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Collider for CloudFoundry

A websocket-based signaling server in Go based on appartc project


  1. Install the Go tools and workspaces as documented at and

  2. Checkout this repository

go get
  1. Now you should be able to run mycollider locally
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go run mycollider.go 
2017/03/07 16:32:13 Starting collider: tls = false, port = 8090, room-server=

Deploy on Cloud Foundry

  1. Install the glide package manager
brew install glide
  1. Update and install dependencies with glide. When an app is deployed App Cloud reads the glide.yaml file and installs the appropriate depencencies. Run glide installcommand in your local directory to install the dependencies, preparing your system for running the app locally. The command will create a glide.lock file. It is good practice to push this .lock file to the cloud as well since it specifies which versions of depencencies to install exactly.
cd $GOPATH/src/
glide up
glide install #optional 
  1. Login into Cloud Foundry and push the go app. When running cf push, we will also push our whole dependencies folder vendor. Since Cloud Foundry runs glide install anyways, this is redundant. To save bandwidth and time you can create a .cfignore file which works just like a .gitignore file and tells CloudFoundry what files should be excluded when pushing.
cf push mycollider

Configure Collider Environment

To define your room server you can set the following environment variable