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🔥 react-dev-cli 🔥

A command line tool that helps automate repeatable actions during react application development, like creating a new component or reducer structure. 👷

Install 🔨

npm install -g @chimeraprime/react-dev-cli


yarn global add @chimeraprime/react-dev-cli

Config 🔧

To define config create a .rdc file in the root directory of your application.

Property Sample value Description
root src Path to the source of your application
stylesType scss Extension for style files
framework nextjs Framework you use in your project. Available options depends on it

Usage 🚤

❗❗❗ You should run a CLI tool being always in the root directory of your application.

Use rdc --help to print help menu.

Generate component

rdc component HelloWorld

This will generate a folder with the basic structure of your component in a relative path to the value of root in your .rdc file.

If you already have components folder in the source directory of your project, the new generated component will be created there. In another case, a component folder will be created in the root directory of your application.

Command Description Notes
rdc component HelloWorld -s Generates with styles file and import it in a component file
rdc component HelloWorld -f Generates stateless component
rdc component HelloWorld -c Exports connected with redux store component
rdc component HelloWorld --withGetInitialProps Generates component with getInitialProps method Only for class component with NextJS
rdc component HelloWorld --subfolder pages Generates component in a /pages directory

Differences in the structure of the components you create can be seen here.

Generate page

❗ NextJS only ❗

rdc page Dashboard

This will generate a folder with the basic structure of your page in /pages directory.

/pages folder has to exist

Command Description Notes
rdc component Dashboard -f Generates stateless page component


If you need any changes in a react-dev-cli or you just want to have a contribution to this project, we'll be glad if you will help us. For more details and how to get started, see