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Union Typing for JSON


This project implements a type system for JSON (Union Typing for JSON, or UTJ), which one could describe as:

  • directly inspired by JSON Schema, and pretty much 100% compatible with JSON Schema, in the sense that there is a converter from JSON Schema to this type system, and it is evidently straightforward to convert back.
  • based on union typing, as I remember it from the school of Dezani-Ciancaglini, Barbanera, Berardi, and others at the Dipartimento di Informatica at the University of Torino. I can't find any open-source publications of their work, b/c it was so long ago that it was all published thru places like Springer, but here's a reference one of the authors suggested as being useful:

    Intersection and Union Types: Syntax and Semantics
    Barbanera, F., Dezani-Ciancaglini, M. and Deliguoro, U.
    Information and Computation Volume 119, Issue 2, June 1995, Pages 202-230

I'll present this type system as if it's unrelated to JSON Schema, but at various critical points I'll gesture at JSON Schema, so it's clear what various bits are used for.

UTJ by Example

In this section, I'll reproduce the examples found in JSON Schema: Getting Started Step-By-Step, but using UTJ.

A Simple Product Schema

Suppose we want to give a type for a product-catalog entry:

  "productId": 1,
  "productName": "A green door",
  "price": 12.50,
  "tags": [ "home", "green" ]

Here is a schema in UTJ:

type nonrec t = object && [
  "productId": integer;
  "productName": string;
  "price": number && [ bounds (0.,max] ];
  "tags": array && [ of string ; unique ; size [1,max] ];
  required "productId", "productName", "price"
] ;

Some notes:

  • you can compare this to the original example, to see how the various "type constraints" are equivalent to various bits of JSON Schema.
  • as you'd expect, each field has a (union) type.
  • the type integer is defined in a Predefined.utj file that is automatically imported (we'll see how to do that soon):;

    type integer = number && [ multipleOf 1.0 ] ; type scalar = boolean || number || string ; type json = null || scalar || array || object ; type positive_number = number && [ bounds (0.,max] ] ;

  • we can think of a union type ("utype") as a logical expression:
    • in the first example, it's all conjunctions (&&), so the "price" field is "a number AND bounded to be positive"
    • a value of type t is an object AND has a field "productID" (of such-and-such type) AND has a field "productName", AND various fields are required.
    • in Predefined.utj, we can see disjunctions (||) as well as conjunctions. Later we'll see exclusive-or (xor), not (not) and implication (=>); the normal precedence rules hold for these, and the type system admits the normal associative, commutative, and distributive laws. These are useful for rewriting the type-expressions into a lower-level form suitable for validation.

Add a field with a Complex Schema Type

Now we want to add "dimensions" and "warehouseLocation" keys to the product:

  "productId": 1,
  "productName": "An ice sculpture",
  "price": 12.50,
  "tags": [ "cold", "ice" ],
  "dimensions": {
    "length": 7.0,
    "width": 12.0,
    "height": 9.5
  "warehouseLocation": {
    "latitude": -78.75,
    "longitude": 20.4

For "dimensions", we just add another field:

type nonrec t = object && [
  "productId": integer;
  "productName": string;
  "price": number && [ bounds (0.,max] ];
  "tags": array && [ of string ; unique ; size [1,max] ];
  required "productId", "productName", "price"
  "dimensions": object && [
      "length": number;
      "width": number;
      "height": number;
   ] && [ required "length", "width", "height" ];
] ;

Notice that the constraints for the type of "dimensions" are not in a single "[...]" block, but spread across two conjuncts. Internally, [ <c1> ; <c2> ] is equivalent to [ <c1> ] && [ <c2> ].

Import a Schema from another File

Now we want to introduce a "warehouseLocation", which will be a lattitude/longitude pair. This is somewhat standardized, so we'd like to refer to another schema file, geographical-location.schema.utj, which contains:

type t = object && [ "lattitude": number ; "longitude": number ] ;

And then we want to use this type in our product schema:

local import "geographical-location.schema.utj" as GEO in
type nonrec t = object && [
  "productId": integer;
  "productName": string;
  "price": number && [ bounds (0.,max] ];
  "tags": array && [ of string ; unique ; size [1,max] ];
  required "productId", "productName", "price"
  "dimensions": object && [
      "length": number;
      "width": number;
      "height": number;
   ] && [ required "length", "width", "height" ];
  "warehouseLocation": M0.t;
] ;
end ;

Wrap in a Module and Hide Some Types

We could define a module and refactor types a little, viz.:

module Product = struct
  import "geographical-location.schema.utj" as GEO;

  type dim_t = object && [
    "length": number;
    "width": number;
    "height": number;
 ] && [ required "length", "width", "height" ] ;

  type nonrec t = object && [
    "productId": integer;
    "productName": string;
    "price": number && [ bounds (0.,max] ];
    "tags": array && [ of string ; unique ; size [1,max] ];
    required "productId", "productName", "price" ;
    "dimensions": dim_t;
    "warehouseLocation": GEO.t;
  ] ;
end : sig type t end;

and using "signatures" (types for modules), we can ensure that the type "dim_t" is not visible outside the module.

Seal a Type (forbid unvalidated fields)

If we wanted a version of the product that did not allow any other fields, we could do so:

type sealed_product_t = Product.t && [ sealed ] ;

Type "t" is nonrecursive, but if we wanted to define a recursive type, we could do so:

type rec t = object && [
  data : object ;
  children : array && [ of t ]
] ;

Use Parameterized Modules to make a Recursive Type Extensible

JSON Schema has a mechanism for extending types such as the above ($dynamicAnchor, $dynamicRef) that is ... a little complex to explain. In the documentation for the AJV JSON Schema system, a"tree"/"stricttree" example is given to explain how these work. So I'll explain how to do this in UTJ.

First, the problem with the above definition is that we cannot after-the-fact declare that no other fields are allowed in tree-nodes. That is because even in the definition:

type sealed_t = t && [ sealed ] ;

the constraint does not apply to the "children" field. This is true in JSON Schema, and it's true here, for the same reason: names refer to things, and unless otherwise carefully specified, the things they refer to shouldn't change.

To fix this, we can define a "parameterized module" (called a "functor"):

module type Ext1 = sig type extension ; end ;
module ExtensibleTree = functor( M : Ext1 ) -> struct
  type t = object && [
    "data" : object ;
    "children" : array && [ of t ]
  ] && M.extension
end ;

We can apply this parameterized module:

module StrictTree = ExtensibleTree( struct type extension = [ sealed ] end ) ;

Now, StrictTree.t is a tree, but it is sealed, and that is true for all the child nodes, too.

UTJ Compared to JSON Schema

What's Wrong with JSON Schema?

Why do this? Why not just JSON Schema? What's wrong with JSON Schema?

  • ungainly, verbose, b/c expressed in JSON: it should be obvious by comparing the "UTJ by Example" section above, to the equivalent in "JSON Schema: Getting Started", that UTJ is just more succinct, and at no loss in expressivity, and certainly no loss in precision.
  • JSON Schema is effectively written by the user at the level of the

    abstract syntax tree (AST). This means that when the JSON Schema designers and implementors decide to change the AST in order to support some new function, users' schema must be modified (or be left to work against backlevel schema). Contrast this with the way that regular programming languages work: designers work hard to ensure that syntax stays forward-compatible, and AST details are hidden from users, who are concerned only with surface syntax.

  • Weird syntax corner-cases in JSON Schema: here-and-there are weird syntax bit stuffed into corners, instead of using already-existing mechanisms.

    • An example: in ansible-inventory.json there is a schema for a field "hosts":

      "hosts": {
        "type": ["object", "string"],
        "patternProperties": {
          "[a-zA-Z.-_0-9]": {
            "type": ["object", "null"]

      So "hosts" can be either a "string" or an "object". And it can have fields whose names match the given pattern. But that makes no sense if "hosts" is an object. It would be possible to write this using "oneOf", viz.:

      "hosts": {
        "oneOf": [
          { "type": "string"},
          { "type": "object",
            "patternProperties": {
              "[a-zA-Z.-_0-9]": {
                "type": ["object", "null"]

      and the same could have been done for the "type" field under "patternProperties". But this verbiage makes the schema ever more complicated, and so I would guess that the designers tolerate the slight abuse of language shown above. Instead, with UTJ, we can write:

      type hosts_t = string || (object && [ /[a-zA-Z.-_0-9]/: object || null ]) ;

      and there is no ambiguity, no abuse of language. It's also succinct and comprehensible.

    • $defs is supposed to be an object where the key/value pairs are "type name" and schema, e.g.:

      "definitions": {
        "address": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "street_address": { "type": "string" },
            "city":           { "type": "string" },
            "state":          { "type": "string" }
          "required": ["street_address", "city", "state"]

      which are then used thus:

      { "$ref": "#/definitions/address" }

      But in taskfile.json we see that definitions (the old name for $defs) is simply a JSON object, and the typename/schema pairs are buried under another layer of objects, viz.:

      "definitions": {
        "3": {
          "env": <schema for env>,
          .... other name/schema pairs ....

      So when referencing a type "env", one uses "#/definitions/3/env". In travis.json we find a key/value entry under a definition with both extraneous JSON, and then subsidiary key/value entries:

      "definitions": {
        "nonEmptyString": <schema for "nonEmptyString">,
        "notificationObject": {
          "webhooks": <extraneous JSON>,
          "slack": <schema for "slack">,
          ... other definitions ...
        "import": <schema for "import">

      So to refer to type "nonEmptyString", one uses "#/definitions/nonEmptyString". To refer to "import", likewise, "#/definitions/import". But to refer to "slack", one uses "#/definitions/notificationObject/slack".

      This sort of "grouping type declarations" maps directly to modules in ML-like languages.

    All of these have as a goal to reduce the verbosity of the schema. But if we had a targeted human-readable front-end language, we could arrange for (e.g.) anyOf to be syntactically trivial, ditto listing properties.

  • Too high-level: JSON Schema has $defs, $ref, $dynamicRef, maybe other stuff, that makes it difficult for implementors. What might be nice, is if this high-level version of JSON Schema, were compiled down to some lower-level representation, maybe itself a form of JSON Schema, that eschewed all these higher-level bits, and admitted of a straightforward implementation of validators.

There are probably other issues, but I'll stop here.


This type system is not designed to be different from JSON Schema. The idea is that instead of writing a JSON Schema, you would write one of these, and if you needed one, you could generate a JSON Schema. Of course, there's a “converter” that converts (most) JSON Schema to this type system. I expect that most JSON Schema will convert; when some do not, I will provide clear arguments for why those Schema are problematic.

The obvious observation when looking at JSON and typing it, is that since there is so much JSON out there, you have to “meet them where they are” and not impose constraints a priori. So something like “map ML types to JSON” won't work. Instead, I'm going to propose using “union typing”. This is a system where types represent “constraints” on values, and one can both union (||), intersect (&&) and exclusive-or (xor) type-constraints.


  • Be as close as possible to JSON Schema, covering as many of the types as JSON Schema covers. That is to say, as much as possible, if we think of a JSON Schema as being equivalent to the set of JSON documents it validates, then as much as possible, we want to have our type system cover the same sets of JSON documents, as JSON Schema covers
  • The type expressions should enjoy as many algebraic equalities as possible – associative, commutative, distributive laws should hold for type-expressions. It will become clear why this is useful, when it comes time to do generate low-level schema, from which we can efficiently validate JSON values.
  • Compile down to a low-level schema, which can be used as input to schema-validation in many other language implementations (which hence won't have to understand the full complexity of JSON Schema, but only the subset – a sort of machine code).
  • Everywhere possible, borrow from programming-language type systems, which have demonstrated their ability to represent large sets of types without confusing developers.

The Type System

  • `utype`: The type system revolves around defining “union types”, herein abbreviated utype. In this text, we'll sometimes call them constraints, for reasons that should become clear.
  • `structure`: A structure is a list of named utype`s, as in the style of OCaml structures (the contents of a `struct....end.
  • `signature`: a signature is the “type” of a structure – that is to say, it describes the types that that structure exports.
  • In order to implement the JSON Schema notion of “dynamicAnchor”/“dynamicRef” in a sensible way, we also have “functors” (again from OCaml) which are functions from one structure to another. That is to say, they are parameterized structures.

Atomic utypes

  • The simplest utypes are the raw types of JSON:

    type t = object ;

    [also, null, bool, string, number, array]

    It should be obvious when a JSON value is validated by such utypes.

  • Next are “constraints”. “” here is a quoted-string, as in JSON Schema.

    • fields:

      [ <fieldname>: <constraint-utype> ; ]

      (equivalent to properties)

      [ /<field-name-pcre-compat-regexp>/: <constraint-utype> ; ]

      (equivalent to patternProperties)

      [ required: <field-name> ; ]

      As I'll describe later, these imply the constraint “object”.

    Multiple constraints can be strung together, viz.

    [ "a": object ; "b": array; required "a", "b" ]

    Semicolons are separators, but a final semicolon is allowed.

    • arrays

      [ of <constraint-utype> ; ]

      same as "items" with a schema argument.

      [ <constraint-utype1> * <constraint-utype2> * <constraint-utype3> ; ] (etc)

      same as "items" with a list of schema.

      [ unique ; ]

      same as "uniqueItems"

      [ size <range-constraint> ; ]

      range-constraints are explained below.

      [ <index-int>: <constraint-utype> ; ]

      This means that the -th value (zero-based) satisfies .

      <range-constraint> is as in mathematics, viz. [0,4), (0,3), (1,4] etc with the customary meaning that square-brackets mean inclusive bound and parens mean exclusive bound. For an unconstrained upper bound, use “…” (in which case inclusive/exclusive is meaningless). Here numbers are interpreted as integers.

    • strings

      [ size <range-constraint> ; ] [ /<pcre-compatible-regexp>/ ]

    • numbers

      [ bounds <range-constraint> ; ]

      Upper and lower bounds can be .inf or -.inf, and since JSON doesn't allow those, clearly only exclusive bounds work with those. Here numbers are integers or floats.

    • sealing an object:

      An object can be sealed

      [ sealed ; ]

      or its otherwise-unvalidated fields can be given a default constraint

      [ orelse <constraint> ; ]

      An object that neither given “sealed” nor “orelse” constraint is implicitly given an “unsealed” constraint. This gets introduced during schema-processing.

Composite utypes

Constraints can be composed using conjunction and disjunction:

<con1> && <con2>: JSON values satisfying this constraint satisfy both and . <con1> || <con2>: JSON values satisfying this constraint satisfy either or both of ,

Similarly there is

<con1> xor <con2>: (AKA “oneOf”), which is like “or”, but only one side can be satisfied.

not <con1>: which is satisfied exactly when the constraint is not satisfied.

<con1> => <con2>: the same as “if-then” in JSON Schema: an implication.


`string && [ size (0..26] ; ] a nonempty string of max length 26.

utypes between square-brackets that are &&-ed (conjoined) can be merged, viz.

[ “name”: string ; ] && [ “age”: number ; ] is the same as [ “name”: string ; “age”: number ; ]

Naming constraints

utypes can be named, viz.

type c1 = string ;
type c2 = c1 && [ size [0,26) ; ] ;

utypes are only visible after having been declared, but can be declared as part of a recursive group:

type rec c1 = …
and c2 = ….
and c3 = ….

Modules and Signatures

utype-decls can be grouped in “modules”, viz.

module M = struct
end ;

A utype c2 in module M is named as M.c2 outside that module.

By default, declared constraints are exported. But via local-declaration, they can be declared for use, but not exported:

local <constraint-declarations> in <constraint-declarations>;

Constraints can be “imported” from HTTP URLs, viz

import <url> as M ;

Which is the same as

module M = struct <contents of url inserted here> end ;

And finally, a module can be “opened”, so that its contents are usable without the module-prefix:

open M;


Union Typing for JSON






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