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zTree Wellesley HCI Project

Cassie Hoef edited this page Jul 29, 2014 · 1 revision

Welcome to the zTree wiki!

zTree was created by Cassie Hoef for Wellesley HCI's iGEM competition in Summer 2013. The application was designed for the zSpace, a stereoscopic 3D display. It was built in Unity3D and coded in C#.

The goal of the project was to test 3D representations of hierarchical data and make them interactive. The data visualized was pulled from the Registry of Standard Biological Parts ( Inspiration for the structure came from Xerox PARC's cone trees.

In order to run this program, you must have a zSpace device and Unity3D. If you do not have these things, please feel free to check out my demo video:

If there are any further questions, please contact me at

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