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ResNet50 Keras model

This repository provides a script and recipe to train the ResNet keras model to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy, and is tested and maintained by Habana. Please visit this page for performance information.

For more information about training deep learning models on Gaudi, visit

Table of Contents

Model Overview

ResNet keras model is a modified version of the original TensorFlow model garden model. It uses a custom training loop, supports 50 layers and can work both with SGD and LARS optimizers.


Please follow the instructions given in the following link for setting up the environment including the $PYTHON environment variable: Gaudi Setup and Installation Guide. Please answer the questions in the guide according to your preferences. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your system to run the model on Gaudi.

Set the MPI_ROOT environment variable to the directory where OpenMPI is installed.

For example, in Habana containers, use

export MPI_ROOT=/usr/lib/habanalabs/openmpi/

Training data

The ResNet50 Keras script operates on ImageNet 1k, a widely popular image classification dataset from the ILSVRC challenge. In order to obtain the dataset, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up with and acquire the rights to download original images
  2. Follow the link to the 2012 ILSVRC and download ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar and ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar.
  3. Ensure python3 and the following Python packages are installed: TensorFlow 2.4.1 or Tensorflow 2.5.0 and absl-py.
  4. Use the commands below - they will prepare the dataset under /data/tensorflow_datasets/imagenet/tf_records. This is the default data_dir for the training script.
export IMAGENET_HOME=/data/tensorflow_datasets/imagenet/tf_records
mkdir -p $IMAGENET_HOME/img_val
mkdir -p $IMAGENET_HOME/img_train
tar xf ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar -C $IMAGENET_HOME/img_val
tar xf ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar -C $IMAGENET_HOME/img_train
cd $IMAGENET_HOME/img_train
for f in *.tar; do
  d=`basename $f .tar`
  mkdir $d
  tar xf $f -C $d
rm $IMAGENET_HOME/img_train/*.tar # optional
wget -O synset_labels.txt
cd Model-References/TensorFlow/computer_vision/Resnets
  --raw_data_dir=$IMAGENET_HOME \
  --local_scratch_dir=$IMAGENET_HOME/tf_records \


Clone the repository and go to resnet_keras directory:

git clone
cd Model-References/TensorFlow/computer_vision/Resnets/resnet_keras

Note: If the repository is not in the PYTHONPATH, make sure you update it.

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/Model-References:$PYTHONPATH

Multi-Chassis Training

The following directions are generalized for use of Multi-Chassis:

  1. Follow Setup above on all chassis
  2. Follow Training above on all chassis
  3. Configure ssh between chassis (Inside all dockers): Do the following on all chassis dockers:
mkdir ~/.ssh
cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Copy contents from every chassis to every authorized_keys (all public keys need to be in all hosts' authorized_keys):

cat > authorized_keys
vi authorized_keys

Copy the contents from inside to other system Paste both hosts public keys in both host’s “authorized_keys” file

On each system: Add all hosts (including itself) to known_hosts:

ssh-keyscan -p 3022 -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

By default, the Habana docker uses port 3022 for ssh, and this is the default port configured in the training scripts. Sometimes, mpirun can fail to establish the remote connection when there is more than one Habana docker session running on the main HLS in which the Python training script is run. If this happens, you can set up a different ssh port as follows:

In each docker container:

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config

Add a different port number: Port 4022

Finally, restart sshd service on all hosts:

service ssh stop
service ssh start
  1. Run Rn50 16 cards:
  • MPI_TCP_INCLUDE - comma separated list of interfaces or subntes. This variable will set the mpirun parameter: --mca btl_tcp_if_include. This parameter tells mpi which TCP interfaces to use for communication between hosts. You can specify interface names or subnets in the include list in CIDR notation e.g. MPI_TCP_INCLUDE=eno1. More details: Open MPI documentaion
MPI_TCP_INCLUDE=interface_name MULTI_HLS_IPS=, $PYTHON -dt bf16 -dlit bf16 --use_horovod --num_workers_per_hls 8 -te 40 --optimizer LARS --experimental_preloading --data_dir /data/tensorflow_datasets/imagenet/tf_records

Two ways of running the model

Note: both scripts described below can be found under the following location: Model-References/TensorFlow/computer_vision/Resnets/resnet_keras

The demo_resnet_keras script

We've prepared a custom python wrapper called which facilitates running the ResNet model. It wraps around the script described in the next section. Most importantly, the wrapper makes it easier for the user to run multicard trainings and also automates some hyperparameter setting when using LARS optimizer (see section "Using LARS optimizer"). is a distributed launcher for

usage: python [arguments]

optional arguments:

-dt <data_type>,   --dtype <data_type>                  Data type, possible values: fp32, bf16. Defaults to fp32
-dlit <data_type>, --data_loader_image_type <data_type> Data loader images output. Should normally be set to the same data_type as the '--dtype' param
-bs <batch_size>,  --batch_size <batch_size>            Batch size, defaults to 256
-te <epochs>,      --train_epochs <epochs>              Number of training epochs, defaults to 1
-dd <data_dir>,    --data_dir <data_dir>                Data dir, defaults to `/data/tensorflow_datasets/imagenet/tf_records/`.
                                                        Needs to be specified if the above does not exists.
-md <model_dir>,   --model_dir <model_dir>              Model dir, defaults to /tmp/resnet
                   --clean                              If set, model_dir will be removed if it exists. Unset by default
                   --train_steps <steps>                Max train steps
                   --log_steps <steps>                  How often display step status, defaults to 100
                   --steps_per_loop <steps>             Number of steps per training loop. Will be capped at steps per epoch, defaults to 50.
                   --enable_checkpoint_and_export       Enables checkpoint callbacks and exports the saved model.
                   --enable_tensorboard                 Enables Tensorboard callbacks.
-ebe <epochs>      --epochs_between_evals <epochs>      Number of training epochs between evaluations, defaults to 1.
                   --experimental_preloading            Enables support for 'data.experimental.prefetch_to_device' TensorFlow operator.
                                                        If set, for TF version < 2.5.0 only, loads (via LD_PRELOAD)
                   --optimizer <optimizer_type>         Name of optimizer preset, possible values: SGD, LARS. Defaults to SGD.
                   --num_workers_per_hls <num_workers>  Number of workers per node. Defaults to 1.
                                                        In case num_workers_per_hls > 1, it runs ' [ARGS]' via mpirun with generated HCL config.
                                                        Must be used together with --use_horovod either --distribution_strategy
                   --use_horovod                        Enable horovod for multicard scenarios
                   --distribution_strategy <strategy>   The Distribution Strategy to use for training. Defaults to off
                   --kubernetes_run                     Setup kubernetes run for multi HLS training


python -dt bf16 -dlit bf16 --experimental_preloading -bs 256
python -te 90 --optimizer LARS -bs 128
python --dtype bf16 -dlit bf16 --use_horovod --num_workers_per_hls 8 -te 40 --optimizer LARS -bs 256
In order to see all possible arguments to, run "python --helpfull

The modified community script

Apart from the custom wrapper, users can also use the modified community script,, directly. The modifications include changing the default values of parameters, setting environment variables, changing include paths, etc. The changes are described in the license headers of the respective files.

Using LARS optimizer

Using LARS optimizer usually requires changing the default values of some hyperparameters. This is done automatically in, but needs to be passed manually when using The recommended parameters together with their default values are presented below:

Parameter Value
optimizer LARS
base_learning_rate 9.5
warmup_epochs 3
lr_schedule polynomial
label_smoothing 0.1
weight_decay 0.0001
single_l2_loss_op True

The following commands would be equivalent:

  1. Using custom wrapper

    $PYTHON --optimizer LARS
  2. Using modified community script

    $PYTHON --optimizer LARS --base_learning_rate 9.5 --warmup_epochs 3 --lr_schedule polynomial --label_smoothing 0.1 --weight_decay 0.0001 --single_l2_loss_op

Training Examples

Run training on 1 HPU

  • ResNet50, 1 Gaudi, batch 256, 90 epochs, bf16 precision, SGD, experimental preloading
    $PYTHON -dt bf16 -dlit bf16 --train_epochs 90 -bs 256 --experimental_preloading
  • ResNet50, 1 Gaudi, batch 128, 1 epoch, fp32 precision, LARS
    $PYTHON -bs 128 --optimizer LARS

Run training on 8 HPU - Horovod

  • ResNet50, 8 Gaudis on 1 HLS, batch 256, 40 epochs, bf16 precision, LARS, experimental preloading
    $PYTHON --dtype bf16 --data_loader_image_type bf16 --use_horovod --num_workers_per_hls 8 -te 40 -bs 256 --optimizer LARS --experimental_preloading

Run training on 8 HPU with mpirun and - Horovod

  • You can also run directly with mpirun. The following command will be roughly equivalent to the one presented above:
    mpirun --allow-run-as-root --bind-to core -np 8 --map-by socket:PE=7 --merge-stderr-to-stdout $PYTHON --dtype bf16 --data_loader_image_type bf16 --use_horovod --num_workers_per_hls 8 --kubernetes_run=True -te 40 -bs 256 --optimizer LARS --experimental_preloading

Run training on 8 HPU with the modified community script - Horovod

  • You can also run the community script ( directly with mpirun. The following command will be roughly equivalent to the one presented above*:
    mpirun --allow-run-as-root --bind-to core -np 8 --map-by socket:PE=7 --merge-stderr-to-stdout $PYTHON --dtype bf16 --data_loader_image_type bf16 --use_horovod -te 40 -bs 256 --optimizer LARS --base_learning_rate 9.5 --warmup_epochs 3 --lr_schedule polynomial --label_smoothing 0.1 --weight_decay 0.0001 --single_l2_loss_op --experimental_preloading

Run training on 8 HPU - tf.distribute

  • ResNet50, 8 Gaudis on 1 HLS, batch 256, 40 epochs, bf16 precision, LARS
    $PYTHON -dt bf16 -dlit bf16 --batch_size 2048 --distribution_strategy=hpu --num_workers_per_hls 8 -te 40 --optimizer LARS --experimental_preloading


  • Currently tf.distribute on HPU working only with Tensorflow 2.4.x
  • Currently --experimental_preloading is required to run hpu distribution_strategy.
  • Unlike Horovod, global batch size must be specified for tf.distribute. E.g. in this case 256 * 8 workers = 2048

Run training on 16 HPU - multiHLS - Horovod

  • ResNet50, 16 Gaudis on 2 boxes, batch 256, 40 epochs, bf16 precision, LARS, experimental preloading enabled
    # This environment variable is needed for multi-node training with Horovod.
    # Set this to be a comma-separated string of host IP addresses, e.g.:
    export MULTI_HLS_IPS=,
    # Set this to the network interface name or subnet that will be use by mpi to communicate e.g.:
    export MPI_TCP_INCLUDE=interface_name
    $PYTHON -dt bf16 -dlit bf16 -bs 256 --use_horovod --num_workers_per_hls 8 -te 40 --optimizer LARS --experimental_preloading --data_dir /data/tensorflow_datasets/imagenet/tf_records

Note that to run multiHLS over host NICs, use --horovod_hierarchical_allreduce flag. This is required for AWS users.

Run training on 16 HPU - multiHLS with the modified community script - Horovod

  • You can also run the community script ( directly with mpirun
    mpirun --allow-run-as-root --mca plm_rsh_args -p3022 --bind-to core --map-by socket:PE=7 -np 16 --mca btl_tcp_if_include --tag-output --merge-stderr-to-stdout --prefix $MPI_ROOT -H, -x GC_KERNEL_PATH -x HABANA_LOGS -x PYTHONPATH -x HCL_CONFIG_PATH $PYTHON /root/model_garden/TensorFlow/computer_vision/Resnets/resnet_keras/ -dt bf16 -dlit bf16 -bs 256 --use_horovod --data_dir /root/tensorflow_datasets/imagenet/tf_records/

Note that to run multi-HLS training over host NICs:

  • The --horovod_hierarchical_allreduce option must be set. This is required for AWS users.

Top performace examples

  • Resnet 50 training on 8 HPU 1 box - Horovod

    $PYTHON -dt bf16 -dlit bf16 -te 40 --steps_per_loop 1000 -ebe 40 --experimental_preloading --optimizer LARS --num_workers_per_hls 8 -bs 256
  • Resnet 50 training on 32 HPU 4 boxes - Horovod

    export MULTI_HLS_IPS=IP1,IP2,IP3,IP4
    export MPI_TCP_INCLUDE: "interface_name"
    $PYTHON -dt bf16 -dlit bf16 -te 40 --steps_per_loop 1000 -ebe 40 --experimental_preloading --optimizer LARS --use_horovod --num_workers_per_hls 8 -bs 256