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This is a python script for automated merge and minify of JS and CSS files.

Optionally it can parse django template tags embeded into css and js files.

Example with a django project

During development I simply use django tags like {% url ... %} and {% static ... %} on my .js and .css files to define dynamic url to views and images of my project. At this point the .js and .css are placed into the templates directory of my app so I can {% include ... %} it to my .html templates and have the tags rendered to final urls. Of course the js and css will appear inline with the HTML content. For development I think this is fine.

On deploy you usually what all your javascript and styling to be in a external file.

Here is how this script can help you with that:

On my base.html template I usually have something like this:

{% if not debug %}
  <script src="{% static 'js/ceco.min.js' %}"></script>
{% else %}
  <script src="{% static 'js/ceco.js' %}"></script>
  <script src="{% static 'js/xvalidator.js' %}"></script>
    <!-- js bellow contain django tags inside -->
    {% include 'tasks/tasks.js' %}
    {% include 'tasks/cecomap.js' %}
    {% include 'message/message.js' %}
{% endif %}

Then simply put this script on the same directory as Edit the script to adjust your paths to and to every JS and CSS you whant to merge/minify. Like:

merger = {
    'config': "ceco.settings",
    'path': ("/home/transweb/apps_wsgi/ceco",
             #"more paths....",
    'blocks': {'my js': {'static': ('static/js/ceco.js',
                        'template': ('tasks/templates/tasks/tasks.js',
                        'jsmin': 'static/js/ceco.min.js'
               'my css': {'static': ("tasks/static/tasks/css/fixtypeahead.css",
                           'full': 'static/css/ceco.css',
                           'cssmin': 'static/css/ceco.min.css'
                #other blocks as you need...

Here we define a path to the django project and the file to use while rendering the template tags. You only need to define those if you have tags inside .js or .css, if you don't then simply ignore both

In this case we have two blocks, my js and my css.

For the first block all five javascript files are going to be merged, minified and saved to a single cecoe.min.js file. (Yes, the 3 files under template will be rendered before merge)

For the second block we have two .css files saved both in a single full merged file and also a mini version of it.

Once you update the work copy of your django project on your server all you have to do is:

Processing block: my css
Merging: tasks/static/tasks/css/fixtypeahead.css
Merging: message/static/message/css/message.css
Saving: static/css/ceco.css (2.28kB)
Minifying CSS...  Final: 73.7%
Saving: static/css/ceco.min.css (1.68kB)

Processing block: my js
Merging: static/js/ceco.js
Merging: static/js/xvalidator.js
Merging template: tasks/templates/tasks/tasks.js
Merging template: tasks/templates/tasks/cecomap.js
Merging template: message/templates/message/message.js
Saving: static.js.ceco.js (29.17kB)
Minifying JS...  Final: 50.3%
Saving: static.js.ceco.min.js (14.67kB)

$python collectstatic
$touch /path/to/yourwsgi.wsgi

Ok, this can change on your server but that the overall idea...

Non django project

No secret: simply edit this script to remove the config, and define all static files you want to merge/minify. Without a defined config all files under templates are going to be ignorated.

Using as a minifier module

In another python script:

from jscssmin import jsMin, cssMin

fulljstext = '<script>full code....</script>'
fullcsstext = '<style>full styles...</style>'

jsMin(fulljstext, 'path/to/min/code.js')
cssMin(fullcsstext, 'path/to/min/style.css')


This script uses the api provided by to minify JS and CSS data. Thanks @andychilton for this api.


JS and CSS automated merge and minifier. Optionally can parse django template tags in css and js files.







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