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ChiantiPy version 0.13.0

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@kdere kdere released this 19 Jun 15:14
· 272 commits to master since this release

it is now possible to incorporate a user created abundance file. It needs to be of the same structure as one of the .abund files in the XUVTOP/abundance directory. The file can be located anywhere on the user's computer. It will be read if the abundance keyword is set to a fully qualified file name of the new abundance file, such as '/home/me/myabudance.abund', or equally, '/home/me/myabudance.txt'

The core classes, bunch and the various spectrum classes, now have saveData methods to save calculations to a pickle file

by default, the PyQt widgets are now used a selection tools. The command line selection tools are still available but the ~/.chianti/chiantirc file needs to select them.

Problems with the ionGate method have been fixed. This method help to select which ions will be used in multi-ion calculations