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Merge pull request #41 from jchodera/autoprotocol
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First example using autoprotocol API
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sonyahanson committed Nov 8, 2016
2 parents 92a3888 + b35a12a commit a1972ae
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Showing 40 changed files with 2,925 additions and 452 deletions.
36 changes: 21 additions & 15 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,36 +8,42 @@ branches:
- source devtools/travis-ci/

# Mimic X display
- "export DISPLAY=:99.0"
- "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"
- sleep 3 # give xvfb some time to start

- conda config --add channels omnia
# Create a test environment
- conda create --yes -n test python=$python
# Activate the test environment
- source activate test
# Add org channel
- conda config --add channels ${ORGNAME}
# Build the recipe
- conda build devtools/conda-recipe
- source activate _test
# Run nosetests
- cd devtools && nosetests $PACKAGENAME --nocapture --verbosity=2 --with-doctest --with-timer && cd ..
# Install the package
- conda install --yes --use-local ${PACKAGENAME}-dev
# Install testing dependencies
- conda install --yes --quiet nose nose-timer
# Test the package
- cd devtools && nosetests $PACKAGENAME --nocapture --verbosity=2 --with-timer -a '!slow' && cd ..
# Run IPython notebook tests
- source devtools/travis-ci/
#- source devtools/travis-ci/

# Changes to CONDA_NPY needed for pymc binstar availability.
- python=2.7 CONDA_PY=27 CONDA_NPY=19
#- python=2.7 CONDA_PY=27 CONDA_NPY=16
#- python=3.3 CONDA_PY=33 CONDA_NPY=17
#- python=3.4 CONDA_PY=34 CONDA_NPY=18
- python=2.7 CONDA_PY=27
- python=3.4 CONDA_PY=34
- python=3.5 CONDA_PY=35

- ORGNAME: "choderalab"
- PACKAGENAME: "assaytools"
# TODO: add encrypted AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to push documentation to S3
# binstar
- ORGNAME="omnia"
- PACKAGENAME="assaytools"
# encrypted BINSTAR_TOKEN for push of dev package to Anaconda cloud
- secure: "x/7fFUnTGXdQOiAduc8ONAiVOV63vgup1y4heemW/Z1fnhjAgNIjwIX0/9cJtV0HU7ayLXaBcMy6Bq72W49wIKZM6omvx6sazZ6ju0EUrp6GKQmZqio255cV2RA810uSTpNh2lIwkMPWfWfv2VmBzKsJyM4eKHrVdKsLUCGu7M4="

Expand Down
906 changes: 906 additions & 0 deletions AssayTools/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

258 changes: 104 additions & 154 deletions AssayTools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,176 +110,126 @@ def equilibrium_concentrations(cls, DeltaG, Ptot, Ltot):
return [P, L, PL]

# Competitive binding model
# General robust competitive binding model

class CompetitiveBindingModel(BindingModel):
class GeneralBindingModel(BindingModel):
Competitive binding model for one protein and arbitrary number of competitive ligands.
General robust binding model for one protein and arbitrary number of competitive ligands.

def equilibrium_concentrations(cls, Ka_n, C0_R, C0_Ln, V, c0=None):
def equilibrium_concentrations(cls, reactions, conservation_equations, tol=1.0e-8):
Compute the equilibrium concentrations of each complex species for N ligands competitively binding to a receptor.
Compute the equilibrium concentrations of each complex species for a general set of binding reactions.
Ka_n (numpy N-array of float) - Ka_n[n] is the association constant for receptor and ligand species n (1/M)
x_R (float) - the total number of moles of receptor in the sample volume
x_n (numpy N-array of float) - x_n[n] is the total number of moles of ligand species n in the sample volume
V (float) - the total sample volume (L)
C_n (numpy N-array of float) - C_n[n] is the concentration of complex of receptor with ligand species n
>>> V = 1.4303e-3 # volume (L)
>>> x_R = V * 510.e-3 # receptor
>>> x_Ln = np.array([V * 8.6e-6, 200.e-6 * 55.e-6]) # ligands
>>> Ka_n = np.array([1./(400.e-9), 1./(2.e-11)]) # association constants
>>> from bindingmodels import CompetitiveBindingModel
>>> C_PLn = CompetitiveBindingModel.equilibrium_concentrations(Ka_n, x_R, x_Ln, V)
Each complex concentration C_n must obey the relation
Ka_n[n] = C_RLn[n] / (C_R * C_Ln[n]) for n = 1..N
with conservation of mass constraints
V * (C_Ln[n] + C_RLn[n]) = x_Ln[n] for n = 1..N
reactions : list
List of binding reactions.
Each binding reaction is encoded as a tuple of (log equilibrium constant, dict of stoichiometry)
Example: K_d = [RL] / ([R] [L]) becomes [ (-10, {'RL': -1, 'R' : +1, 'L' : +1}) ]
conservation_equations : list
List of mass conservation laws.
Each mass conservation law is encoded as a tuple of (log total concentration, dict of stoichiometry of all species)
Example: [R]tot = 10^-6 M = [RL] + [R] and [L]tot = 10^-6 M = [RL] + [L] becomes [ (-6, {'RL' : +1, 'R' : +1}), (-6, {'RL' : +1, 'L' : +1}) ]
tol : float, optional, default=1.0e-8
Solution tolerance.
V * (C_R + C_RLn[:].sum()) = x_R
log_concentrations : dict of str : float
log_concentrations[species] is the log concentration of specified species
along with the constraints
0 <= V * C_RLn[n] <= min(x_Ln[n], x_R) for n = 1..N
V * C_RLn[:].sum() <= x_R
Simple 1:1 association
We can rearrange these expressions to give
>>> reactions = [ (-10, {'RL': -1, 'R' : +1, 'L' : +1}) ]
>>> conservation_equations = [ (-6, {'RL' : +1, 'R' : +1}), (-6, {'RL' : +1, 'L' : +1}) ]
>>> log_concentrations = GeneralBindingModel.equilibrium_concentrations(reactions, conservation_equations)
V * C_R * C_Ln[n] * Ka_n[n] - V * C_RLn[n] = 0
Competitive 1:1 association
and eliminate C_Ln[n] and C_R to give
>>> reactions = [ (-10, {'RL': -1, 'R' : +1, 'L' : +1}), (-5, {'RP' : -1, 'R' : +1, 'P' : +1}) ]
>>> conservation_equations = [ (-6, {'RL' : +1, 'RP' : +1, 'R' : +1}), (-6, {'RL' : +1, 'L' : +1}), (-5, {'RP' : +1, 'P' : +1}) ]
>>> log_concentrations = GeneralBindingModel.equilibrium_concentrations(reactions, conservation_equations)
V * (x_R/V - C_RLn[:].sum()) * (x_Ln[n]/V - C_RLn[n]) * Ka_n[n] - V * C_RLn[n] = 0 for n = 1..N
* Can we allow the caller to specify initial conditions instead of conservation laws?

x_R = C0_R * V
x_Ln = C0_Ln * V

nspecies = Ka_n.size
#print "x_R = ", x_R
#print "x_Ln = ", x_Ln
#print "x_Ln / V = ", x_Ln / V
#print "Ka_n = ", Ka_n

# Define optimization functions
def func(C_RLn):
f_n = V * (x_R/V - C_RLn[:].sum()) * (x_Ln[:]/V - C_RLn[:]) * Ka_n[:] - V * C_RLn[:]
#print "f_n = ", f_n
return f_n

def fprime(C_RLn):
nspecies = C_RLn.size
G_nm = np.zeros([nspecies,nspecies], np.float64) # G_nm[n,m] is the derivative of func[n] with respect to C_RLn[m]
for n in range(nspecies):
G_nm[n,:] = - V * (x_Ln[:]/V - C_RLn[:]) * Ka_n[:]
G_nm[n,n] -= V * (Ka_n[n] * (x_R/V - C_RLn[:].sum()) + 1.0)
return G_nm

def sfunc(s):
#print "s = ", s
f_n = V * (x_R/V - (s[:]**2).sum()) * (x_Ln[:]/V - s[:]**2) * Ka_n[:] - V * s[:]**2
#print "f_n = ", f_n
return f_n

def sfprime(s):
nspecies = s.size
G_nm = np.zeros([nspecies,nspecies], np.float64) # G_nm[n,m] is the derivative of func[n] with respect to C_RLn[m]
for n in range(nspecies):
G_nm[n,:] = - V * (x_Ln[:]/V - s[:]**2) * Ka_n[:]
G_nm[n,n] -= V * (Ka_n[n] * (x_R/V - (s[:]**2).sum()) + 1.0)
G_nm[n,:] *= 2. * s[n]
return G_nm

# Allocate storage for complexes
# Compute equilibrium concentrations.
#x0 = np.zeros([nspecies], np.float64)
#x0 = (x_Ln / V).copy()
#x = scipy.optimize.fsolve(func, x0, fprime=fprime)
#C_RLn = x

#x0 = np.sqrt(x_Ln / V).copy()
#x = scipy.optimize.fsolve(sfunc, x0, fprime=sfprime)
#C_RLn = x**2

def objective(x):
f_n = func(x)
G_nm = fprime(x)

obj = (f_n**2).sum()
grad = 0.0 * f_n
for n in range(f_n.size):
grad += 2 * f_n[n] * G_nm[n,:]

return (obj, grad)

#x0 = np.zeros([nspecies], np.float64)
#bounds = list()
#for n in range(nspecies):
# m = min(C0_R, C0_Ln[n])
# bounds.append( (0., m) )
#[x, a, b] = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(objective, x0, bounds=bounds)
#C_RLn = x

def ode(c_n, t, Ka_n, x_Ln, x_R):
dc_n = - c_n[:] + Ka_n[:] * (x_Ln[:]/V - c_n[:]) * (x_R/V - c_n[:].sum())
return dc_n

def odegrad(c_n, t, Ka_n, x_Ln, x_R):
N = c_n.size
d2c = np.zeros([N,N], np.float64)
for n in range(N):
d2c[n,:] = -Ka_n[n] * (x_Ln[n]/V - c_n[n])
d2c[n,n] += -(Ka_n[n] * (x_R/V - c_n[:].sum()) + 1.0)
return d2c

#if c0 is None: c0 = np.zeros([nspecies], np.float64)
#maxtime = 100.0 * (x_R/V) / Ka_n.max()
#time = [0, maxtime / 2.0, maxtime]
#c = scipy.integrate.odeint(ode, c0, time, Dfun=odegrad, args=(Ka_n, x_Ln, x_R))
#C_RLn = c[-1,:]

#c = np.zeros([nspecies], np.float64)
#maxtime = 1.0 / Ka_n.min()
#maxtime = 1.0 / ((x_R/V) * Ka_n.min())
#maxtime = 1.0
#time = [0, maxtime]
#c = scipy.optimize.fsolve(ode, c, fprime=odegrad, args=(0.0, Ka_n, x_Ln, x_R), xtol=1.0e-6)
#c = scipy.integrate.odeint(ode, c, time, Dfun=odegrad, args=(Ka_n, x_Ln, x_R), mxstep=50000)
#c = c[-1,:]
#C_RLn = c

#print "C_RLn = ", C_RLn
#print ""

c = np.zeros([nspecies], np.float64)
sorted_indices = np.argsort(-x_Ln)
for n in range(nspecies):
indices = sorted_indices[0:n+1]
#c[indices] = scipy.optimize.fsolve(ode, c[indices], fprime=odegrad, args=(0.0, Ka_n[indices], x_Ln[indices], x_R), xtol=1.0e-6, warning=False)
c[indices] = scipy.optimize.fsolve(ode, c[indices], fprime=odegrad, args=(0.0, Ka_n[indices], x_Ln[indices], x_R), xtol=1.0e-6)
C_RLn = c

return C_RLn
nreactions = len(reactions)
nconservation = len(conservation_equations)
nequations = nreactions + nconservation

# Determine names of all species.
all_species = set()
for (log_equilibrium_constant, reaction) in reactions:
for species in reaction.keys():
all_species = list(all_species) # order is now fixed
nspecies = len(all_species)

# Construct function with appropriate roots.
def ftarget(X):
target = np.zeros([nequations], np.float64)
jacobian = np.zeros([nequations, nspecies], np.float64)
equation_index = 0
# Reactions
for (log_equilibrium_constant, reaction) in reactions:
target[equation_index] = - log_equilibrium_constant
for (species_index, species) in enumerate(all_species):
if species in reaction:
stoichiometry = reaction[species]
target[equation_index] += stoichiometry * X[species_index]
jacobian[equation_index][species_index] = stoichiometry
equation_index += 1
# Conservation of mass
from scipy.misc import logsumexp
for (log_total_concentration, conservation_equation) in conservation_equations:
target[equation_index] = - log_total_concentration
log_concentrations = list()
for (species_index, species) in enumerate(all_species):
if species in conservation_equation:
stoichiometry = conservation_equation[species]
log_concentrations.append(X[species_index] + np.log(stoichiometry))
log_concentrations = np.array(log_concentrations)
logsum = logsumexp(log_concentrations)
target[equation_index] += logsum
for (species_index, species) in enumerate(all_species):
log_concentrations = list()
if species in conservation_equation:
stoichiometry = conservation_equation[species]
jacobian[equation_index, species_index] = stoichiometry * np.exp(X[species_index] - logsum)
equation_index += 1

return (target, jacobian)

# Construct initial guess
# We assume that all matter is equally spread out among all species via the conservation equations
from scipy.misc import logsumexp
LOG_ZERO = -100
X = LOG_ZERO * np.ones([nspecies], np.float64)
for (species_index, species) in enumerate(all_species):
for (log_total_concentration, conservation_equation) in conservation_equations:
log_total_stoichiometry = np.log(np.sum([stoichiometry for stoichiometry in conservation_equation.values()]))
if species in conservation_equation:
stoichiometry = conservation_equation[species]
X[species_index] = logsumexp([X[species_index], log_total_concentration + np.log(stoichiometry) - log_total_stoichiometry])

# Solve
from scipy.optimize import root
options = {'xtol' : tol}
sol = root(ftarget, X, method='lm', jac=True, tol=tol, options=options)
if (sol.success == False):
msg = "root-finder failed to converge:\n"
msg += str(sol)
raise Exception(msg)

log_concentrations = { all_species[index] : sol.x[index] for index in range(nspecies) }
return log_concentrations

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