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Lita plugin that connects Github to Jenkins

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Build Status

This plugin acts as a bridge between Github and Jenkins. When a pull request is merged in Github, lita_versioner automatically increases the version of the projects and triggers a Jenkins job.

The bot generally sits as @julia on slack.


There are a number of ways the bot triggers commands: Slack commands, incoming events, and periodic timers. This is a list.

Slack Commands

The bot sits on various channels in slack (her name is @julia for the production lita and @dorothy for acceptance lita).

Command Description
build PROJECT [GIT_REF] Triggers an ad-hoc build of the project, at the given SHA.
bump PROJECT Bumps the patch version of project and triggers a release build.
bump-deps PROJECT Bumps all dependency versions of project and triggers an ad-hoc build.

Webpages and Event Handlers

The bot listens for various events and provides various webpages for status. Production lita sits on and acceptance lita sits on

Endpoint Description
/github_handler A Github hook sends pull request events to this handler. When it receives a PR merge, it runs the bump PROJECT command.

Periodic Timers

Julia does some things on a schedule to make sure they get done.

Command Description
Dependency Update Every polling_interval minutes, runs bump-deps on each project


Julia takes several distinct actions depending on what's going on:


When lita triggers a build, either via the @julia build PROJECT [GIT_REF] command, or a successful @julia bump PROJECT, @julia bump-deps PROJECT, or pull request merge, she triggers the build via the Jenkins API. It contacts the jenkins_endpoint using jenkins_username and jenkins_api_token, and uses the project's pipeline.

For example, it may send the POST request to with the payload:

{ "GIT_REF" => "v1.2.0", "EXPIRE_CACHE" => false, "INITIATED_BY" => "BumpBot" })

Version Bump

When lita is asked to bump the version of a pipeline either via the @julia bump PROJECT command or via a pull request being merged, she:

  1. Clones/pulls the project from its github_url. This actually first updates the remote in a single central repository, and then git clones that directory locally into a distinct copy for the version bump. It does this to avoid race conditions where multiple commands work on the same repository. The procedure:
    • git clone --mirror <github_url> <cache_directory>/<repository_name>
    • git remote update in <cache_directory>/<repository_name>
    • git clone <cache_directory>/<repository_name> <sandbox_directory>/<handler_id>/<repository_name>
    • git remote set-url origin <github_url> in <sandbox_directory>/<handler_id>/<repository_name>
  2. Runs the pipeline's version_bump_command from the repository directory.
  3. Runs the pipeline's version_show_command to get the version to report back.
  4. Triggers a build via the release pipeline.

Dependency Update

When lita is asked to update dependencies, either via @julia bump-deps PROJECT or on its periodic timer, it:

  1. Clones/pulls the project from its github_url.
  2. Runs the pipeline's dependency_update_command from the repository directory.
  3. Triggers a build via the ad-hoc pipeline.


Parameter Description
jenkins_username Username for the Jenkins account to use when triggering jobs.
jenkins_api_token Api token for the Jenkins account to use when triggering jobs.
jenkins_endpoint Endpoint for jenkins, e.g.
polling_interval How often to check for dependency updates on each pipeline
trigger_real_builds Set true to actually trigger builds when asked. False if not. Used for testing.
default_inform_channel Channel to inform when we don't know where to send a message. e.g. chef-notify
projects Hash of pipeline name -> project configuration. See Project Configuration below.
cache_directory Cache directory for data that can persist but may be safely removed (e.g. clones of git)
sandbox_directory Directory where individual commands can store data temporarily. These directories are kept around when a command fails.
debug_lines_in_pm Set false if you don't want debug lines sent in private messages by default.

Project Configuration

Projects are configured like:

projects = {
  "chef" => {
    pipeline: "chef-trigger-release",
    github_url: "",
    version_bump_command: "bundle install && bundle exec rake version:bump && git checkout .bundle/config",
    version_show_command: "bundle exec rake version:show",
    dependency_update_command: "bundle install && bundle exec rake dependencies && git checkout .bundle/config",
    inform_channel: "workflow-pool",
Parameter Description
pipeline Release pipeline for job.
github_url Github remote URL for cloning and github events.
version_bump_command Command to run to bump the patch version of the project. Run when pull requests are merged and when @julia bump PROJECT command is invoked.
version_show_command Command to run to show the version of the project. Run when pull requests are merged and when @julia bump PROJECT command is invoked.
dependency_update_command Command to run to update dependencies for the project. Run when @julia bump-deps PROJECT happens and on a timer schedule.
inform_channel The channel where statuses for this pipeline should be sent.


Update the config :projects defined in lib/lita/handlers/versioner.rb with the required information. E.g:

harmony: {
  pipeline: "harmony-trigger-ad_hoc",
  repository: "opscode-harmony"
# project_name: {
#   pipeline: "name of the Jenkins job to trigger",
#   repository: "name of the Github repo to monitor"
# }

Configure a webhook for your Github repository following the instructions here. Instead of selecting just the push event, select "Let me select individual events" and select only pull request events.


Lita has great documentation. Read this first before starting. It will make below instructions easy to understand.

First Time Setup

  1. Install Docker Toolbox:
    • brew cask install dockertoolbox
    • docker-machine create default --driver virtualbox
    • eval $(docker-machine env default) <-- you might want that in your .profile
  2. Copy lita_config.rb.example to lita_config.rb.

NOTE: this will let you work with github, but won't talk to Slack, Jenkins or receive Github notifications by default--see later configuration sections for those.

Running Lita

To run lita, do:


You should see this towards the end:

Type "exit" or "quit" to end the session.
Lita >

From here you can interact with the bot just like on Slack. Type @lita help for a list of commands. Note that the default docker/run command mounts your home directory at the container's ~lita. Hence, lita will performs actions using your ssh credentials unless they are encrypted private keys.

Testing Against Slack

To test that the bot can communicate on Slack, you need to set up the bot and join it to the channel:

  1. Set up the bot on Slack.
    • Go to the new Lita bot page on Slack.
    • Create a username, like <YOUR USERNAME>-testbot.
    • Copy the Slack token.
  2. Set up a channel for testing and invite your bot to it.
    • /join #-testbot
    • /invite @-testbot
  3. Configure the bot locally.
    • Bring over the lita_config.rb.example slack configuration, inserting the token from step 1 and choosing a channel:

      config.adapters.slack.token = "<MY API TOKEN>"
      config.adapters.slack.link_names = true
      config.adapters.slack.parse = "full"
      config.adapters.slack.unfurl_links = false
      config.adapters.slack.unfurl_media = false
      config.default_inform_channel = "#<MY TEST CHANNEL>"

Now when you start the bot, it should join!

Testing Against Jenkins

To test against Jenkins, you just need to add the correct tokens to the config file.

  1. Get your Jenkins API token by logging in to, clicking your name on the top right, and clicking Configure. Then click "Show API Token" and copy the values for the next step.

  2. Edit lita_config.rb to add the two jenkins lines below:

    Lita.configure do |config|
      # Add these two lines:
      config.handlers.versioner.jenkins_username = "YOUR JENKINS USERNAME"
      config.handlers.versioner.jenkins_api_token = "YOUR TOKEN FROM STEP 1"

docker/run and you should be set up!

Testing Github Hooks

To test github hooks, we're going to use ngrok:

  1. Log in to the ngrok Auth tab.

  2. Put your auth token in ``~/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml`:

    authtoken: <YOUR AUTH TOKEN>
  3. docker/run-ngrok

Note the URL it gives you.

To test that the version bumper correctly listens to github hooks, set up a github hook in your repository just like the Updating the Bot section, but replace the URL with the ngrok URL. e.g.

Updating the Bot

To update the bot, you've one more thing to do: Deliver!

  1. Create a PR setting the SHA in to latest master of lita_versioner and bumping the version in
  2. Get a C/R, and have that person @delivery approve the PR.
  3. If you are adding a repository, create or edit the github hook for that repository to point at the acceptance lita (example: It should:
  4. Test it out by merging a PR to your repo.
  5. If it's good, @delivery deliver the PR.
  6. Update the above webhook to point at

Future Plans

Here are things that need doing to make the bot more effective:

Message Sanity

  • Reduce volume and size of messages to channel
    • Do not send "starting to process" notifications to channel (only failure/success)
    • Do not send success notifications to channel unless it's a change or it's been N hours
    • Send large outputs (such as error output) as attachments
  • Query julia for more detailed logs
    • "julia pipeline commands in progress" to show commands in progress
    • "julia pipeline commands" to show recent commands and their status
    • "julia pipeline command output [debug|info|warn|error]" to show output for a command (will attach to its stdout if it's in progress). Default: debug if pm, info if channel


  • "julia pipeline version" to show lita_versioner version (and git SHA if applicable, with link to github)
  • "julia pipeline config [a.b.c]" to show configuration (scrub secrets like tokens)
  • "julia pipeline set config a.b.c [value]" to set configuration (stored in redis, overlaid on top of config). Add projects, set project pipeline info this way.
  • "julia pipeline reset config a.b.c" to reset configuration (and projects) to their default. Shows the old value so you can set it if you need to.

Pipeline Status

As goalie, the most important thing to know is whether the pipeline is working or not. Julia has access to all of this information and we've written all the code we need to do it. We can use to summarize build status for easy understanding of root causes.

To this end, we should create a webpage on julia (i.e. that we can hit to look at the status for each pipeline. A "julia pipeline status PROJECT" command would show the top level status (green+red, a little explanation, and a link). Julia would send notifications to a pipeline's channel when status of a pipeline changes.

We'd start small, but the report in its fullness could include:

  • Status of master:

    • Latest version on master, latest checkin to master.
    • Latest successful/completed/in progress release build version, julia log, build link, package links, and status summary.
    • Latest successful/completed/in progress Julia bump attempt (same info).
    • Github webhook status (github API to
    • Red if last bump attempt failed, if master is not a version bump (and no in progres attempt), or if github webhook is not live and pointing to us.
  • Status of dependency update:

    • Latest successful/completed/in progress dependency build julia log, build link, package links, and status summary.
    • Latest successful/completed/in progress Julia dependency update attempt (same info)
    • Red if latest dependency update failed or dependency update has not run in the past N hours
  • Slack status:

    • Whether it is connected to slack
    • List of channels it's joined
  • Jenkins pipeline status:

    • Status of builders in our project
    • Status of queues (in progress, waiting)
    • Most recent successful/completed/in progress builds with julia log (if applicable), build link, package links, and status summary, across all triggers, including ad_hoc.
    • Red if any job has waited for more than an hour, or if Jenkins is down, or if any set of slaves is completely offline.

Github Integration

To make it easier to see the status of PRs and of master, we should add github statuses and use PRs where appropriate.


  • Automatically merge dependency update build.
  • Display the actual build link when triggering a build.


You can ask your questions in #engineering-services or ping @serdar on Slack.

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Lita plugin that connects Github to Jenkins






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Contributors 4
