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System::Version module completed
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arvicco committed Jun 11, 2010
1 parent 5225e01 commit f1985de
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Showing 4 changed files with 166 additions and 94 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions HISTORY
Expand Up @@ -54,3 +54,7 @@
== 0.3.15 / 2010-06-10

* System::Version specs added

== 0.3.16 / 2010-06-11

* System::Version module completed
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion VERSION
@@ -1 +1 @@
194 changes: 102 additions & 92 deletions lib/win/system/version.rb
Expand Up @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ def HIBYTE(w)
w >> 8

# OSVERSIONINFOEX Structure. Contains operating system version information. The information includes major and
# minor version numbers, a build number, a platform identifier, and information about product suites and the
# latest Service Pack installed on the system. This structure is used with the GetVersionEx and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,92 +209,6 @@ class OSVERSIONINFOEX < FFI::Struct
:w_reserved, :uchar,

# VerifyVersionInfo Function. Compares a set of operating system version requirements to the corresponding
# values for the currently running version of the system.
# [*Syntax*] BOOL VerifyVersionInfo( LPOSVERSIONINFOEX lpVersionInfo, DWORD dwTypeMask, DWORDLONG
# dwlConditionMask );
# lpVersionInfo:: A pointer to an OSVERSIONINFOEX structure containing the operating system version requirements
# to compare. The dwTypeMask parameter indicates the members of this structure that contain
# information to compare. You must set the dwOSVersionInfoSize member of this structure to
# sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX). You must also specify valid data for the members indicated by
# dwTypeMask. The function ignores structure members for which the corresponding dwTypeMask
# bit is not set.
# dwTypeMask:: Mask that indicates the members of the OSVERSIONINFOEX structure to be tested. This parameter can
# be one or more of the following values: VER_BUILDNUMBER, VER_MAJORVERSION, VER_MINORVERSION,
# If you are testing the major version, you must also test the minor version and the service pack
# major and minor versions.
# dwlConditionMask:: The type of comparison to be used for each lpVersionInfo member being compared. To build
# this value, call the VerSetConditionMask function or the VER_SET_CONDITION macro once for
# each OSVERSIONINFOEX member being compared.
# *Returns*:: If the currently running operating system satisfies the specified requirements, the return
# value is a nonzero value. If the current system does not satisfy the requirements, the return
# value is zero and GetLastError returns ERROR_OLD_WIN_VERSION. If the function fails, the return
# value is zero and GetLastError returns an error code other than ERROR_OLD_WIN_VERSION.
# ---
# *Remarks*:
# The VerifyVersionInfo function retrieves version information about the currently running operating
# system and compares it to the valid members of the lpVersionInfo structure. This enables you to easily
# determine the presence of a required set of operating system version conditions. It is preferable to
# use VerifyVersionInfo rather than calling the GetVersionEx function to perform your own comparisons.
# Typically, VerifyVersionInfo returns a nonzero value only if all specified tests succeed. However,
# major, minor, and service pack versions are tested in a hierarchical manner because the operating
# system version is a combination of these values. If a condition exists for the major version, it
# supersedes the conditions specified for minor version and service pack version. (You cannot test for
# major version greater than 5 and minor version less than or equal to 1. If you specify such a test,
# the function will change the request to test for a minor version greater than 1 because it is
# performing a greater than operation on the major version.)
# The function tests these values in this order: major version, minor version, and service pack version.
# The function continues testing values while they are equal, and stops when one of the values does not
# meet the specified condition. For example, if you test for a system greater than or equal to version
# 5.1 service pack 1, the test succeeds if the current version is 6.0. (The major version is greater
# than the specified version, so the testing stops.) In the same way, if you test for a system greater
# than or equal to version 5.1 service pack 1, the test succeeds if the current version is 5.2. (The
# minor version is greater than the specified versions, so the testing stops.) However, if you test for
# a system greater than or equal to version 5.1 service pack 1, the test fails if the current version is
# 5.0 service pack 2. (The minor version is not greater than the specified version, so the testing stops.)
# To verify a range of system versions, you must call VerifyVersionInfo twice. For example, to verify
# that the system version is greater than 5.0 but less than or equal to 5.1, first call
# VerifyVersionInfo to test that the major version is 5 and the minor version is greater than 0, then
# call VerifyVersionInfo again to test that the major version is 5 and the minor version is less than or
# equal to 1.
# Identifying the current operating system is usually not the best way to determine whether a particular
# operating system feature is present. This is because the operating system may have had new features
# added in a redistributable DLL. Rather than using GetVersionEx to determine the operating system
# platform or version number, test for the presence of the feature itself. For more information,
# {see Operating System Version}[].
# To verify whether the current operating system is either the Media Center or Tablet PC version of
# Windows, call GetSystemMetrics.
# ---
# *Requirements*
# Client Requires Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 Professional.
# Server Requires Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, or Windows 2000 Server.
# Header Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h.
# Library Use Kernel32.lib.
# Unicode Implemented as VerifyVersionInfoW (Unicode) and VerifyVersionInfoA (ANSI).
# ---
# *See* *Also*
# GetVersionEx
# VerSetConditionMask
# {Operating System Version}[]
# ---
# <b>Enhanced (snake_case) API: </b>
# :call-seq:
# success = verify_version_info(lp_version_info, dw_type_mask, dwl_condition_mask)
function :VerifyVersionInfo, [:pointer, :uint32, :uint64], :int8, boolean: true

# GetVersion Function retrieves the version number of the current operating system.
# *Note*: This function has been superseded by GetVersionEx. New applications should use GetVersionEx or
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -409,6 +323,92 @@ class OSVERSIONINFOEX < FFI::Struct
version_info[:dw_os_version_info_size] = version_info.size == 0 ? nil : version_info }

# VerifyVersionInfo Function. Compares a set of operating system version requirements to the corresponding
# values for the currently running version of the system.
# [*Syntax*] BOOL VerifyVersionInfo( LPOSVERSIONINFOEX lpVersionInfo, DWORD dwTypeMask, DWORDLONG
# dwlConditionMask );
# lpVersionInfo:: A pointer to an OSVERSIONINFOEX structure containing the operating system version requirements
# to compare. The dwTypeMask parameter indicates the members of this structure that contain
# information to compare. You must set the dwOSVersionInfoSize member of this structure to
# sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX). You must also specify valid data for the members indicated by
# dwTypeMask. The function ignores structure members for which the corresponding dwTypeMask
# bit is not set.
# dwTypeMask:: Mask that indicates the members of the OSVERSIONINFOEX structure to be tested. This parameter can
# be one or more of the following values: VER_BUILDNUMBER, VER_MAJORVERSION, VER_MINORVERSION,
# If you are testing the major version, you must also test the minor version and the service pack
# major and minor versions.
# dwlConditionMask:: The type of comparison to be used for each lpVersionInfo member being compared. To build
# this value, call the VerSetConditionMask function or the VER_SET_CONDITION macro once for
# each OSVERSIONINFOEX member being compared.
# *Returns*:: If the currently running operating system satisfies the specified requirements, the return
# value is a nonzero value. If the current system does not satisfy the requirements, the return
# value is zero and GetLastError returns ERROR_OLD_WIN_VERSION. If the function fails, the return
# value is zero and GetLastError returns an error code other than ERROR_OLD_WIN_VERSION.
# ---
# *Remarks*:
# The VerifyVersionInfo function retrieves version information about the currently running operating
# system and compares it to the valid members of the lpVersionInfo structure. This enables you to easily
# determine the presence of a required set of operating system version conditions. It is preferable to
# use VerifyVersionInfo rather than calling the GetVersionEx function to perform your own comparisons.
# Typically, VerifyVersionInfo returns a nonzero value only if all specified tests succeed. However,
# major, minor, and service pack versions are tested in a hierarchical manner because the operating
# system version is a combination of these values. If a condition exists for the major version, it
# supersedes the conditions specified for minor version and service pack version. (You cannot test for
# major version greater than 5 and minor version less than or equal to 1. If you specify such a test,
# the function will change the request to test for a minor version greater than 1 because it is
# performing a greater than operation on the major version.)
# The function tests these values in this order: major version, minor version, and service pack version.
# The function continues testing values while they are equal, and stops when one of the values does not
# meet the specified condition. For example, if you test for a system greater than or equal to version
# 5.1 service pack 1, the test succeeds if the current version is 6.0. (The major version is greater
# than the specified version, so the testing stops.) In the same way, if you test for a system greater
# than or equal to version 5.1 service pack 1, the test succeeds if the current version is 5.2. (The
# minor version is greater than the specified versions, so the testing stops.) However, if you test for
# a system greater than or equal to version 5.1 service pack 1, the test fails if the current version is
# 5.0 service pack 2. (The minor version is not greater than the specified version, so the testing stops.)
# To verify a range of system versions, you must call VerifyVersionInfo twice. For example, to verify
# that the system version is greater than 5.0 but less than or equal to 5.1, first call
# VerifyVersionInfo to test that the major version is 5 and the minor version is greater than 0, then
# call VerifyVersionInfo again to test that the major version is 5 and the minor version is less than or
# equal to 1.
# Identifying the current operating system is usually not the best way to determine whether a particular
# operating system feature is present. This is because the operating system may have had new features
# added in a redistributable DLL. Rather than using GetVersionEx to determine the operating system
# platform or version number, test for the presence of the feature itself. For more information,
# {see Operating System Version}[].
# To verify whether the current operating system is either the Media Center or Tablet PC version of
# Windows, call GetSystemMetrics.
# ---
# *Requirements*
# Client Requires Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 Professional.
# Server Requires Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, or Windows 2000 Server.
# Header Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h.
# Library Use Kernel32.lib.
# Unicode Implemented as VerifyVersionInfoW (Unicode) and VerifyVersionInfoA (ANSI).
# ---
# *See* *Also*
# GetVersionEx
# VerSetConditionMask
# {Operating System Version}[]
# ---
# <b>Enhanced (snake_case) API: </b>
# :call-seq:
# success = verify_version_info(lp_version_info, dw_type_mask, dwl_condition_mask)
function :VerifyVersionInfo, [:pointer, :uint32, :uint64], :int8, boolean: true

# VerSetConditionMask Function
# Sets the bits of a 64-bit value to indicate the comparison operator to use for a specified operating
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,13 +464,23 @@ class OSVERSIONINFOEX < FFI::Struct
# VerifyVersionInfo
# ---
# <b>Enhanced (snake_case) API: </b>
# <b>Enhanced (snake_case) API: dwl_condition_mask defaults to 0, you can send in an Array of type/condition
# pairs instead of single dw_type_bit_mask/dw_condition_mask pair</b>
# :call-seq:
# mask = ver_set_condition_mask(dwl_condition_mask, dw_type_bit_mask, dw_condition_mask)
function :VerSetConditionMask, [:uint64, :uint32, :uchar], :uint64

# mask = ver_set_condition_mask(previous_mask=0, type_bit_mask, condition_mask)
function :VerSetConditionMask, [:uint64, :uint32, :uchar], :uint64,
&->(api, *args) {
case args.last
when Array
mask = args.size == 2 ? args.shift : 0
args.last.flatten.each_slice(2) {|pair| mask =, *pair) }
mask = args.size == 3 ? args.shift : 0 mask, *args
end }

# Convenience methods:

Expand Down
60 changes: 59 additions & 1 deletion spec/win/system/version_spec.rb
Expand Up @@ -84,6 +84,27 @@ def os_version_numbers
mask1.should be_an Integer
mask1.should == mask2

context 'snake api accepts both single type/condition pair or an Array of type/condition pairs' do
it 'with single condition' do
mask1 = ver_set_condition_mask(0, VER_MAJORVERSION, VER_EQUAL)
mask2 = ver_set_condition_mask(VER_MAJORVERSION, VER_EQUAL)
mask3 = ver_set_condition_mask([VER_MAJORVERSION, VER_EQUAL])
mask4 = ver_set_condition_mask([[VER_MAJORVERSION, VER_EQUAL]])
mask1.should == mask2
mask1.should == mask4
mask1.should == mask3
it 'with multiple conditions' do
mask1 = ver_set_condition_mask(0, [[VER_MAJORVERSION, VER_EQUAL], [VER_MINORVERSION, VER_EQUAL]])
mask2 = ver_set_condition_mask([[VER_MAJORVERSION, VER_EQUAL], [VER_MINORVERSION, VER_EQUAL]])
mask3 = ver_set_condition_mask(0, [VER_MAJORVERSION, VER_EQUAL, VER_MINORVERSION, VER_EQUAL])
mask1.should == mask2
mask1.should == mask3
mask1.should == mask4
end # describe ver_set_condition_mask

describe "#verify_version_info" do
Expand All @@ -102,10 +123,47 @@ def os_version_numbers
spec{ use{ verified = VerifyVersionInfo(@expected.to_ptr, dw_type_mask=VER_MAJORVERSION, dwl_condition_mask=@mask_equal) }}
spec{ use{ verified = verify_version_info(@expected.to_ptr, dw_type_mask=VER_MAJORVERSION, dwl_condition_mask=@mask_equal) }}

it "checks if current OS features are in line with expected features " do
it "returns 1/true if current OS features are in line with expected features " do
VerifyVersionInfo(@expected.to_ptr, VER_MAJORVERSION | VER_MINORVERSION, @mask_equal).should == 1
verify_version_info(@expected.to_ptr, VER_MAJORVERSION | VER_MINORVERSION, @mask_equal).should == true

it "returns 0/false if current OS features are different from expected" do
@expected[:dw_major_version] = 1
VerifyVersionInfo(@expected.to_ptr, VER_MAJORVERSION | VER_MINORVERSION, @mask_equal).should == 0
verify_version_info(@expected.to_ptr, VER_MAJORVERSION | VER_MINORVERSION, @mask_equal).should == false
end # describe verify_version_info

describe "convenience version checking methods" do
it 'returns true for current OS type, false otherwise' do
when os_2000?
windows_2000?.should == true
windows_xp?.should == false
windows_2003?.should == false
windows_vista?.should == false
windows_7?.should == false
when os_xp?
windows_2000?.should == false
windows_xp?.should == true
windows_2003?.should == false
windows_vista?.should == false
windows_7?.should == false
when os_vista?
windows_2000?.should == false
windows_xp?.should == false
windows_2003?.should == false
windows_vista?.should == true
windows_7?.should == false
when os_7?
windows_2000?.should == false
windows_xp?.should == false
windows_2003?.should == false
windows_vista?.should == false
windows_7?.should == true

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