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chlange edited this page Jan 25, 2012 · 12 revisions



Load a game state by right clicking on the already active game field and select "Load".

The program (version >= 0.9.4) will reset the gamefield after loading the file to guarantee the same player/category number as it was saved.


Save the active game by right clicking on the game field and select "Save".


The game automatically saves the game state after each "answered" answer. These game states will be saved in answers/backups/ with the following filename:

{ROUND} is the current round
{TIMESTAMP} is the UNIX timestamp to order and disambiguate the backups

Jeopardy game state (*.jgs) file format

Player names
Player points
Player color
Player key
Already "answered" answers
Number of players
Number of categories
Next 30 rows tell if the buttons/answers were already clicked (1) or not (0)
Next 30 rows indicate the color of the button