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A brand new hyde

This is the new version of hyde under active development. Incomplete documentation can be found here. This should give a good understanding of the motivation behind this version. You can also take a look at the cloudpanic source for a reference implementation.

Here is the initial announcement of the project.


Hyde supports both python 2.7 and 2.6.

    pip install -r req-2.6.txt


    pip install -r req-2.7.txt

will install all the dependencies of hyde.

You can choose to install hyde by running

    python install

Creating a new hyde site

The new version of Hyde uses the argparse module and hence support subcommands.

    hyde -s ~/test_site create -l test

will create a new hyde site using the test layout.

Generating the hyde site

    cd ~/test_site
    hyde gen

Serving the website

    cd ~/test_site
    hyde serve
    open http://localhost:8080

The server also regenerates on demand. As long as the server is running, you can make changes to your source and refresh the browser to view the changes.

A brief list of features

  1. Support for multiple templates (although only Jinja2 is currently implemented)
  2. The different processor modules in the previous version are now replaced by a plugin object. This allows plugins to listen to events that occur during different times in the lifecycle and respond accordingly.
  3. Metadata: Hyde now supports hierarchical metadata. You can specify and override variables at the site, node or the page level and access them in the templates.
  4. Sorting: The sorter plugin provides rich sorting options that extend the object model.
  5. Syntactic Sugar: Because of the richness of the plugin infrastructure, hyde can now provide additional syntactic sugar to make the content more readable. See blockdown and autoextend plugin for examples.

Next Steps

  1. Documentation
  2. Default Layouts
  3. Django Support
  4. Plugins:
    • Tags
    • Atom / RSS
    • Text Compressor (CSS, JS, HTML)
    • Image optimizer


A Python Static Website Generator







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