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Math Bot

Youtube Video:


Math Bot is a bot for helping students prepare for SAT Math. This bot powers SAT Buddy (

The bot allows students to:

  • Practice questions and tests
  • Learn a Math concept by watching a relevant video
  • Get a question solved by the bot
  • Obtain analytics and graphs on student's performance

The bot is deployed on Heroku and is currently available on Facebook Messenger.

Our main objective was to build a working prototype for the hackathon. Hence, we used external APIs wherever possible. The following are the different components of the bot.

  1. Scraper
  2. Query handler
  3. Intent detection
  4. Question Solver
  5. Spell corrector
  6. Video Searcher
  7. Analytics on user performance

System Architecture

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Analytics queries the database to get diagnostics like topic wise score, questions answered correctly versus questiona attempted over the last week/month/since beginning. Matplotlib is used to plot the results for each sender.


An Amazon RDS instance is used to store the answers provided by a sender. There are tables for :

  • questions - which include id, question text
  • answers - question_id, answer
  • answers provided by user - This table is used for generating the analytical reports

API's used

All the apis intereact with the messenger bot. The user queries are interpreted by the messenger bot and the relevant apis are called.

  • - We used this to form our NLU engine. The other option we explored was RASA NLU. However, we found this more intuitive and easier to get the ground running.
  • wolfram api - This is used to provide graphical solution to mathematical queries. Wolfram api has solutions to a wide variety of topics covered and the soltuions to a query are sent as a list of gifs. This is sent to the messenger bot.
  • bing spell checker - this is used mainly in cases where the messenger bot is unable to understand user queries. For eg, when the user queries contain a lot of spelling mistakes that is hard for to interpret. In this case, the bing spell checker returns a list of tuples that contain the position of the starting letter of the misspelled word, along with the corrected word. These are constructed back to a complete sentence.
  • you tube search api - used to search videos for use queries.

ML model - Deep Relevance Model

  • One of the biggest challenges with the Youtube search results were that they were not relevant in our context in many cases.
  • E.g. If the user searched for Videos on Circles, they got a music video instead of tutorials on circles.
  • We created a dataset of 567 query, video title, video description triplets and labelled them as relevant or not. (1 for relevant and 0 for not relevant). We found 316 videos were relavant.
  • Note: We do understand that the data is really small. However, we did not have the resources for manual annotation. We are planning to enlarge this dataset using Mechanical Turk.
  • We compared our algorithm with 2 baselines: Bag of words with a MLP layer and Mean word vectrs with a MLP layer.
  • Our evaluation metric was accuracy. The cross validation accuracy is listed here. The script for the final model is included in the repo below.
  • Our model has three embeddings for the query, youtube video title and youtube video description.
  • We used Google news 100d pre trained vectors for the word embeddings.
Algorithm Accuracy
Bag of words 0.58
Mean word vectors 0.63
Our model 0.76

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The github link for the ML part is here: (We deployed it on an AWS service since we had difficulty deploying it to Heroku)

Improvements: Get more data!!!

Data set generation

  • scraped various SAT prep sites to create a dataset of ~500 questions and answers
  • conducted ui testing with a number of initial users to get the test data for These mainly include queries that users input to practise questions, take diagnostic test, get graphs of scores, search videos on relevant topics and get solutions to various mathematical problems


Bot for teaching math for exams






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