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Processing and analysis of spatial transcriptomics datasets generated by Array-seq. The Array-seq cature area size, makes it well-suited for multiple replicates, and high throughput experiments. The ArraySeq package is therefore equipt with functionalities for handling:

  • Single tissue sections
  • Multiples tissue sections
  • Serial sections for 3D spatial transcriptomics
    • Sections spacing up to 100 µm have been validated.

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Schematic Workflow



After generating fastq files, we recommend using STARSolo (>=2.7.8a) for demulteplexing spatial barcodes and counting UMIs. The barcode.txt file can be downloaded from the Insert folder here folder. Other barcode files from custom-made array designs can be used in its place. Below is an example script for MacOS/Linux:

export PATH=<Path to STAR (>=2.7.8a) static build folder>:$PATH

Fastq_1=<Path to Read1.fastq.gz file>
Fastq_2=<Path to Read2.fastq.gz file>

  --runThreadN 24 \
  --genomeDir <Path to Genome Index Folder> \
  --soloType CB_UMI_Simple \
  --soloCBwhitelist <Path to n12_barcodes.txt> \
  --soloCBstart 1 \
  --soloCBlen 12 \
  --soloUMIstart 29 \
  --soloUMIlen 10 \
  --soloBarcodeReadLength 0 \
  --soloUMIdedup 1MM_CR \
  --soloCBmatchWLtype Exact \
  --soloFeatures GeneFull \
  --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0 \
  --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0 \
  --clip3pAdapterSeq AAAAAAAAAA \
  --clip3pAdapterMMp 0.1 \
  --readFilesIn $Fastq_2 $Fastq_1 \
  --readFilesCommand zcat \
  --soloOutFileNames ${Sample_name}_ST/ features.tsv barcodes.tsv matrix.mtx \
  --outFileNamePrefix ${Sample_name}_

gzip ${Sample_name}_ST/GeneFull/raw/*

rm ${Sample_name}_Aligned.out.sam

Usage and Documentatation