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Qidong is a Scala pipeline library which provides generic type safe combinators to glue functions together.


  • type safe function composition
  • resumable computation
  • call trace
  • state update notification
  • error handling
  • onFinish

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First Program

Suppose that we have three functions:

val f1 = (i: Int) => i + 1
val f2 = (i: Int) => i + 2
val f3 = (i: Int) => i + 3

We can glue them together by the operator =>:

import scalaz._ , Scalaz._
import qidong.pipeline.ops._
val fs = f1 =>: f2 =>: f3

fs is a value which should be evaluated in a context: (currently support Scalaz Task and Monix Task)

import scalaz.concurrent.Task
val task =[Task](0)

the return value task is a value which has the type of Task[\/[MFailure[Task, MSuccess[Int]], MSuccess[Int]]]. it is a recursive type on MSuccess. which can be read as the expression will be evaluated to MSucess[Int] when no failure occurs, will be evaluated to MFailure[Task, MSuccess[Int]] when failure ocurs and if we keep trying (call resume method on it) it will eventually evaluated to MSuccess[Int], potentially infinitely.

To get the result of it, we can call one of Scalaz Task's unsafe-* methods:

val \/-(ret) = task.unsafePerformSync

if all good, we get back a value of type \/-[MSuccess[Int]]. MSucess is defined as:

final case class MSuccess[IO](trace: Tree[MTraceNode], data: IO)

the data is the return value of evaluating the whole expression. the trace looks like this (call println(ret.trace.drawTree)):

+- MSuccNode(1df5d6ad-deab-49e1-baff-0c4f0bdace3d,Timing(2017-06-02T13:10:26.365,2017-06-02T13:10:26.368))
+- MSuccNode(f3ae0541-fa65-4a04-81df-c3ca24b1747a,Timing(2017-06-02T13:10:26.368,2017-06-02T13:10:26.369))
+- MSuccNode(35db7231-4272-4d33-9d24-250ab0eb556d,Timing(2017-06-02T13:10:26.369,2017-06-02T13:10:26.369))

which is the logs or call trace of the evaluation. where the first part of MSuccNode is an uuid which is used as an identitifer and second part recording the start and end time of running the function. MSuccNode indicates that the computation is successfully completed. apart from MSuccNode there are other nodes I will talk about later.


The uuid reprensentation of a function is not very human readable. We can give each function a name:

val f1 = ((i: Int) => i + 1).name("function 1")
val f2 = ((i: Int) => i + 2).name("function 2")
val f3 = ((i: Int) => i + 3).name("function 3")

then re-evaluate the expression:

import qidong.pipeline.ops._
val fs = f1 =>: f2 =>: f3
val \/-(ret) =[Task](0).unsafePerformSync

the output will be:

+- MSuccNode(function 1,Timing(2017-06-02T13:22:07.797,2017-06-02T13:22:07.800))
+- MSuccNode(function 2,Timing(2017-06-02T13:22:07.800,2017-06-02T13:22:07.800))
`- MSuccNode(function 3,Timing(2017-06-02T13:22:07.800,2017-06-02T13:22:07.800))

When Exception happens

Scala function can throw exceptions:

val f1 = ((i: Int) => i + 1).name("function 1")
val f2 = ((i: Int) => {throw new Exception("oops"); i + 2}).name("function 2")
val f3 = ((i: Int) => i + 3).name("function 3")
val fs = f1 =>: f2 =>: f3
val -\/(fail) =[Task](0).unsafePerformSync

evaluation of fs will return a MFailure object which among other stuff also has a trace attribute of type Tree[MTraceNode]. let's print the trace:


and the output looks like:

+- MSuccNode(function 1,Timing(2017-06-02T13:37:04.837,2017-06-02T13:37:04.837))
+- MFailNode(function 2,java.lang.Exception: oops,Timing(2017-06-02T13:37:04.837,2017-06-02T13:37:04.837))
`- MNotRunNode(function 3)

beside MSuccNode, there are other two nodes:

  • The MFailNode indicates which functions is failed, when and why.
  • The MNotRunNode tells which functions are not running because of previous failure. so, the trace gives us not only which functions are evaluated successfully, or failed but also tells us which functions are not evaluated in this expression.

Type safety

The =>: combinator can compose any function in a sensible way. Compilation error will occurs when two function is not compatiable. in terms of compatiable I mean that the first function's return type should be subtype of the second function's parameter type.

   import shapeless.test.illTyped
   import qidong.pipeline.ops._
    val m1 = (i: Int) => "a"
    val m2 = (s: String) => 1
    val m3 = (s: String) => 1
    val ms = m1 =>: m2
    illTyped("""m2 =>: m3""")

m1 can compose with m2 because m1's return type(String) is compatiable to m2's parameter type(String). m2 can not compose with m3 because m2's return type(Int) is incompatiable to m3's parameter type(String). Incompatiable combination will fail the compiler.

and here is an example of subtype relation:

    class A
    class B extends A
    class C extends B

    val f1 = () => new C
    val f2 = (b: B) => new A
    val fs = f1 =>: f2

f1 and f2 are composable because f1's return type( C ) is subtype of f2's parameter type(B).

There are two classes of functions () => A and Unit => A, where A is a type parameter, which are internally transformed to Any => A. Any is the top type in Scala so that they can follow any other functions.

    val m1 = () => 1
    val m2 = (Unit: Unit) => 1
    val m3 = (i: Int) => i.toString
    val ms1 = m3 =>: m1
    val ms2 = m3 =>: m2

both ms1 and ms2 are type checked.

Effectful type

functions have the shape I => F[O] is effectful when F is one of the following type constructor:

  • Either[Throwable, ?]
  • Try
  • \/[Throwable,?]
  • Future

I and O are type parameters. \/ is the scalaz disjunction type. composition of those functions follow the same compatiable rule.

    val f1 = (i: Int) => Try(i)
    val f2 = (i: Int) => i.right[Throwable]
    val f3 = (i: Int) => Future(i)
    val f4: Int => Either[Throwable, Int] = (i: Int) => Right(i)
    val f5 = (i:Int) => i
    val ms = f1 =>: f2 =>: f3 =>: f4 =>: f5 =>: f1

ms is a valid expression and type checked.

Aside type safety

Qidong use shapeless' HList as its internal reprensentation. therefore, you can circumvent the validation checking by directly using :::

    val f1 = (i: Int) => Try(i)
    val ms = f1 :: "xyz" :: 123 :: HNil

ms is type checked. but when you try to evaluate ms, you will get a compilation error.(implicit value can not be found blah, blah)

  val ev =[Task](0)

it fails at compilation time, not runtime anyway.


when we want to compose two functions where the subtype relation is not hold, Qidong provides a few methods to adjust the input and output of functions as per your need. suppose we have two functions in hand which normally can not be composed:

    import shapeless.test.illTyped
    val m1 = ((i: Int) => "a").name("m1")
    val m2 = ((i: Int) => 1).name("m2")
    illTyped("""m1 =>: m2""")


we can use mapfst to adjust m2's input so that they can be composed:

    val ms = m1 =>: m2.mapfst((s: String) => s.toInt + 1)

mapfst also works for grouped functions:

    val m3 = (i:Int) => i + 1
    val ms =  m1 =>: (m2 =>: m3).mapfst((s: String) => s.toInt + 1)

which is equivalent to:

    val m3 = (i:Int) => i + 1
    val ms =  m1 =>: m2.mapfst((s: String) => s.toInt + 1) =>: m3


or we can use map or mapsnd to adjust m1's output

    val ms2 = m1.mapsnd(_.toInt) =>: m2
    val ms3 = =>: m2

map and mapsnd also work for grouped functions:

    val m3 = (i:Int) => i + 1
    val ms2 = (m3 =>: m1).mapsnd(_.toInt) =>: m2
    val ms3 = (m3 =>: m1).map(_.toInt) =>: m2

which is equivalent to

    val m3 = (i:Int) => i + 1
    val ms2 = m3 =>: m1.mapsnd(_.toInt) =>: m2
    val ms3 = m3 =>: =>: m2

the internal representation of a function is essential a Scalaz's UpStarF type which is an instance of Profunctor.


the keep method simply copy first function's input to its output:

    val m1 = (i: Int) => i
    val m2 = (i: Int, j: Int) => i + j
    val ms = m1.keep =>: m2.tupled

long distance keep

for grouped functions, the keep method copy first function's input to the last function's output:

    val m1 = (i: Int) => i
    val m2 = (i: Int, j: Int) => i + j
    val ms = (m1 =>: m1 =>: m1).keep =>: m2.tupled

the first m1's input will be copied to the output of the group. internally, Qidong rewrites all the functions in the group.


when apply keep several times, the output will be a nested tuple. mapsndFlatTuple/mapFlatTuple is functional equivalent to map/mapsnd but taking a plain tuple as parameter instead of nested tuple.

    val m1 = (i: Int) => i
    val f2 = (i: (Int, (Int, Int))) => i._1 + i._2._1 + i._2._2
    val ms = (m1 =>: (m1 =>: m1).keep)

is equivalent to:

    val m1 = (i: Int) => i
    val f2 = (i: Int, j: Int, k: Int) => i + j + k
    val ms = (m1 =>: (m1 =>: m1).keep).keep.mapFlatTuple(f2.tupled)

Resume computation

evaluation failure is resumable.

failed evaluation of an expression will return a Mfailure object. which is defined as:

  final case class MFailure[E[_], O](
    name: String,
    resume: () => E[\/[MFailure[E, O], O]],
    ex: Throwable,
    trace: Tree[MTraceNode],
    timing: Timing)

the resume attribute is a continuation which can be used to continue the evaluation from the failure-point. when resume() is called on a failed computation, Qidong will re-evaluate the last failed function and if success, going on to the end.

  import qidong.pipeline.ops._
  val m1 = ((i: Int) => { i + 1 }).name("m1")
  val m3 = ((i: Int) => { i + 1 }).name("m3")
    var flag = 0
  val rm2 = (i: Int) => 
      if (flag == 0) { flag += 1; throw new Exception("haha")
      } else i + 1
  val ms = m1 =>:"rm2") =>: m3
  val -\/(ret) =[Task].apply(1).unsafePerformSync
  val \/-(resumed) = ret.resume().unsafePerformSync

Resume does respect to the resume-boundary when we set up a function group then resume is not restarted from the failure point but the beginning of the group:

  import qidong.pipeline.ops._
  val m1 = ((i: Int) => { i + 1 }).name("m1")
  val m3 = ((i: Int) => { i + 1 }).name("m3")
    var flag = 0
  val rm2 = (i: Int) => 
      if (flag == 0) { flag += 1; throw new Exception("haha")
      } else i + 1
  val ms = (m1 =>:"rm2")).name("group1") =>: m3
  val -\/(ret) =[Task].apply(1).unsafePerformSync
  val \/-(resumed) = ret.resume().unsafePerformSync

when resumed, the computation start from group1's start function m1 in this case.

Group functions

naming a group:

val g1 = (m1 =>: m2 =>: m3).name("group1")

when you give a name to a few of functions connected by =>:, you create a logic group. here is a example of grouped functions and its output.

  import qidong.pipeline.ops._
  val m0 = ((i: Int) => { println("call m0"); i + 1 }).name("m0")
  val m1 = ((i: Int) => { println("call m1"); i + 1 }).name("m1")
  val m2 = ((i: Int) => { println("call m2"); i + 1 }).name("m2")
  val m3 = ((i: Int) => { println("call m3"); throw new Exception("aa"); i + 1 }).name("m3")
  val m4 = ((i: Int) => { println("call m4"); i + 1 }).name("m4")
  val m5 = ((i: Int) => { println("call m5"); i + 1 }).name("m5")
  val ms = m0 =>: (m1 =>: m2).name("group1") =>: m5 =>: (m3 =>: m4).name("group2") =>: m5
  val -\/(ret) =[Task](1).unsafePerformSync

will output:

+- MSuccNode(m0,Timing(2017-06-02T17:21:46.276,2017-06-02T17:21:46.283))
+- MGroupNode(group1)
|  +- MSuccNode(m1,Timing(2017-06-02T17:21:46.285,2017-06-02T17:21:46.285))
|  `- MSuccNode(m2,Timing(2017-06-02T17:21:46.285,2017-06-02T17:21:46.286))
+- MSuccNode(m5,Timing(2017-06-02T17:21:46.287,2017-06-02T17:21:46.287))
+- MGroupNode(group2)
|  +- MFailNode(m3,Timing(2017-06-02T17:21:46.287,2017-06-02T17:21:46.287))
|  `- MNotRunNode(m4)
`- MNotRunNode(m5)

the group structure is preserved.

Error handling

Error handling can be applied on function level:

    val ms = m2 =>: m3.handleError((i, ex) => 1) =>: m4 =>: m5
    val \/-(ret) =[Task](0).unsafePerformSync

where, i is the input parameter of m3 and ex is Throwable handleError take a function which has the type:

 (I, Throwable) => O

where I is the parameter type and O is the return type of the function

State update notification

State update notification will be fired after a function is completely evaluated. we can setup a listener to get notified:

    val mm = m3.stateUpdate(println)
    val ms = m0 =>: mm =>: m2 =>: m3

when complete evaluation of mm an event will be fired. stateUpdate take a function which has the type:

MCompleted => Unit

where MCompleted should be one of the following type:

final case class MFailNode(override val name: String, ex: Throwable, timing: Timing)
final case class MSuccNode(override val name: String, timing: Timing)
final case class MRecoveredByErrorHandlerNode(override val name: String, ex: Throwable, timing: Timing)

onFinish handler

We can attach to each function an onFinish handler which is guarenteed to be called after the function is complete evaluated, successfully or with failure:

    val ms = m0 =>: m1 =>: m2.onFinish(h => println(h)) =>: m4
    val \/-(ret) =[Task](0).unsafePerformSync

onFinish take a function which has the type:

I => Unit

where I is the parameter type of the function.

Expression tree

once we have an expression, we can show its structure without evaluating it:


will output a tree-like structure:

+- "m0"
+- "group1"
|  -- "m1"
|  -- "m2"
+- "m5"
+- "group2"
|  -- "m3"
|  -- "m4"
`- "m5"

Internal Detail

  • Qidong relies on shapeless and scalaz.
  • the expression generated by =>: operator is nothing but a HList.
  • functions internally wrapped in M case class, and grouped functions, Ms case class.
  • auto-transformation from normal function to M and Ms is implemented in MBuilder.
  • Excution Context adaption is implemented in Evalable
  • Evaluation is implemented in Decomposer

About the name of the project,_Jiangsu


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