictions from this error predicting models to the ensemble of models.

To make a prediction, we add the predictions from all previous models. We can ue these predictions to calculate new errors, build the next model, and add it to the ensemble.

XGboost has a few parameters that can affect my model accuracy and training speed.

N_estimators specifies how many times to go through the modeling cycle. Too low a value can cause under fitting,which is inaccurate predictions for both training and evaluation. Too large a value can cause overfitting. values between 100-1000 and depend a lot with Learning rate.

early_stopping_round causes model to stop iterating when the validation score stops improving, even if we aren’t at the hard stop for n_estimators. It’s smart to set high value of n_estimators and then use early_stopping_rounds to find the optimal time to stop iterating. I choose early stopping round as 5 randomly.


I did some tricks, instead of getting predictions by simple adding up the predictions from each component model, we will multiply the predictions from each model by a small number before adding them in. This means each tree we add to the ensemble helps us less. In practice, this reduces models’s propensity to general a small learning rate and large number of of estimators will yield more accurate result, though it will also take the model longer to train since it does more ierations through the cycle.

I use n estimators of 100 and learning rate of 0.05. Get 87% accuracy from it.

Building an RNN model:

I have implemented SentimentRNN class that has the following methods:

  1. A constructor to set all the model parameters and then create a computational graph and call the self. build method to build the multilayer RNN.

  2. A build method that declares three placeholders for input data, input labels, and the keep-probability for the dropout configuration of the hidden layer. After declaring this, it creates an embedding layer and builds the multilayer RNN.

  3. A train method that creates a TensorFlow session for launching the computational graph, iterates through the mini batches of data, and runs for a fixed number of epochs, to minimize the cost function defined in the graph. This method also saves the model after 10 epochs for checkpointing.

  4. A predict method that creates a new session, restores the last checkpoint saved during the training process, and carries out the predictions for the test data.

STEP-7 Evaluation:

  1. A model can suffer from under fitting (high bias) if the model is too simple or it can over fit the training data (high variance) if the model is too complex for the underlying training data. Overfitting is a common problem in ML, where the model performs well on training data but does not generalize well to unseen data (test data). Overfitting can be caused by too many parameters that lead to a model that is too complex. On the other hand, under fitting (high bias), which means that our model is not complex enough to capture the pattern in the training data well and therefore suffer from low performance on unseen data. To get a bias variance tradeoff, we need to evaluate our model carefully.

  2. We used popular holdout method where we split the data into train, validation and test set. Training set is used to fit the different models and validation is used for hyper parameter tuning or model selection. Separating out the test set can obtain a less biased estimate of its ability to generalize to new data. Disadvantages is that depending on the random data split, estimate will vary.

  3. Then I use K-fold cross validation with k=10 where we randomly split the training dataset into k folds without replacement, where (k-1) folds are used for the model training and 1-fold is used for performance evaluation. This procedure is repeated k times so that we obtain k models and performance estimates. Average the performance.

  4. Since we are working with small training set, I increased the number of folds, that means more training data will be used in each iteration which result in low bias towards estimating the generalization performance by averaging the individual model estimates.

  5. We evaluated my models using model accuracy, which is a useful metric with which to quantify the performance of a model in general. I also used precision, recall, F1 score evaluation using confusion matrix. The diagonal elements represent the number of points for which the predicted label is equal to the true label, while off-diagonal elements are those that are mislabeled by the classifier. The higher the diagonal values of the confusion matrix the better, indicating many correct predictions.

  6. In machine learning, we have two type of parameters: those that are learned from the training data, for example weights in logistic regression and the hyper parameters that are optimized separately, for example regularization parameter in logistic regression or the depth parameter of decision tree. I used grid search to help improve model performance by tuning hyperparameters. For my logistic regression model, grid search gave me learning rate C with value 0.01 can improve my accuracy score to 85% from 81% for both training and test data.

  7. We can optimize the RNN further by changing the hyperparamaters lstm_size, seq_len, embed_size to achieve better performance.

STEP-8 Conclusion:

  1. Regression model can predict the actual imdb_score with less than 50% accuracy based on certain predictors say 'director_facebook_likes','duration', 'actor_1_facebook_likes','actor_2_facebook_likes','actor_3_facebook_likes', 'facenumber_in_poster','title_year', 'budget'.

  2. Since the fitted Random Forest/Bayesian model explains more variability than that of multiple linear regression, I will use the results from Random Forest/Bayesian to explain the insights found so far:

The most important factor that affects movie rating is the duration. The longer the movie is, the higher the rating will be.

Budget is important, although there is no strong correlation between budget and movie rating.

The facebook popularity of director is an important factor to affect a movie rating.

The facebook popularity of the top 3 actors/actresses is important.

The number of faces in movie poster has a non-neglectable effect to the movie rating.

  1. After discretizing the imdb_score to two categories Bad (0 to 5) and good(6 to 10) and fit to different classification models say Decision Tree, RandomForest, XGBoosting and Logistic Regression, i am getting 82% of average model prediction accuracy with 18% error prediction rate for the test. That's good actually.

  2. RNN Sentiment model can predict the sentiment with 82% accuracy.


IMDB Movie score recommender & movie review sentiment analysis.






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