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chatoustikmou edited this page Jun 15, 2021 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Mostly Mechanical Mods' wiki!

Mostly Mechanical Mods focus on bringing mechanical changes to CK3. New flavor content might be included, but the mechanics brought to the table should make for interesting gameplay in and off themselves.

Mostly Mechanical Mods each tacle a specific mechanic, so players can pick and chose those which changes they like. This approach has been chosen over game rules, to also enhance compatibility, especially as mechanical changes require modifying vanilla files, including GUI files.

Mostly Mechanical Mods also aim to maintain its script documented as best it can, to either :

  • enable easy integration in TCs that so wish (with credits)
  • make it easier to set up compatibility patches with other mods that might modify the same vanilla files

The use of wrapper comment tags like # [PoW] < … > # [/PoW] in files lifted from vanilla will make it easy for any modder to find what the Mostly Mechanical Mod actually modified in that file. Standardized scripted triggers like mod_PoW_active are also systematically included.

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