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# Full eCommerce Website with Admin Panel Built with PHP & MySql *BEFORE USE PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PROJECT WAS BUILT FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND ITS NOT MAINTAINED BY ME ANYMORE SO IT MAY CONTAIN A LOT OF Bugs/Vulnerabilites, FEEL FREE TO USE IT AS YOU LIKE* ## Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. ### Installing Database Configuration ``` - Download zip file and Unzip file on your local server. - Put this file inside “c:/xampp/htdocs/” . - Open phpmyadmin - Create Database named “ecom_store”. - Import database : /ecom_store.sql - Open Your browser put inside URL: "http://localhost/ecommerce-website/” - To Login as admin : ”http://localhost/ecommerce-website/admin_area” ``` ## Authors & Licence * **Yasser Dalouzi** - *eCommerce Website* - ( * This project is open-source feel free to use it as you wish # ecommerce-website


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