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A project that demonstrates a RESTful Spring Boot Microservice with a Gitlab CI/CD DevOps Pipeline, complete with integration tests.

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Quick start

  1. mvn clean install
  2. java -jar target/mta-hosting-optimizer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  3. Point your browser to http://localhost:8080/hosts/inefficient/
  4. Refresh the page a number of times to confirm that the application is working consistently.

Accessing the Online Production Deployment

  1. Load Balancer URL -
  2. Service 2 -
  3. Service 1 -
  4. Refresh these pages a number of times to confirm that the application is working consistently.

N.B: If any of these URLs are not reachable, kindly contact me.

Setting up the Online Production Deployment from scratch

  1. Setup and account and create a project on

  2. Create a Gitlab CI pipeline by creating a .gitlab-ci.yml file.

  3. Store your Digitalocean token in an environment variable named DIGITALOCEANTOKEN on your current working workstation (syntax for this varies depending on your OS).

  4. Create a Rancher Digitalocean VM.

    docker-machine create --driver digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token $DIGITALOCEANTOKEN --digitalocean-image ubuntu-16-04-x64 --digitalocean-size 4gb --digitalocean-tags gitlab-rancher-example rancher-ui-host

  5. Within the application's root directory, change directory to \docker-compose_rancher-ui-host and start the Rancher UI that you just created.

    cd docker-compose_rancher-ui-host cat docker-compose.yml docker-compose up -d

  6. Create 3 Rancher hosts for the default environment to run our containers. One container will be run on each host, two for two instances of our application/service and one for a load balancer. Repeat the host creation step below thrice.

    Rancher UI > Default environment > Hosts > Add Host > Digitalocean. Add the Access token of Digitalocean ($DIGITALOCEANTOKEN) and create a machine.

  7. If you are working on Windows, download and execute the windows executable of the Rancher CLI. This should open up a shell or console. RUN THE COMMANDS IN THE REMAINING STEPS IN THIS SHELL AND NOT ON YOUR DEFAULT OS SHELL.

  8. Create access control, environment & API token

    Create a Rancher CLI access token through the UI of rancher (API > Keys) and store their details in the following environment variables on your current working workstation.

    RANCHER_URL=http://<<RANCHER_IP>>:8080 RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY=<accessKey_of_account_api_key> RANCHER_SECRET_KEY=<secretKey_of_account_api_key>

  9. From within the root directory of your application, deploy application stack manually.

    cat docker-compose.yml cat rancher-compose.yml

    rancher up

  10. Deploy to Rancher from Gitlab

    Add environment variables to the Online Gitlab project:


    Add the following step to your .gitlab-ci.yml:


    • ...
    • deploy

    digitalocean-deploy: image: cdrx/rancher-gitlab-deploy stage: deploy script:

    • upgrade --environment Default --stack mta-hosting-optimizer --service web --new-image
    • upgrade --environment Default --stack mta-hosting-optimizer --service web2 --new-image


A project that demonstrates a RESTful Spring Boot Microservice with a Gitlab CI/CD DevOps Pipeline, complete with integration tests.






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