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CoS Cli

main GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases)

The Chief Of State Command line Tool(a.k.a cos-cli) is command line tool that will help execute some commands against a running Chief Of State instance.


With the cos-cli one can manage the various read sides that will be running with CoS.

  • Resume a read side across the whole cluster or for given a shard number.
  • Pause a read side across the whole cluster or for given a shard number.
  • Skip a read side offsets across the whole cluster or for given a shard number.
  • List a read side offsets across the whole cluster or for given a shard number.
  • Restart a read side across the whole cluster or for a given shard numner


  • One needs at least CoS version 1.0.0-beta.1 running before using the cos-cli
  • Download any of the artifacts that matches your OS at releases.
  • Run cos-cli and you will see the output displayed below:
cos-cli is command line tool that helps send commands to a running CoS to manage the various read sides.

  cos-cli [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  readside    readside command helps manage the various read-sides

      --cosHost string   CoS service host address
      --cosPort int      CoS service port (default 9000)
  -h, --help             help for cos-cli

Use "cos-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.


  • List offsets across the whole cluster for read side READSIDE_1:
cos-cli readside offset --cosHost=localhost --cosPort=9000 --id=READSIDE_1
  • Get offset for a given shard for read side READSIDE_1:
cos-cli readside offset --cosHost=localhost --cosPort=9000 --id=READSIDE_1 --shard-number=2
  • Pause read side across the whole cluster READSIDE_1:
cos-cli readside pause --cosHost=localhost --cosPort=9000 --id=READSIDE_1
  • Pause the read side READSIDE_1 for the shard number 2:
cos-cli readside pause --cosHost=localhost --cosPort=9000 --id=READSIDE_1 --shard-number=2
  • Resume paused read side across the whole cluster READSIDE_1:
cos-cli readside resume --cosHost=localhost --cosPort=9000 --id=READSIDE_1
  • Pause the paused read side READSIDE_1 for the shard number 2:
cos-cli readside resume --cosHost=localhost --cosPort=9000 --id=READSIDE_1 --shard-number=2