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{{db}} - Gopher Sauce extension

Install database pipelines to your templates. Perform Mongo database actions with Golang templates.

  1. Guide
  2. pipelines 🐧

Add this import tag within your .gxml file.

<import src=""/>

#Test it Make sure MongoDb is running!

go get

How it works

Save object

  1. Connect to database. Add this within your main tag in the root of your .gxml file.

     defer dbs.Close()
     dbs,_ = db.Connect("localhost", "dbtest")
  2. Declare a struct within your header tag in your GoS file. This struct will be named Sample. It is a must to have the Id field.

     <struct name="Sample">
     	Id bson.ObjectId `bson:"_id,omitempty"`
     	TestField string `valid:"unique"`
     	FieldTwo string `valid:"email,unique,required"`
     	Created time.Time //timestamp local format
     	Updated time.Time			
  3. Create a new file named index.tmpl in your tmpl directory. Contents of file :

     <!DOCTYPE html>
     	<html lang="en">
             <title>DB Example</title>
     		<!-- pipelines will go here -->
  4. Add these following lines in <!-- pipelines will go here --> :

  5. to create a new Sample within your index.tmpl. This will auto-populate Id and Created.

     	{{ $obj := New Sample }}
  6. Update values of $obj to prevent validation errors

     {{with $obj }}
        	{{ .|u "FieldTwo" "" }}
  7. Save $obj to database :

     {{ $err := $obj | Update }} 
  8. Check if error occurred and display :

         {{ if $err | neq "" }}
      		<h1>Error {{$err}}</h1>

Get object

  1. Add these following lines in <!-- pipelines will go here --> :

  2. Load a new query map :

       {{ $query := search }}
  3. Set query keys :

         {{with $query }}
         	{{ . | k "fieldtwo" "" }}
  4. Perform query and display one item :

      	{{ with $query | Q Sample}}
             {{ . | One }}
         {{ end }}
  5. Perform a query and attempt update. The pipeline isSample will convert the JSON database object to a Sample struct reader.

     {{ with $query | Q Sample}}
         {{ range . | All }}
                 {{ . | k "fieldtwo" "newmail" }}
                 <!-- Cast similar to with $obj -->
                 {{ with . | isSample }}
                    FieldTwo : {{ .FieldTwo }}
                    <!-- will display invalid email -->
                    {{ . | Update }}
                 {{end }}
         {{ end }}
     {{ end }}


{{ New param }}

Returns Struct with Id and Created initialized.

  • param : Struct name without strings or any braces. For example a struct declared in your .gxml file named Sample will be initialized with pipeline {{ $obj := New Sample }}

{{ $param | Update }}

If an error occurs while updating your object this pipeline will return a string error as to why.

  • $param : Struct to save to database.

{{ $param | Delete }}

If an error occurs while updating your object this pipeline will return a string error as to why.

  • $param : Struct to remove from database. Requires a valid ObjectId in field Id to work.

{{ $param | u "$param1" $param2 }}

Update a field value within your struct.

  • $param : Struct to update.
  • $param1 : Struct field name to update.
  • $param2 : New value to set to specified struct field.

{{ search }}

Returns a new query map (= json ).

{{ $search | k "$param1" $param2 }}

Set a key within your query map. This is the equivalent of updating a map value within Go.

  • $search : Query map.
  • $param1 : String of key to set.
  • $param2 : Value to set.

{{ $search | rmk "$param1" }}

Remove key from query map.

  • $search : Query map.
  • $param1 : String of key to remove.

{{ $search | v "$param1" }}

Return value of specified query map key.

  • $search : Query map.
  • $param1 : String of key to retrieve.

{{ $search | Q $param1 }}

Return new *mgo.Query.

  • $search : Query map.
  • $param1 : Struct name without strings or any braces. For example a struct declared in your .gxml file named Sample will be initialized with pipeline {{ $search | Q Sample }}

{{ Limit $param $param1 }}

Limit query to specified number.

  • $param : *mgo.Query to limit.
  • $param1 : int value to limit query by.

{{ Skip $param $param1 }}

Skip query by specified number.

  • $param : *mgo.Query to limit.
  • $param1 : int value to skip query by.

{{ Sort $param $param1 }}

Sort query by specified field. Any struct field must be in lower case.

  • $param : *mgo.Query to limit.
  • $param1 : string of field and sort syntax. For example {{ Sort $query "-firstname" }}

{{ $param | Count }}

Return int length of query.

  • $param : *mgo.Query to count.

{{ $param | All }}

Return slice of maps of your query.

  • $param : *mgo.Query to count.

{{ $param | One }}

Return one result of your query as a map.

  • $param : *mgo.Query to find one of.

Cast trick

Use the following syntax to convert a map to a struct for item update or removal. Only structs declared within your project's gxml files are available to your templates

 {{  $map | is<GoS Struct name> }}


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