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Basic Temp Logger
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Moved Ubidots to a function to make main loop cleaner
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chipmc committed Dec 6, 2014
1 parent eefa247 commit 3f9c63e
Showing 1 changed file with 186 additions and 0 deletions.
186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions Basic_Temperature_Logger_noKeys/Basic_Temperature_Logger_noKeys.ino
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
/* This is a simple program to connect the LinkIt ONE to my favorite Internet of Things (IOT) data streaming service - Ubitdots.
Chip McClelland - Cellular Data Logger
BSD license, Please keep my name in any redistribution
- Account on Ubidots.
- Seedstudio LinkIt ONE -
Please note this is just the start - uploading only a single data point. More to come but as your project may
diverge from mine, this may be all you need to get started. Good luck.
This code will be part of a larger project to build a connected Air Quality Sensor -
- Project documentation here:
- GitHub repo here:
Updated for v2 - added a GPS "Context" the the battery voltage so Ubidots will
display the location of your LinkIt ONE on a map widget.
Added a basic temperature loggersection based on the Microchip TC74 - I2C sensor
Don't forget the 4.7k pull-ups for SDA and SCL. Used 3.3V logic
Enjoy! And comments welcome on the TriEmbed Blog above
#include <LGPS.h> // LinkIt GPS Library
#include <LBattery.h> // Want to be able to read the battery charge level
#include <LGPRS.h> //include the base GPRS library
#include <LGPRSClient.h> //include the ability to Post and Get information using HTTP
#include <Wire.h> //Include Wire I2C library
int temp_address = 72; //1001000 written in decimal for the TC74 Sensor

// These are the variables you will want to change based on your IOT data streaming account / provider
char action[] = "POST "; // Edit to build your command - "GET ", "POST ", "HEAD ", "OPTIONS " - note trailing space
char server[] = "";
char path[] = "/api/v1.6/variables/"; // Common path
char battkey[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; // Battery API Key
char tempkey[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; // Temp API Key
char token[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"; // Edit to insert you API Token
int port = 80; // HTTP

// Here are the program variables
unsigned long ReportingInterval = 20000; // How often do you want to update the IOT site in milliseconds
unsigned long LastReport = 0; // When was the last time you reported
const int ledPin = 13; // Light to blink when program terminates
String Location = ""; // Will build the Location string here

// Create instantiations of the GPRS and GPS functions
LGPRSClient globalClient; // See this support topic from Mediatek -
gpsSentenceInfoStruct info; // instantiate

void setup()
Serial.begin(19200); // setup Serial port
Wire.begin(); // Start Wire
LGPS.powerOn(); // Start the GPS first as it takes time to get a fix
Serial.println("GPS Powered on, and waiting ...");
Serial.println("Attach to GPRS network"); // Attach to GPRS network - need to add timeout
while (!LGPRS.attachGPRS("","","")) { //attachGPRS(const char *apn, const char *username, const char *password);
LGPRSClient client; //Client has to be initiated after GPRS is established with the correct APN settings - see above link
globalClient = client; // Again this is a temporary solution described in support forums

void loop()
if (globalClient.available()) {// if there are incoming bytes available from the server
char c =; // read them and print them:
if (millis() >= LastReport + ReportingInterval) { // Section to report - will convert to a function on next rev
SendToUbidots(BatteryPayload(), battkey); // Send it to Ubidots
SendToUbidots(TempPayload(), tempkey); // Send it to Ubidots
LastReport = millis();

void SendToUbidots(String payload, String apikey)
int num; // part of the length calculation
String le; // length of the payload in characters
num=payload.length(); // How long is the payload
le=String(num); //this is to calcule the length of var
Serial.print("Connect to "); // For the console - show you are connecting
if (globalClient.connect(server, port)){ // if you get a connection, report back via serial:
Serial.println("connected"); // Console monitoring
globalClient.print(action); // These commands build a JSON request for Ubidots but fairly standard
globalClient.print(path); // specs for this command here:
globalClient.print(apikey); // Prints the battery key
globalClient.println("/values HTTP/1.1");
globalClient.println(F("Content-Type: application/json"));
globalClient.print(F("Content-Length: "));
globalClient.print(F("X-Auth-Token: "));
globalClient.print(F("Host: "));
globalClient.println(payload); // The payload defined above
globalClient.println((char)26); //This terminates the JSON SEND with a carriage return

String TempPayload()
String payload;
String value = String(GetTemp()); // Read the Temperature
payload="{\"value\":"+ value + "}"; // Build the JSON packet without GPS info
return payload;

String BatteryPayload()
String payload;
String value = String(LBattery.level()); // Read the battery level
LGPS.getData(&info); // Get a GPS fix
if (ParseLocation((const char*)info.GPGGA)) { // This is where we break out needed location information
Serial.print("Location is: ");
Serial.println(Location); // This is the format needed by Ubidots
if (Location.length()==0) {
payload="{\"value\":"+ value + "}"; //Build the JSON packet without GPS info
else {
payload="{\"value\":"+ value + ", \"context\":"+ Location + "}"; // with GPS info
return payload;

boolean ParseLocation(const char* GPGGAstr)
// Refer to
// Sample data: $GPGGA,123519,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,1,08,0.9,545.4,M,46.9,M,,*47
char latarray[6];
char longarray[6];
int index = 0;
Serial.print("Fix Quality: ");
if (GPGGAstr[43]=='0') { // This is the place in the sentence that shows Fix Quality 0 means no fix
Serial.println("No GPS Fix");
Location = ""; // No fix then no Location string
return 0;
String GPSstring = String(GPGGAstr);
for (int i=20; i<=26; i++) { // We have to jump through some hoops here
latarray[index] = GPGGAstr[i]; // we need to pick out the minutes from the char array
float latdms = atof(latarray); // and convert them to a float
float lattitude = latdms/60; // and convert that to decimal degrees
String lattstring = String(lattitude);// Then put back into a string
Location = "{\"lat\":";
if(GPGGAstr[28] == 'S') Location = Location + "-";
Location += GPSstring.substring(18,20) + "." + lattstring.substring(2,4);
index = 0;
for (int i=33; i<=38; i++) { // And do the same thing for longitude
longarray[index] = GPGGAstr[i]; // the good news is that the GPS data is fixed column
float longdms = atof(longarray); // and convert them to a float
float longitude = longdms/60; // and convert that to decimal degrees
String longstring = String(longitude);// Then put back into a string
Location += " ,\"lng\":";
if(GPGGAstr[41] == 'W') Location = Location + "-";
if(GPGGAstr[30] == '0') {
Location = Location + GPSstring.substring(31,33) + "." + longstring.substring(2,4) + "}";
else {
Location = Location + GPSstring.substring(30,33) + "." + longstring.substring(2,4) + "}";
return 1;

int GetTemp()
// Datasheet at
Wire.beginTransmission(temp_address); // Begin using i2c device at address
Wire.write(0); //Send a bit asking for register zero, the data register
Wire.endTransmission(); //Complete Transmission with pointer on TC74 Register 0
Wire.requestFrom(temp_address, 1); //Request 1 Byte from the specified address
while(Wire.available() == 0); //wait for response
int c =; // Get the temp and read it into a variable
int f = round(c*9.0/5.0 +32.0); //Convert the Celsius to Fahrenheit
return f; // Return the Temperature

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