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Repository files navigation - backend is fast and innovative image & file hosting. Currently supporting only images from ShareX, but more features coming soon...


Running in development mode

  1. Clone the repo using git clone
  2. Enter main folder cd backend
  3. Install all modules using npm i
  4. Run the app using npm run dev, server will restart every time a file is modified
  • If you want your app to restart after every file change, use npm run dev
  • If you want to push your app to production you need to configure the config.jsonc file, as it contains important settings. It's recommended to firstly compile the app using tsc, then entering build folder and starting the app with node index.js

Running the app in production mode

  1. Clone the repo using git clone
  2. Enter main folder cd backend
  3. Install all modules using npm i
  4. Compile the app using tsc command
  5. Run main file using node build/index.js
  6. [OPTIONAL] If you want you server to not turn off when you close the terminal, you can use PM2 - Process Manager 2 or GNU screen

Credits could not ever start with the help of this people:


To contribute clone this repo to your local system, mnake changes and create a pull request. Pull request should be reviewed and accepted quickly

Thanks for using cheems! ~ cheems Team