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Mike Henry edited this page Mar 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the openmmtools wiki!

How to create a release

  1. Create a PR to make necessary changes
  2. Make sure that docs/releasehistory.rst is current and mentions relevant PRs that have been merged in.
  3. Make sure the README is updated (This is easy to forget)
  4. Merge in PR
  5. Locally checkout master and tag it git tag -a vX.Y. (follow semantic versioning)
  6. Push tags git push --tags
  7. Create a draft release here and select the tag that you pushed.
  8. The release title should be the version - {major new feature|bugfix} depending on if the release has a major new feature or is a bugfix.
  9. The description should be a summary of the changes mentioned in docs/releasehistory.rst.
  10. Have another maintainer look at the draft release.
  11. Finally hit the publish release button. The feedstock here will see that there has been a version bump and build the new version so that it is available on conda-forge.
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