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Breaking Changes

This is a comprehensive list of the breaking changes introduced in the major version releases of Ionic Framework.


Version 6.x



The ion-datetime component has undergone a complete rewrite and uses a new calendar style. As a result, some of the properties no longer apply and have been removed.

  • ion-datetime now displays the calendar inline by default, allowing for more flexibility in presentation. As a result, the placeholder property has been removed. Additionally, the text and placeholder Shadow Parts have been removed.

  • The --padding-bottom, --padding-end, --padding-start, --padding-top, and --placeholder-color CSS Variables have been removed since ion-datetime now displays inline by default.

  • The displayFormat and displayTimezone properties have been removed since ion-datetime now displays inline with a calendar picker. To parse the UTC string provided in the payload of the ionChange event, we recommend using a 3rd-party date library like date-fns. Here is an example of how you can take the UTC string from ion-datetime and format it to whatever style you prefer:

import { format, parseISO } from 'date-fns';

 * This is provided in the event
 * payload from the `ionChange` event.
const dateFromIonDatetime = '2021-06-04T14:23:00-04:00';
const formattedString = format(parseISO(dateFromIonDatetime), 'MMM d, yyyy');

console.log(formattedString); // Jun 4, 2021
  • The pickerOptions and pickerFormat properties have been removed since ion-datetime now uses a calendar style rather than a wheel picker style.

  • The monthNames, monthShortNames, dayNames, and dayShortNames properties have been removed. ion-datetime can now automatically format these values according to your devices locale thanks to the Intl.DateTimeFormat API. If you wish to force a specific locale, you can use the new locale property:

<ion-datetime locale="fr-FR"></ion-datetime>
  • The open method has been removed. To present the datetime in an overlay, you can pass it into an ion-modal or ion-popover component and call the present method on the overlay instance. Alternatively, you can use the trigger property on ion-modal or ion-popover to present the overlay on a button click:
<ion-button id="open-modal">Open Datetime Modal</ion-button>
<ion-modal trigger="open-modal">


When using a collapsible large title, the last toolbar in the header with collapse="condense" no longer has a border. This does not affect the toolbar when the large title is collapsed.

To get the old style back, add the following CSS to your global stylesheet:

ion-header.header-collapse-condense ion-toolbar:last-of-type {
  --border-width: 0 0 0.55px;


Ionic 6 now ships with Ionicons 6. Please be sure to review the Ionicons 6.0.0 Changelog and make any necessary changes.


The placeholder property now has a type of string | undefined rather than null | string | undefined.


Converted ion-modal to use Shadow DOM.

If you were targeting the internals of ion-modal in your CSS, you will need to target the backdrop or content Shadow Parts instead, or use the provided CSS Variables.

Developers dynamically creating modals using document.createElement('ion-modal') will now need to call modal.remove() after the modal has been dismissed if they want the modal to be removed from the DOM.


Converted ion-popover to use Shadow DOM.

If you were targeting the internals of ion-popover in your CSS, you will need to target the backdrop, arrow, or content Shadow Parts instead, or use the provided CSS Variables.

Developers dynamically creating popovers using document.createElement('ion-popover') will now need to call popover.remove() after the popover has been dismissed if they want the popover to be removed from the DOM.


The RadioChangeEventDetail interface has been removed. Instead, listen for the ionChange event on ion-radio-group and use the RadioGroupChangeEventDetail interface.


The showClearButton property now defaults to 'always' for improved usability with screen readers.

To get the old behavior, set showClearButton to 'focus'.


The placeholder property now has a type of string | undefined rather than null | string | undefined.

Tab Bar

The default iOS tab bar background color has been updated to better reflect the latest iOS styles. The new default value is:

var(--ion-tab-bar-background, var(--ion-color-step-50, #f7f7f7));


The placeholder property now has a type of string | undefined rather than null | string | undefined.


The --white-space CSS variable now defaults to normal instead of pre-wrap.


The default iOS toolbar background color has been updated to better reflect the latest iOS styles. The new default value is:

var(--ion-toolbar-background, var(--ion-color-step-50, #f7f7f7));


Transition Shadow

The experimentalTransitionShadow config option has been removed. The transition shadow is now enabled when running in ios mode.



The Config.set() method has been removed. See for examples on how to set config globally, per-component, and per-platform.

Additionally, the setupConfig function is no longer exported from @ionic/angular. Developers should use IonicModule.forRoot to set the config instead. See for more information.



All Ionic React applications must now import setupIonicReact from @ionic/react and call it. If you are setting a custom config with setupConfig, pass your config directly to setupIonicReact instead:


import { setupConfig } from '@ionic/react';

  mode: 'md'


import { setupIonicReact } from '@ionic/react';

  mode: 'md'

Note that all Ionic React applications must call setupIonicReact even if they are not setting custom configuration.

Additionally, the setupConfig function is no longer exported from @ionic/react.



The setupConfig function is no longer exported from @ionic/vue. Developers should pass their config into the IonicVue plugin. See for more information.

Tabs Config

Support for child routes nested inside of tabs has been removed to better conform to Vue Router's best practices. Additional routes should be written as sibling routes with the parent tab as the path prefix:


const routes: Array<RouteRecordRaw> = [
    path: '/',
    redirect: '/tabs/tab1'
    path: '/tabs/',
    component: Tabs,
    children: [
        path: '',
        redirect: 'tab1'
        path: 'tab1',
        component: () => import('@/views/Tab1.vue'),
        children: {
            path: 'view',
            component: () => import('@/views/Tab1View.vue')
        path: 'tab2',
        component: () => import('@/views/Tab2.vue')
        path: 'tab3',
        component: () => import('@/views/Tab3.vue')


const routes: Array<RouteRecordRaw> = [
    path: '/',
    redirect: '/tabs/tab1'
    path: '/tabs/',
    component: Tabs,
    children: [
        path: '',
        redirect: 'tab1'
        path: 'tab1',
        component: () => import('@/views/Tab1.vue')
        path: 'tab1/view',
        component: () => import('@/views/Tab1View.vue')
        path: 'tab2',
        component: () => import('@/views/Tab2.vue')
        path: 'tab3',
        component: () => import('@/views/Tab3.vue')

In the example above tabs/tab1/view has been rewritten has a sibling route to tabs/tab1. The path field now includes the tab1 prefix.

Tabs Router Outlet

Developers must now provide an ion-router-outlet inside of ion-tabs. Previously one was generated automatically, but this made it difficult for developers to access the properties on the generated ion-router-outlet.


  <ion-tab-bar slot="bottom">

  import { IonTabs, IonTabBar } from '@ionic/vue';
  import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
  export default defineComponent({
    components: { IonTabs, IonTabBar }


  <ion-tab-bar slot="bottom">

  import { IonTabs, IonTabBar, IonRouterOutlet } from '@ionic/vue';
  import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
  export default defineComponent({
    components: { IonTabs, IonTabBar, IonRouterOutlet }

Overlay Events

Overlay events onWillPresent, onDidPresent, onWillDismiss, and onDidDismiss have been removed in favor of willPresent, didPresent, willDismiss, and didDismiss.

This applies to the following components: ion-action-sheet, ion-alert, ion-loading, ion-modal, ion-picker, ion-popover, and ion-toast.





Utility Function Types

  • The IonRouter type for useIonRouter has been renamed to UseIonRouterResult.

  • The IonKeyboardRef type for useKeyboard has been renamed to UseKeyboardResult.

Browser and Platform Support

This section details the desktop browser, JavaScript framework, and mobile platform versions that are supported by Ionic Framework v6.

Minimum Browser Versions

Desktop Browser Supported Versions
Chrome 60+
Safari 13+
Firefox 63+
Edge 79+

Minimum JavaScript Framework Versions

Framework Supported Version
Angular 12+
React 17+
Vue 3.0.6+

Minimum Mobile Platform Versions

Platform Supported Version
iOS 13+
Android 5.0+ with Chromium 60+ (See note below)

Starting with Android 5.0, the webview was moved to a separate application that can be updated independently of Android. This means that most Android 5.0+ devices are going to be running a modern version of Chromium. However, there are a still a subset of Android devices whose manufacturer has locked the webview version and does not allow the webview to update. These webviews are typically stuck at the version that was available when the device initially shipped.

As a result, Ionic Framework only supports Android devices and emulators running Android 5.0+ with a webview of Chromium 60 or newer. For context, this is the version that Stencil can support with no polyfills:

Version 5.x


CSS Utilities

We originally added CSS utility attributes for styling components because it was a quick and easy way to wrap text or add padding to an element. Once we added support for multiple frameworks as part of our "Ionic for everyone" approach, we quickly determined there were problems with using CSS attributes with frameworks that use JSX and Typescript. In order to solve this we added CSS classes. Rather than support CSS attributes in certain frameworks and classes in others, we decided to remove the CSS attributes and support what works in all of them, classes, for consistency. In addition to this, changing to classes prefixed with ion avoids conflict with native attributes and user's CSS. In the latest version of Ionic 4, there are deprecation warnings printed in the console to show what the new classes are, and the documentation has been updated since support for classes was added to remove all references to attributes:

Some examples of what's changed are below. This is not all-inclusive, see the documentation linked above for all of the available CSS utility classes.


<ion-header text-center></ion-header>
<ion-content padding></ion-content>
<ion-label text-wrap></ion-label>
<ion-item wrap></ion-item>


<ion-header class="ion-text-center"></ion-header>
<ion-content class="ion-padding"></ion-content>
<ion-label class="ion-text-wrap"></ion-label>
<ion-item class="ion-wrap"></ion-item>

Display Classes

The responsive display classes found in the display.css file have had their media queries updated to better reflect how they should work. Instead of using the maximum value of the breakpoint for .ion-hide-{breakpoint}-down classes it will use the minimum of that breakpoint.

The Ionic breakpoints are the following:

Breakpoint Name Width
xs 0
sm 576px
md 768px
lg 992px
xl 1200px

Previously, if you added the class ion-hide-md-down to an element, it would hide the element when the screen size was 991px (the maximum of the md breakpoint) or smaller. Now, using this same class will hide the element when the maximum screen size is 768px.

Below is a table of how the media queries have changed for each class:

Class Name Ionic 4 Ionic 5
.ion-hide-down @media (max-width: 575px) all screen sizes
.ion-hide-sm-down @media (max-width: 767px) @media (max-width: 576px)
.ion-hide-md-down @media (max-width: 991px) @media (max-width: 768px)
.ion-hide-lg-down @media (max-width: 1199px) @media (max-width: 992px)
.ion-hide-xl-down all screen sizes @media (max-width: 1200px)

Note that no changes were made to the .ion-hide-{breakpoint}-up classes.

See the CSS Utilities responsive display documentation for more information.

Activated, Focused, Hover States

The .activated class that is automatically added to clickable components has been renamed to .ion-activated.

The way the CSS variables are used for targeting the activated, focused and hover backgrounds have been updated on the following components:

  • Action Sheet
  • Back Button
  • Button
  • FAB Button
  • Item
  • Menu Button
  • Segment Button
  • Tab Button

Previously, in order to update any of the background colors for the states you would have to know what the opacity was set to. Using the Material Design spec as an example, it would require you to know that the hover state uses a white overlay with an opacity of .08. This means that if we had the following set by default:

--background-hover: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08);

If you wanted to change the hover overlay to use black but still match the spec, you'd have to set it to:

--background-hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);

The new way adds the following variables:


It also updates the Action Sheet component so that the variables will be prefixed with button. See the Action Sheet section in this document for all of the new variable names.

This allows you to still have control over the opacity if desired, but when updating the state, you only have to set the main variables: --background-activated, --background-focused, --background-hover and the button will still match the spec. This is most important when changing the global theme, as updating the toolbar color will automatically update the hover states for all of the buttons in a toolbar, regardless of their fill and without having to know what each opacity is.

/* Setting the button background on hover to solid red */
ion-button {
  --background-hover: red;
  --background-hover-opacity: 1;

/* Setting the action sheet button background on focus to an opaque green */
ion-action-sheet {
  --button-background-focus: green;
  --button-background-focus-opacity: 0.5;

 * Setting the fab button background on hover to match the text color with
 * the default --background-hover-opacity on md
.md ion-fab-button {
  --color: #222;
  --background-hover: #222;
Global CSS Properties

Some variables were renamed, removed or added. See the chart below for the changes.

Old variable Status New variable
--ion-toolbar-color-unchecked renamed --ion-toolbar-segment-color
--ion-toolbar-color-checked renamed --ion-toolbar-segment-color-checked
--ion-toolbar-background-unchecked renamed --ion-toolbar-segment-background
--ion-toolbar-background-checked renamed --ion-toolbar-segment-background-checked
--ion-tab-bar-color-activated renamed --ion-tab-bar-color-selected
added --ion-toolbar-segment-indicator-color
--ion-toolbar-color-activated removed
--ion-item-background-activated removed
--ion-item-background-focused removed
--ion-item-background-hover removed

Distributed Sass

The scss files have been removed from dist/. CSS variables should be used to theme instead.


Action Sheet

The following CSS variables have been renamed or added:

Old New
--background-activated --button-background-activated
--background-selected --button-background-selected

See the Action Sheet CSS Custom Properties documentation for descriptions.


The ion-anchor component has been renamed to ion-router-link as this is a better description of which component it should be used with. This component should still only be used in vanilla and Stencil JavaScript projects. Angular projects should use an <a> and routerLink with the Angular router. See the documentation for router-link for more information.

Back Button



Converted ion-card to use shadow DOM.


The controller components (ion-action-sheet-controller, ion-alert-controller, ion-loading-controller, ion-menu-controller, ion-modal-controller, ion-picker-controller, ion-popover-controller, ion-toast-controller) have been removed from Ionic core as elements. They should be imported from @ionic/core instead. This will not affect projects that use Angular or React. Below is an example of the loading controller change in a JavaScript project, but this change applies to all controller elements.



  async function presentLoading() {
    const loadingController = document.querySelector('ion-loading-controller');

    const loading = await loadingController.create({
      message: 'Hello',
      duration: 2000
    await loading.present();


<script type="module">
  import { loadingController } from '@ionic/core';
  window.loadingController = loadingController;

  async function presentLoading() {
    const loading = await loadingController.create({
      message: 'Hello',
      duration: 2000
    await loading.present();

FAB Button


Header / Footer

The no-border attribute has been removed, use ion-no-border class instead. See CSS Utilities above for more information on why this change was made.

List Header

The list header has been redesigned to match the latest iOS spec. This may break the design of your application as the previous design had a small font size with uppercase text. The latest design includes a larger, bolder text.

In addition, any text content inside of an <ion-list-header> should be wrapped in an <ion-label> in order to get the proper styling of the new design. If the label is missing, the button alignment in the list header may look off.


  New This Week
  <ion-button>See All</ion-button>


  <ion-label>New This Week</ion-label>
  <ion-button>See All</ion-button>

The button has also been updated to default to fill="clear" and size="small" when inside of a list header. If the old look of the list header or buttons is desired, use custom CSS or button properties to achieve it.

For more information see the List Header usage.


  • The swipeEnable() function has been removed in Angular, use swipeGesture() instead.

  • The side values left and right have been removed, use start and end instead.

  • Removed the main attribute, use content-id (for vanilla JS / Vue) and contentId (for Angular / React) instead.


    <ion-content main>...</ion-content>


    <ion-menu content-id="main"></ion-menu>
    <ion-content id="main">...</ion-content>
  • The presentation type in ios now defaults to "overlay".

Menu Button

Nav Link

The ion-nav-push, ion-nav-back, and ion-nav-set-root components have been removed in favor of using ion-nav-link with a router-direction property which accepts ”root”, “forward”, and “back”. This reduces the need for maintaining multiple components when they all do the same thing with different transition directions. See the documentation for nav-link for more information.


The ion-radio must be used inside of an ion-radio-group even if there is only one ion-radio. Additionally, the checked property has been removed. Developers should set the value property on the parent ion-radio-group to match the value of the desired checked radio button.

ion-radio no longer emits an ionSelect event. Developers should listen for an ionChange event to be emitted on ion-radio-group instead.


<ion-radio checked>One</ion-radio>

  <ion-radio checked>Two</ion-radio>


<ion-radio-group value="one">
  <ion-radio value="one">One</ion-radio>

<ion-radio-group value="two">
  <ion-radio value="one">One</ion-radio>
  <ion-radio value="two">Two</ion-radio>


Show Cancel Button

The show-cancel-button property of the searchbar no longer accepts boolean values. Accepted values are strings: "focus", "always", "never".


<ion-searchbar show-cancel-button>
<ion-searchbar show-cancel-button="true">
<ion-searchbar show-cancel-button="false">


<ion-searchbar show-cancel-button="focus">
<ion-searchbar show-cancel-button="focus">
<ion-searchbar show-cancel-button="never">

See the Searchbar documentation for more information.


The inputmode property for ion-searchbar now defaults to undefined. To get the old behavior, set the inputmode property to "search".


Segment was completely revamped to use the new iOS design including an all new gesture that applies for both Material Design and iOS. Due to these changes, some breaking changes were inevitably introduced in order to support the new design.

Renamed Events

ion-segment no longer emits an ionSelect event. Developers should listen for an ionChange event to be emitted on ion-segment instead.

Button States
  • The activated styles and custom CSS properties have been removed. These are no longer being used in the latest spec as the indicator and ripple are used to show activation. Properties removed:
  • The Focused & Hover States have been updated.
Indicator Color
  • --indicator-color now applies to the checked segment button (for both ios and md)
  • --indicator-color-checked has been removed
  • The Material Design spec does not include an indicator color on non-checked buttons:
  • In order to style the Segment to match the old spec, please use custom CSS. For example, to update Material Design to include a bottom line all of the time:
    .md ion-segment::after {
        position: absolute;
        bottom: 0;
        height: 2px;
        width: 100%;
        content: '';
        background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
        z-index: -1;
Background & Color

A --background variable has been added to style the ion-segment component. As a result of this, the following background variables for a child segment button must now be set on the ion-segment-button:

--background: Background of the segment button
--background-checked: Background of the checked segment button
--background-disabled: Background of the disabled segment button
--background-hover: Background of the segment button on hover

Note: iOS no longer checks the button background, so setting the --background-checked variable may have an undesired outcome. Instead, Segment uses an indicator to slide between the buttons, showing which one is checked. See the previous section on the indicator color variables.

The above variables will not be inherited in the button if set on the ion-segment. In addition to this, all color variables should also be set on the button for consistency:

--color: Color of the segment button
--color-checked: Color of the checked segment button
--color-disabled: Color of the disabled segment button
--color-hover: Color of the segment button on hover
Removed variables

The following variables were removed due to the current spec no longer using them.

  • --color-checked-disabled
  • --background-disabled
  • --color-disabled
  • --background-activated
  • --color-activated
Global CSS Properties

Some variables were renamed or added. See the chart below for the new names.

Old variable Status New variable
--ion-toolbar-color-unchecked renamed --ion-toolbar-segment-color
--ion-toolbar-color-checked renamed --ion-toolbar-segment-color-checked
--ion-toolbar-background-unchecked renamed --ion-toolbar-segment-background
--ion-toolbar-background-checked renamed --ion-toolbar-segment-background-checked
added --ion-toolbar-segment-indicator-color

Segment Button

The checked property has been removed. Developers should set the value property on the parent ion-segment to match the value of the desired checked segment button.


  <ion-segment-button checked>Two</ion-segment-button>


<ion-segment value="two">
  <ion-segment-button value="one">One</ion-segment-button>
  <ion-segment-button value="two">Two</ion-segment-button>
  <ion-segment-button value="three">Three</ion-segment-button>

Select Option

The selected property has been removed. Developers should set the value property on the parent ion-select to match the desired selected option.


  <ion-select-option selected>Two</ion-select-option>


<ion-select value="two">
  <ion-select-option value="one">One</ion-select-option>
  <ion-select-option value="two">Two</ion-select-option>

Skeleton Text

The width property has been removed in favor of using CSS styling.

Split Pane

  • Converted to use shadow DOM.

  • Removed the main attribute, use content-id (for vanilla JS / Vue) and contentId (for Angular / React) instead. Before

      <div main>...</div>


    <ion-split-pane content-id="main">
      <div id="main">...</div>



The close button properties (showCloseButton and closeButtonText) have been removed. Use the buttons array instead with role: 'cancel'. See the usage documentation for more information.


async presentToast() {
  const toast = await this.toastController.create({
    message: 'Your settings have been saved.',
    showCloseButton: true,
    closeButtonText: 'Close'


async presentToast() {
  const toast = await this.toastController.create({
    message: 'Your settings have been saved.',
    buttons: [
        text: 'Close',
        role: 'cancel',
        handler: () => {
          console.log('Close clicked');


The default Ionic colors have been updated to the following:

primary:         #3880ff
secondary:       #3dc2ff
tertiary:        #5260ff
success:         #2dd36f
warning:         #ffc409
danger:          #eb445a
light:           #f4f5f8
medium:          #92949c
dark:            #222428

primary, light and dark have not changed. The contrast color for warning has been updated to #000.

This will only be a breaking change in your app if you are not using one of our starters and not overriding the defaults. If you are overriding the defaults already these will need to be manually updated if desired.


The @ionic/angular Events service has been removed.


Mode is now cascaded from the parent to the child component. Previously, if you wanted to update a component and its children to use the same mode, you'd have to set it on all components. For example, if you wanted to use a md segment no matter the mode, you'd have to write the following:

<ion-segment mode="md">
  <ion-segment-button mode="md">Button</ion-segment-button>
  <ion-segment-button mode="md">Button</ion-segment-button>

Now, the mode only needs to be set on the ion-segment and it will be inherited. If this behavior is not desired set a different mode on the child component.


Ionicons 5 has been released! 🎉 This brings many changes including a top to bottom re-draw of every icon, variants for each icon (filled, outline, and sharp), and the removal of auto-switching icons based on the platform.

For more information, check out the Ionicons Changelog!

Version 4.x

The list of the breaking changes introduced in Ionic Angular v4 can be found in angular/


For the breaking changes of the older legacy versions (versions 2.x & 3.x) of Ionic Framework, see the v3 changelog.