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An Headless picker for any js base library/framework that supporting import. you can create your own UI. provide core picker functionality and customizable.

Table of Contents



  • Easy setup and config
  • Headless UI
  • Easy localization
  • Event base Picker
  • DatePicker
  • RangePicker
  • Working with all js base library/framework supporting import (eg, js (with asset bundler), react, react native, angular , ...)
  • Can add holidays, events, badge with no headache
  • Fast and easy to use
  • Support leap year
  • No other third party library
  • Very low bundle size ( ~ 3KB )
  • Written in typescript

Before start

  • This package builds on js new Date() so all the dates are based on gregorian calendars
  • Some helpers provide to return formatted dates based on dateFormatter, you can access gregorian time by helpers that assign to it and customize it based on your need. However, it's not recommended.


npm i headless-custom-datepicker

# or using Yarn:
yarn add headless-custom-datepicker



renderedDate -> used to calculate date for showing days
selectedDate -> the date selected by user


DateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
MonthListObject: {name: string, numberOfDays: number, monthNumber: number }
PickerMonthState: 'current' | 'next'
LocaleProps: { months: { [0 - 12]: {name: string, numberOfDays: number } }}
DaysStateTypes = 'prev' | 'next' | 'current'
Days {  day: number,  state: DaysStateTypes,  date: DateFormat }
Mode = 'day' | 'month' | 'year'


** Range Picker and DatePicker has own implementations so some property and helpers only available in Range Picker (helpers tagged with [RangePicker] in documentation).

Common property:

twoSide?: boolean - default: false
enable or disable twoSide picker

locale: (year: number) => LocaleProps *required
provide a way to customize locale based on your region

  • name and numberOfDays are required
  • the name used to be shown at the top of the picker
  • why is it a function? to support leap year year

dateFormatter?: (date: DateFormat) => date
used to convert dates for localization. this function gets an ISO date ('YYYY-MM-DD') and returns the localized base date in the same format.

weekOffset?: number - default: 0
used to add offset to weeks, in gregorian weeks start on sunday but if your week start form another day you most fix it with this property (see localization section)

dayRenderType?: 'space' | 'fill' - default: 'space'
tell the picker how to calculate days if the first day of month starts in middle of week, this property tells datepicker how to calculate date

  • space => count index, later you fill it with empty cell
  • fill => fill day array with prev and next month days

datePickerAutoRow?: boolean - default:false
Whether or not the rendered days is in middle

datePickerMaxRow?: number - default: 6
set how many rows datepicker to rendered
6 shows all rows completely with one or two extra row base if dayRenderType = 'fill'

** recommend not to change it. but the acceptable tested row <= 12, more row cause problem so be careful.

delayTimeout?: number - default: 150
create 150 ms timeout to change the calendar state for better UX on selecting next or perv month directly when dayRenderType = 'fill'
** can be disabled by set it to 0

date?: DateFormat
this used to show selected date

RangePicker property:

normalized?: boolean - default: true
this determine how to two side date picker behave
if this is true the odd months start at first and the next month comes after and monthStep default value = 2 and month navigation jumps every 2 months
if false the render month comes first and the next after monthStep is set to 1

** Highly recommended this flag set to true if you using RangePicker

endDate?: DateFormat
only set for rangePicker if you want to highlight a default range

Picker return object:

onChangeDate: (newDate: DateFormat) => void
the event triggered on change event and use to update picker

open: boolean
whether or not the calendar is open

setOpen: (open: boolean) => void
use to open/close picker

mode: 'day' | 'month' | 'year' - default: year
based on the mode you create your own UI for displaying the day, month, year,
month, year helping users to navigate easily between dates

setMode: (mode) => void
use to change mode, if the user clicked on the year you can change the mode and show a list of years

getDate: () => date: DateFormat
return formatted date

isSelectedDate: (date) => boolean
determine given date is selected or not, mainly used for styling

changeDay: (date) => void
use to change date, (handler given to day)

getRenderedMonthName: () => string
return month name, use for title

getRenderedYear: () => number
return rendered year

handleShowNextMonth: () => void
handler use to show next month, use for month navigation

handleShowPrevMonth: () => void
handler use to show previous month, use for month navigation

getMonthList: () => MonthListObject[]
return list of month

changeMonth: (monthNumber: number) => void
use to change month

getYearsList: (minimumYear: number, maximumYear: number) => number[]
return list of years based on givin minimumYear, maximumYear

changeYear: (year) => void
use to change year

getRenderedMonth: () => number
use to get rendered month number

isLoading: boolean
determine whether or not picker state is loading

goToToday: ()=> void
go to today

getDaysArray: (monthSate?: DatePickerMonthState) => Days[] - default: monthSate = 'current'
use to get list of days

getRenderedNextMonthName: () => string
return next month name, use for title, use to render two side date picker

getRenderedNextDateYear: () => number
return next rendered date year

getDayMonthOffset: (index: 0 | 1) => number
this function get month days offset when dayRenderType is 'fill', else return 0

onCellHover: (date: DateFormat) => void
called on date picker cell hover ** Only works on range picker

getEndDate: () => string
return selected end date

isDateInRange: (date: DateFormat, includeStart: boolean = false, includeEnd: boolean = true) => boolean
return true if the given date is in range, this used for styling range picker

isSelecting: () => boolean
return true if the state of date picker is selecting, range picker helper

isEndDate: (date: DateFormat) => boolean
return true if the given date is equal to the end date selected in the range picker

handleShowNextYear: () => void
handler use to show next year, use for year navigation

handleShowPrevYear: () => void
handler use to show previous year, use for year navigation

getRenderedDateUnformatted: () => string
return unformatted rendered date

getSelectedDateUnformatted: () => string
return unformatted selected date

getSelectedEndDateUnformatted: () => string | undefined
return unformatted selected end date or undefined

getSelectedEndDate: () => string | undefined
return formatted selected end date or undefined

getRenderedNextMonth: () => number
return next month number

isStartDate: (date: DateFormat) => boolean
return if given date is equal to start date (selected date)

setDate: (date: DateFormat) => void
set selected date directly.

setEndDate: (date: DateFormat) => void
set selected end date directly.

setRenderedDate: (date: DateFormat) => void
set rendered date directly.

getMode: () => Mode
return picker mode

isOpen: () => boolean
return picker open state

isLoadingState: () => void
return picker loading state

Utils helpers

isValidDateFormat: (date: string) => boolean
check if date is valid date DateFormat

addZero: (number: number) => string
adding zero for number less than 10

createDate: (date?: string) => Date
crete date including timezone

validateDate: (date: string) => void
if date is invalid throw error

formatDate: (date?: Date) => void
return given date with format YYYY-MM-DD or '' (empty string) if given date undefined


for localization:

  • first change week list array
  • then set weekOffset based on the week list array is Sunday the first day of your week leave it or set it to 0
  • after this create locale function
  • the last step is to provide a function to translate gregorian date to your locale date the return date format must be YYYY-MM-DD
  • job is done, test it!

example: jalali localization

  • step 1:
const weeksTitle = [
  "شنبه", // sat
  "یک", // sun
  "دو", // mon
  "سه", // tue
  "چهار", // wed
  "پنج", // thu
  "جمعه", // fri
  • step 2:
    in jalali first day of week is Saturday so need to set weekOffset to 1
weekOffset: 1,
  • step 3:
const faLocale: PickerLocale = (year) => ({ // return month name and numberOfDays in jalali calendar
  months: {
    1: { name: "فروردین", numberOfDays: 31 }, // first month and numberOfDays
    2: { name: "اردیبهشت", numberOfDays: 31 },
    3: { name: "خرداد", numberOfDays: 31 },
    4: { name: "تیر", numberOfDays: 31 },
    5: { name: "مرداد", numberOfDays: 31 },
    6: { name: "شهریور", numberOfDays: 31 },
    7: { name: "مهر", numberOfDays: 30 },
    8: { name: "آبان", numberOfDays: 30 },
    9: { name: "آذر", numberOfDays: 30 },
    10: { name: "دی", numberOfDays: 30 },
    11: { name: "بهمن", numberOfDays: 30 },
    12: { name: "اسفند", numberOfDays: year % 4 === 3 ? 30 : 29 }, // this for leap year
  • step 4: I use react-intl for localization and multi-language but if you don't need multi-language or you don't want to use react-intl you can use any formatter you want just remember follow the dateFormatter signature.
import { useIntl } from "react-intl"
import {
} from "headless-custom-datepicker"


function toEnglishNumber(str: string) { // you can move this function to utils folder
  const farsiDigits = [/۰/g, /۱/g, /۲/g, /۳/g, /۴/g, /۵/g, /۶/g, /۷/g, /۸/g, /۹/g,]
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    str = str.replace(farsiDigits[i], i.toString())
  return str


  const { formatDate } = useIntl()


  const formatter = (date: string) => { // date format is 'YYYY-MM-DD'
    // formatted date using formatDate from react-intl and split based on '/'
    // react-intl formatDate returns formatted date based on your locale, so all numbers are converted based on
    // your locale but the picker can't understand that (because use new Date() js function)
    // so need to spilt it based on '/' and convert that number to English number
    // then create a date based on 'YYYY-MM-DD'
    remember to check return date from this function, because react-intl formatDate return different date format for
    different locale, in this case dd[2] not always return day.

    const dd = formatDate(date).split("/") 

    // convert to en number
    const day = Number(toEnglishNumber(dd[2]))
    const month = Number(toEnglishNumber(dd[1]))
    const year = Number(toEnglishNumber(dd[0]))

    // return 'YYYY-MM-DD' localized date (english number) with 0 for number less than 10
    return `${year}-${addZero(month)}-${addZero(day)}`

  // add this formatter to DatePicker
  dateFormatter: formatter,

so the DatePicker looks like this

new DatePicker({
  locale: faLocale,
  dateFormatter: formatter,
  weekOffset: 1,
  • step 5:
    before testing, I need to change body direction to rtl and font size. (check README in examples folder for more information)
    after that, It's done.


In version 2 and above, RangePicker has own implementation, so instead of new DatePicker you most use new RangePicker then:

  • set twoSide to true twoSide: true (for better ux, you can set this flag to false if you want)
  • in this case, is better to set normalized flag to true with twoSide flag normalized automatically set to true


  • be sure pickers does not create new instances on each render, this is an event-based picker and must be created only once at the start (in React most useMemo for not recreate instance), this mess up with event listener.
  • time picker not supported.
  • only 12-month calendars supported.
  • your apps must support module system, so you can't use it in the old fashioned javascript app, but you can use it in js app configured with asset bundlers.

Important Notes

  • Although all naming is determined by developer, recommended to used meaningful names. (not too short or long).
  • It's very important to make sure picker instances remain the same on each re-render.
  • Key binding is not implemented, so if you want you can add your own binding system.
  • You can add your desire events just create event object with key of date and value of array of string (for simple events) or object (for more complex events like colorized and etc) then render it any where you want. For example simple events look like this:
const events = {
  '2023-03-31': [

and complex one:

const events = {
  '2023-03-31': [
    { eventType: 'event', text: 'This is a complex EVENT - normal - #1' },
    { eventType: 'holiday', text: 'This is a complex EVENT - red color - #2' },

Code Sample

** this code sample is written for React Js.
** you can see the full samples if example.

crete datePicker instance

import { DatePicker, PickerLocale, createDate, formatDate } from 'headless-custom-datepicker'
import { useState, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react'

function SimpleDatePicker(){
  const [date, setDate] = useState<Date>(createDate())

  const enLocale: PickerLocale = (year) => ({
    months: {
      1: { name: "January", numberOfDays: 31 },
      2: { name: "February", numberOfDays: year % 4 === 0 ? 29 : 28 },
      3: { name: "March", numberOfDays: 31 },
      4: { name: "April", numberOfDays: 30 },
      5: { name: "May", numberOfDays: 31 },
      6: { name: "June", numberOfDays: 30 },
      7: { name: "July", numberOfDays: 31 },
      8: { name: "August", numberOfDays: 31 },
      9: { name: "September", numberOfDays: 30 },
      10: { name: "October", numberOfDays: 31 },
      11: { name: "November", numberOfDays: 30 },
      12: { name: "December", numberOfDays: 31 },

  const {
  } = useMemo( // useMemo to insure that only one instance of datePicker exist and remain the same on  re-rendering
    () => new DatePicker({
      date: formatDate(date), // convert date to iso format YYYY-MM-DD
      locale: enLocale, 
    }), [])

  // set date on change selected date, use changeDay for on click item
  useEffect(() => {
    onChangeDate((newDate) => setDate(newDate))
  }, [])

  // return list of days, you can render this list on your UI
  const daysList = getDaysArray()

  return (


if dayRenderType: space remember to add this code before rendering daysList, I use flex-box so each cell get width of 100 / 7

{Array(getDayMonthOffset()).fill('').map((_, index) => (
      width: `${100 / 7}%`




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