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?? Fruit words too much and only in a BBS, but there are efforts, combined with the underlying our time is very tight, he observes, he say, he can from the place of fundamental, say the underlying common being sad. Mickey nova words have a hippie elegant and open, she doesn't put on AIRS, withdrawn, also is very exquisite article layout, is loose, but read and think of the author that clumsy originality - "clumsy" is used to describe, is think mickey articles not cleverness of the price of that good little woman format, and there is always a cute and silly so frankly. The height of the jiangnan cher's works have a soul, words atmosphere, full of depressed "up" and "spiritual sense of pleasure and pain". Another, she can dissolve the big subjects, and well to the localization, personalization. Zhou wen dao's prose is direct, emotion is very fluent, and there is no lack of depth, there is a "still waters run deep" feeling, very masculine and even male, tenderness, natural atmosphere, is also my favorite. I go back and see you in my memory and haitang all the way, that is the good time we spent together. 老狼信息网卡一卡二  终于透过细碎的竹隙,隐约看见两个人影晃动,那便是母亲她们了。再紧走几步,便到了近前。母亲正蹲在地上,手执笋铲在一颗笋的根部掀起黑色的泥土。随着“嗞”的一声细响,笋儿便从铲的扎击中别了根。母亲铲的是不能长成竹子的“塌笋”。之所以成为塌笋,是因有虫子蛀到了笋的根部。虽然自小打竹林边长大,但我对如何辨别它们却不太了解,不得不再向母亲请教。母亲也便再次讲起识别的方法:要看最上面的二、三片笋壳是否干枯变色。
