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An SSG for ONYX Events

Quick Start

  1. Download the Repo
  2. Make changes
  3. Run build
  4. Rename and zip the dist folder


  • The Deploy builds a site for preview with Github pages. The Github Pages url is not meant for distribution.
  • This repo uses bun as a package manager, but this can easily be swapped out for npm. Simply delete the bun-lock file and run npm i before continuing.

Astro Config & Env Variables

v1 and the Two Build Scripts:

In v1, there are 2 build scripts: build and build-elite. Because the client asked for two pages (with slight variations between the two), each build script is prefixed with an environment variable: IS_ELITE, which is used as a simple boolean value.

In v1, this environment toggles a few options:

  • The page title is set to "Onyx (Elite) Gift Event"
  • The main logo swaps svgs, to render "Onyx (Elite) Gift Event"
  • The Details section has a word about what type of gift event it is: "Onyx (Elite) Gift Event"

Each build script also updates Astro's base config to either be /uploads/onyx-gift-event or /uploads/onyx-elite-gift-event. This is a part of the Astro CLI.


v1.0.0 (ONYX Gift Event)