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QML plugin that fuses, filters and exports inertial sensor data

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qml-imu is a sensor fusion module that operates on gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer sensor data to estimate the device orientation and linear acceleration (without the gravity component) in the fixed global ground frame. The ground frame is defined to have its z axis point away from the floor and its y axis point towards magnetic north. The build is designed to run on Android.

qml-imu is tested with the following:

  • With Qt 5.11.0
  • With OpenCV 3.3.1
  • On Android 8.1.0 with Ubuntu 18.04 host with Android API 14, Android SDK Tools 26.1.1 and Android NDK r15c

See samples/ for example uses.

See tools/ for utility apps.

See doc/index.html for the API.

Build [Android]

Download and unpack the Android SDK and NDK somewhere, e.g opt/.

Clone, build and install OpenCV into the NDK sysroot (ignore the OpenCV Android SDK instructions):

$ git clone
$ cd opencv
$ git checkout 3.3.1
$ mkdir build-android && cd build-android
$ export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=<path-to-ndk>
$ cmake .. \
    -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake \
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/sysroot/usr/share/opencv/ \
    -DANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a \
    -DBUILD_opencv_java=OFF \
$ make -j 5
$ make install

This will install OpenCV headers and libraries under <path-to-ndk>/sysroot/usr/share/opencv/. Then, build and install qml-imu:

$ cd qml-imu
$ mkdir build-android && cd build-android
$ export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=<path-to-ndk>
$ <qt-install-root>/<qt-version>/android_armv7/bin/qmake ..
$ make -j 5
$ make install

This will install the QML plugin inside the Qt sysroot, which you must have write access to. Be aware that this is not a sandboxed installation.



At the core of the sensor fusion is a an extended Kalman filter estimating the device orientation and linear acceleration. [1] describes the fusion scheme used in this library.

Inputs to the filter are gyroscope data (mandatory), accelerometer data (if present) and magnetometer data (if present). The main premise is that gyroscope data can provide reliable short term orientation data if integrated, but will drift with time. Accelerometer data provides the sum of linear acceleration and the reaction due to gravitational acceleration. Assuming that linear acceleration is small compared to gravity, drift in orientation due to the integration of gyroscope data is corrected in the long term since the acceleration vector will be pointing away from the floor on average. While this corrects the drift in rotations around the x and y axes, magnetometer data is used to correct the drift in rotation around the z axis due to its pointing towards a linear combination of floor and magnetic north, depending on the device location on the Earth.

In addition to this, since the device orientation with respect to the ground is known, the gravity component from the accelerometer data can be removed (assuming it is always pointing away from the floor and has magnitude 9.81 m/s^2), leaving us with linear acceleration only.

Without magnetometer data, the rotation estimate will drift around the z axis. Without accelerometer data, the rotation estimate will drift around the y axis and linear acceleration cannot be estimated. Without both, the rotation estimate will drift around all axes and linear acceleration cannot be estimated. Without gyroscope data, the filter cannot operate.

Finally, this object also provides on-demand angular and linear displacement values via respective API calls, calculated from the a posteriori state estimates. These values represent the displacement of the device at demand time t in the device frame at initial time t0. This initial time can be indicated on demand via another API call.

State vector and the process

The state is described as the following 7x1 vector:

X(t) = (q_w(t), q_x(t), q_y(t), q_z(t), a_x(t), a_y(t), a_z(t))^T
     = (q(t), a(t))^T

Here, q(t) is the orientation of the local body frame with respect to the global inertial ground frame. a(t) is the linear acceleration of the local body frame in the global inertial ground frame; this linear acceleration does not include and is separated from the reaction force against gravity.

The transition process from state t-1 to state t is made according to the gyroscope and accelerometer input and is nonlinear in terms of the state. The following describes the process for the orientation (and is linear):

q(t|t-1) = q(t-1|t-1) + deltaT*(dq(t-1|t-1)/dt)
         = q(t-1|t-1) + deltaT*(1/2)*q(t-1|t-1)*(0, w(t-1))
         = q(t-1|t-1) + deltaT*(1/2)*omega(t-1|t-1)*w(t-1)

Here w(t-1) is the measured angular velocity and deltaT is the time passed since the last gyroscope measurement. In the second line, q(t-1)*(0, w(t-1)) represents Hamilton product of the orientation and the angular velocity, considered as a quaternion with zero scalar part. omega(t) is a 4x3 matrix that is defined as follows and implements the Hamilton product:

           / -q_x(t)    -q_y(t)    -q_z(t) \
omega(t) = |  q_w(t)    -q_z(t)     q_y(t) |
           |  q_z(t)     q_w(t)    -q_x(t) |
           \ -q_y(t)     q_x(t)     q_w(t) /

The following describes the process for the linear acceleration (and is nonlinear):

a(t|t-1) = rot(q(t-1|t-1)^-1)*a_m(t-1) - (0, 0, g)^T

Here, rot() represents the orthogonal rotation matrix given the input quaternion. a_m(t-1) represents the raw accelerometer measurement and g is a constant equal to 9.81 m/s^2. This process, assuming that q(t|t) describes the orientation of the local body with respect to the ground inertial frame and is stable, rotates the total acceleration into the ground inertial frame and removes the gravity component in order to give the linear acceleration.

Note that the process on linear acceleration does not depend on the previous linear acceleration state.

Given these, the process can be expressed as the following:

X(t|t-1) = f(X(t-1|t-1), u(t-1))
u(t-1) = (w(t-1), a_m(t-1))^T

where f implements the above processes. As per the extended Kalman filter, the state transition matrix is 7x7 and is described as follows:

F(t-1) = (df/dX)(X(t-1|t-1), u(t-1))

The process noise is, as usual, described by a 7x7 covariance matrix (Q) that should be tuned by the user. As a design choice, the components of this matrix are multiplied by deltaT at each step. This is based on the premise that the error involved in integrating the angular velocity increases with an increased time gap between each angular velocity measurement.

Observation vector

The observation vector is a 6x1 vector and is described as:

z(t) = (a_m_x(t), a_m_y(t), a_m_z(t), m_x(t), m_y(t), m_z(t))^T
     = (a_m(t), m(t))^T

where a_m(t) is the measured acceleration vector with accelerometer bias subtracted. This bias is to be measured/tuned by the user and is constant throughout runtime. m(t) is the measured magnetic vector with z component rejected and normalized. This is achieved by assuming that the local body orientation estimate is accurate and stable. If this assumption is made, then m(t) can be calculated as the following:

m(t) = m~(t)/|m~(t)|
m~(t) = m_m(t) - (m_m(t).v_floor(t))*v_floor(t)
v_floor(t) = rot(q(t|t-1)^-1)*(0, 0, 1)^T

where rot() represents the orthogonal rotation matrix given the input quaternion, . represents dot product, v_floor(t) is the unit floor vector in the local body frame and m_m(t) is the measured magnetic vector.

The predicted observation vector is also a 6x1 vector, and using the a priori state estimate, is described (non-linearly) as follows:

h(X(t|t-1)) = (rot(q(t|t-1)^-1)*(0, 0, g)^T, rot(q(t|t-1)^-1)*(0, 1, 0)^T)

where g is 9.81 m/s^2 and rot() represents the orthogonal rotation matrix given the input quaternion. This design assumes that the measurement a_m(t), on average, points away from the floor with magnitude 9.81 m/s^2 and the measurement m(t), on average, points towards the magnetic north with magnitude 1, and that they are stable in the long term. With these assumptions, the local body frame's z axis aligns with the floor vector and y axis aligns with the magnetic north, correcting the drift in orientation due to the integration of angular velocity measurements. The x axis is therefore also implicitly well defined as the cross product of y and z axes.

As per the extended Kalman filter, the observation matrix is 6x7 and is described as follows:

H(t) = (dh/dX)(X(t|t-1))

An important assumption made by the model is that magnetometer measurements are less frequent than or at approximately equal frequency as accelerometer measurements. Under this assumption, Kalman filter correction step is done at every accelerometer reading. When there is no magnetometer reading present during a correction step, the magnetic vector measurement and predicted measurement are set to zero, causing the magnetometer part of the observation to have no effect on the device y axis. This update model design is purely due to computational performance reasons.

Observation noise

The observation noise is described by a 6x6 covariance matrix (R(t)) that is dependent on the acceleration and magnetic vector measurements. It is defined as follows:

       /            |            \
       |  I*R_g(t)  |     0      |
       |       (3x3)|            |
R(t) = |-------------------------|
       |            |            |
       |      0     |  I*R_y(t)  |
       \            |       (3x3)/

where I is a 3x3 identity matrix. The noise components in this matrix are designed according to the methodology described in [2].

R_g(t) is the gravity measurement noise coefficient and is, by design, defined as follows:

R_g(t) = R_g_k_0 +
         R_g_k_w*|w(t)| +
         R_g_k_g*|g - |a_m(t)||

where R_g_k are coefficients to be tuned by the user, w(t) is the angular velocity measurement, a_m(t) is the accelerometer measurement and g is 9.81 m/s^2. This design aims that more noise is attributed to accelerometer measurements when the device is not stable, i.e angular velocity is present and it is accelerated externally. This causes the measurements to appropriately affect the state less.

R_y(t) is the magnetic vector measurement noise coefficient and is, by design, defined as follows:

R_y(t) = R_y_k_0 +
         R_y_k_w*|w(t)| +
         R_y_k_g*|g - |a_m(t)|| +
         R_y_k_n*||m_m(t)| - m_norm_mean(t)| +
         R_y_k_d*|m_dip_angle(t) - m_dip_angle_mean(t)|

where R_y_k are coefficients to be tuned by the user and w(t), a_m(t) and g are the same as above. m_m(t) is the magnetic vector measurement and m_norm_mean(t) is the magnitude mean of m_m(t) estimated by a low pass filter as follows:

m_norm_mean(t+1) = m_mean_alpha*m_norm_mean(t) + (1 - m_mean_alpha)*|m(t)|

m_dip_angle(t) is defined as the angle between the estimated z axis and the measured magnetic vector in radians. m_dip_angle_mean(t) is the mean of m_dip_angle(t) estimated similarly by a low pass filter as follows:

m_dip_angle_mean(t+1) = m_mean_alpha*m_dip_angle_mean(t) + (1 - m_mean_alpha)*m_dip_angle(t)

In the above equations, the smoothing factor m_mean_alpha should be tuned by the user and should be between 0 (meaning no smoothing) and 1 (meaning no update).

By design, similar to the accelerometer measurement noise, more noise is attributed to the magnetic vector measurement when the device is not stable, i.e angular velocity and linear acceleration are above base levels. In addition to the previous case, more noise is attributed also when the magnetic vector magnitude and the dip angle fluctuate. Since the magnitude and the dip angle are ideally constant on any point on Earth (locally and in short time scales), this fluctuation indicates the presence of non-white magnetic noise due to e.g ferromagnetic materials nearby. This is reflected onto the model by increasing the measurement noise estimate, causing the measurements to affect the state less.

Finally, during the initial time period (length of which is to be tuned by the user) of the filter's runtime, R_g and R_y are not calculated as above but are set to significantly lower values (to be tuned by the user). The assumption during this period is that the device is stable and accelerometer and magnetometer readings accurately describe the floor vector with magnitude 9.81 m/s^2 and the magnetic north vector respectively. This ensures that at startup, the orientation of the device settles quickly to correct values instead of settling in a "slow drift correction" fashion that is by design the regular operation of the observation measurements.

Linear and angular displacement

The user can request the linear and angular displacement of a target local reference frame on the rigid device body on-demand via respective API calls. These calls return the translation and rotation of this frame in the same frame in a previous point in time. This time is indicated by a displacement resetting API call. In other words, the following can be requested on demand by the user:

T_target(t in t0)^T
R_target(t in t0)^T

where T and R represent translation and rotation, and t0 indicates the last displacement reset time.

Calculation of the linear displacement requires the estimation of local body velocity. With inertial sensors, this is only possible with the integration of the linear acceleration and is impossible otherwise without any reference external to the device. This causes the velocity estimate to drift in a random walk fashion (due to accelerometer noise) and causes it to be unbounded in magnitude.

Because of this, an additional assumption is required. In this case, the assumption is that the IMU resides on a handheld device and is stationary (has velocity zero) when it is inertially stable, i.e the angular velocity and the linear acceleration magnitudes are close to zero. Please note that this is not necessarily true for an IMU on an arbitrary device; a good example would be an aerial vehicle or a sattelite.

This assumption is modeled by two sigmoid decay factors multiplied by the velocity estimate at each time step. This is described as follows:

v(t+1) = d_w(t)*d_a(t)*(v(t) + deltaT*a(t+1))

where a(t+1) denotes the linear acceleration, deltaT denotes the time between t and t+1 and d denote the decay factors. They are designed as follows:

d_w(t) = (1 - exp(-w_decay*|w(t)|))/(1 + exp(-w_decay*|w(t)|))
d_a(t) = (1 - exp(-a_decay*|a(t)|))/(1 + exp(-a_decay*|a(t)|))

Here, w(t) is the angular velocity measurement, a(t) is the linear acceleration estimated by the filter and w_decay and a_decay are coefficients that are to be tuned by the user. The operation of these decay factors is such that they are essentially 1 when the magnitudes are above some "threshold" value and smoothly drop to 0 when the magnitudes drop below this threshold. This drop could be made sharp or extended in time by adjusting this threshold via w_decay and a_decay.


[1] S. Sabatelli, M. Galgani, L. Fanucci, A. Rocchi, "A Double-Stage Kalman Filter for Orientation Tracking With an Integrated Processor in 9-D IMU", Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on, vol.62, no.3, pp.590-598, March 2013

[2] D. Jurman, M. Jankovec, R. Kamnik, M. Topič, "Calibration and Data Fusion Solution for the Miniature Attitude and Heading Reference System", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol.138, no.2, pp.411-420, August 2007


QML plugin that fuses, filters and exports inertial sensor data






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