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Agda大序数(1-7) 序数嵌入的不动点
Agda, 序数, 大数数学

Agda大序数(1-7) 序数嵌入的不动点

交流Q群: 893531731
目录: NonWellFormed.html
高亮渲染: Fixpoint.html

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe --experimental-lossy-unification #-}
{-# OPTIONS --no-qualified-instances #-}

module NonWellFormed.Fixpoint where


本章考察序数嵌入的不动点, 需要开头四章作为前置.

open import NonWellFormed.Ordinal
open NonWellFormed.Ordinal.≤-Reasoning
open import NonWellFormed.WellFormed hiding (wf⇒wf)
open import NonWellFormed.Function
open import NonWellFormed.Recursion


open import Data.Nat as ℕ using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕ using (m≤n⇒m<n∨m≡n)
open import Data.Unit using (tt)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Function using (_∘_; λ-)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (refl)


我们说序数 α 是序数函数 F 的不动点, 当且仅当 F α ≈ α.

_isFixpointOf_ : Ord  (Ord  Ord)  Set
α isFixpointOf F = F α ≈ α

我们说 rec F from α by ωFα 开始的无穷迭代, 记作 F ⋱ α.

_⋱_ : (Ord  Ord)  (Ord  Ord)
F ⋱ α = rec F from α by ω

由超限递归的相关引理立即可知无穷迭代保持函数的弱增长性和 ≤-单调性.

module _ {F : Ord  Ord} where

  ⋱-incr-≤ : ≤-increasing F  ≤-increasing (F ⋱_)
  ⋱-incr-≤ ≤-incr = rec-from-incr-≤ ω ≤-incr

  ⋱-mono-≤ : ≤-monotonic F  ≤-monotonic (F ⋱_)
  ⋱-mono-≤ ≤-mono = rec-from-mono-≤ ω ≤-mono

我们说 F ∘ suc 的从 F zero 开始的递归是 F后继迭代, 记作 F ⁺

_⁺ : (Ord  Ord)  (Ord  Ord)
F ⁺ = rec F ∘ suc from (F zero) by_

后继迭代具有良好的性质, 只要 F ≤-单调且弱增长, F ⁺ 就是序数嵌入.

⁺-normal :  F  ≤-monotonic F  ≤-increasing F  normal (F ⁺)
⁺-normal F F-mono-≤ F-incr-≤ =
    rec-by-mono-≤ Fs-mono-≤ (<⇒≤-incr Fs-incr-<)
  , rec-by-mono-< Fs-mono-≤ Fs-incr-<
  , λ- ≈-refl where
    Fs-mono-≤ : ≤-monotonic (F ∘ suc)
    Fs-mono-≤ ≤ = F-mono-≤ (s≤s ≤)
    Fs-incr-< : <-increasing (F ∘ suc)
    Fs-incr-< α = s≤⇒< (F-incr-≤ (suc α))

我们说 F ⋱_ ∘ suc 的从 F ⋱ zero 开始的递归是 F 的不动点枚举函数, 记作 F ′.

_′ : (Ord  Ord)  Ord  Ord
F ′ = F ⋱_ ⁺



给定一个序数嵌入 F.

module _ {F : Ord  Ord} (nml@(≤-mono , <-mono , ct) : normal F) where
  private ≤-incr = normal⇒≤-incr nml

引理 F 的从任意初始值开始的无穷递归都是 F 的不动点.

  ⋱-fp :  α₀  (F ⋱ α₀) isFixpointOf F
  ⋱-fp α₀ =                                begin-equality
    F (F ⋱ α₀)                             ≈⟨ ct _ ⟩
    lim (λ n  F (rec F from α₀ by ⌜ n ⌝)) ≈˘⟨ l≈ls (≤-incr α₀) ⟩
    F ⋱ α₀                                 ∎

注意 存在 F 的任意大的不动点.

  _ : ≤-increasing (F ⋱_)
  _ = ⋱-incr-≤ ≤-incr


引理 F 的从零开始的无穷递归 F ⋱ zeroF 的最小不动点.

  ⋱₀-fp : (F ⋱ zero) isFixpointOf F
  ⋱₀-fp = ⋱-fp zero

  ⋱₀-min :  {α}  α isFixpointOf F  F ⋱ zero ≤ α
  ⋱₀-min {α} fp = l≤ helper where
    helper :  n  (rec F from zero by ⌜ n ⌝) ≤ α
    helper zero    = z≤
    helper (suc n) =               begin
      rec F from zero by ⌜ suc n ⌝ ≤⟨ ≤-mono (helper n) ⟩
      F α                          ≈⟨ fp ⟩
      α                            ∎

现在, 假设 F 在零处增长.

  module _ (z-incr : zero-increasing F) where

引理 F 的从零开始的有穷递归是递归次数的单调序列.

    ⋱₀-monoSeq : MonoSequence (rec F from zero by_ ∘ ⌜_⌝)
    ⋱₀-monoSeq = wrap mono where
      mono : monoSequence _
      mono {m} {suc n} (ℕ.s≤s m≤n) with m≤n⇒m<n∨m≡n m≤n
      ... | inj₁ m<n =                begin-strict
        rec F from zero by ⌜ m ⌝      <⟨ mono m<n ⟩
        rec F from zero by ⌜ n ⌝      ≤⟨ ≤-incr _ ⟩
        rec F from zero by ⌜ suc n ⌝  ∎
      ... | inj₂ refl = helper m where
        helper :  m  rec F from zero by ⌜ m ⌝ < rec F from zero by ⌜ suc m ⌝
        helper zero    = z-incr
        helper (suc m) = <-mono (helper m)

引理 如果 F 保良构, 那么 F ⋱ zero 良构.

    ⋱₀-wf : wf-preserving F  WellFormed (F ⋱ zero)
    ⋱₀-wf wfp = helper , ⋱₀-monoSeq where
      helper :  {n}  WellFormed (rec F from zero by ⌜ n ⌝)
      helper {zero}  = tt
      helper {suc n} = wfp helper

事实 如果 F 还在良构后继处增长, 那么 F 的最小不动点严格大于 F 在有限序数处的值.

    Fn<F⋱₀ : suc-increasing F   n  F ⌜ n ⌝ < F ⋱ zero
    Fn<F⋱₀ s-incr n =                       begin-strict
      F ⌜ n ⌝                               <⟨ <-mono <s ⟩
      F ⌜ suc n ⌝                           ≤⟨ ≤-mono (helper n) ⟩
      rec F from zero by ⌜ suc (suc n) ⌝    ≤⟨ f≤l ⟩
      F ⋱ zero                              ∎ where
        helper :  n  suc ⌜ n ⌝ ≤ F (rec F from zero by ⌜ n ⌝)
        helper zero    = <⇒s≤ z-incr
        helper (suc n) =                    begin
          ⌜ suc (suc n) ⌝                   ≤⟨ <⇒s≤ (s-incr ⌜ n ⌝ ⦃ ⌜ n ⌝-wellFormed ⦄) ⟩
          F ⌜ suc n ⌝                       ≤⟨ ≤-mono (helper n) ⟩
          F (F (rec F from zero by ⌜ n ⌝))  ∎


引理 F 的从 suc α 开始的无穷递归是 F 的大于 α 的最小不动点, 叫做 Fα 的后继不动点.

  ⋱ₛ-fp :  α  (F ⋱ suc α) isFixpointOf F
  ⋱ₛ-fp α = ⋱-fp (suc α)

  ⋱ₛ-incr-< : <-increasing (F ⋱_ ∘ suc)
  ⋱ₛ-incr-< α = s≤⇒< (⋱-incr-≤ ≤-incr (suc α))

  ⋱ₛ-suc :  α β  α < β  β isFixpointOf F  F ⋱ suc α ≤ β
  ⋱ₛ-suc α β α<β fp = l≤ helper where
    helper :  n  rec F from suc α by ⌜ n ⌝ ≤ β
    helper zero    = <⇒s≤ α<β
    helper (suc n) =                  begin
        F (rec F from suc α by ⌜ n ⌝) ≤⟨ ≤-mono (helper n) ⟩
        F β                           ≈⟨ fp ⟩
        β                             ∎

引理 F ⋱_ ∘ suc ≤-单调.

  ⋱ₛ-mono-≤ : ≤-monotonic (F ⋱_ ∘ suc)
  ⋱ₛ-mono-≤ α≤β = ⋱-mono-≤ ≤-mono (s≤s α≤β)

现在, 假设 F 在良构后继处增长.

  module _ (s-incr : suc-increasing F) where

引理 F 的从 suc α 开始的有穷递归是递归次数的单调序列.

    ⋱ₛ-monoSeq :  α  ⦃ WellFormed α ⦄  MonoSequence (rec F from suc α by_ ∘ ⌜_⌝)
    ⋱ₛ-monoSeq α = wrap mono where
      mono : monoSequence _
      mono {m} {suc n} (ℕ.s≤s m≤n) with m≤n⇒m<n∨m≡n m≤n
      ... | inj₁ m<n =                 begin-strict
        rec F from suc α by ⌜ m ⌝      <⟨ mono m<n ⟩
        rec F from suc α by ⌜ n ⌝      ≤⟨ ≤-incr _ ⟩
        rec F from suc α by ⌜ suc n ⌝  ∎
      ... | inj₂ refl = helper m where
        helper :  m  rec F from suc α by ⌜ m ⌝ < rec F from suc α by ⌜ suc m ⌝
        helper zero    = s-incr α
        helper (suc m) = <-mono (helper m)

引理 如果 F 保良构, 那么 F ⋱_ ∘ suc 也保良构.

    ⋱ₛ-wfp : wf-preserving F  wf-preserving (F ⋱_ ∘ suc)
    ⋱ₛ-wfp wfp {α} wfα = helper , ⋱ₛ-monoSeq α ⦃ wfα ⦄ where
      helper :  {n}  WellFormed (rec F from suc α by ⌜ n ⌝)
      helper {zero}  = wfα
      helper {suc n} = wfp helper


引理 F ⋱_ ∘ suc 的从 F ⋱ zero 开始的递归是 F 的不动点枚举函数.

  ′-fp :  α  (F ′) α isFixpointOf F
  ′-fp zero    = ⋱₀-fp
  ′-fp (suc α) = ⋱ₛ-fp _
  ′-fp (lim f) =                begin-equality
    F ((F ′) (lim f))           ≈⟨ ct _ ⟩
    lim (λ n  F ((F ′) (f n))) ≈⟨ l≈l (′-fp (f _)) ⟩
    (F ′) (lim f)               ∎

我们接下来证明高阶函数 _′ 保持序数函数的一系列性质.

定理 _′ 保持序数嵌入.

  ′-normal : normal (F ′)
  ′-normal = ⁺-normal (F ⋱_) (⋱-mono-≤ ≤-mono) (⋱-incr-≤ ≤-incr)

注意 这意味着 _′ 也可以一直迭代下去, 得到高阶不动点.

定理 _′ 保持保良构性.

  ′-wfp : zero-increasing F  suc-increasing F  wf-preserving F  wf-preserving (F ′)
  ′-wfp z-incr s-incr wfp = rec-wfp (⋱₀-wf z-incr wfp) ⋱ₛ-mono-≤ ⋱ₛ-incr-< (⋱ₛ-wfp s-incr wfp)

定理 _′ 保持零处增长性.

module _ {F} where
  ′-zero-incr : zero-increasing F  zero-increasing (F ′)
  ′-zero-incr z-incr = <f⇒<l {n = 1} z-incr

定理 _′ 保持良构后继处增长性.

  ′-suc-incr : normal F  suc-increasing F  suc-increasing (F ′)
  ′-suc-incr nml s-incr α =           begin-strict
    suc α                             <⟨ s-incr α ⟩
    rec F from suc α by ⌜ 1 ⌝         ≤⟨ f≤l ⟩
    F ⋱ suc α                         ≤⟨ ⋱ₛ-mono-≤ nml (rec-by-incr-≤ (⋱ₛ-mono-≤ nml) (⋱ₛ-incr-< nml) α) ⟩
    (F ′) (suc α)                     ∎


_⁺_′ 也具有与增长性, 单调性, 合同性类似的性质, 只不过是高阶的.

定理 _′ 满足高阶增长性.

module _ {F} (nml@(≤-mono , _ , _) : normal F) where
  ′-incrʰ-≤ :  α  F α ≤ (F ′) α
  ′-incrʰ-≤ α =  begin
    F α          ≤⟨ ≤-mono (normal⇒≤-incr (′-normal nml) α) ⟩
    F ((F ′) α)  ≈⟨ ′-fp nml α ⟩
    (F ′) α      ∎

引理 _⁺ 满足高阶单调性.

module _ {F G} (≤-mono : ≤-monotonic F) where
  ⁺-monoʰ-≤ : ( {α}  F α ≤ G α)  ( {α}  (F ⁺) α ≤ (G ⁺) α)
  ⁺-monoʰ-≤ F≤G {zero}  = F≤G {zero}
  ⁺-monoʰ-≤ F≤G {suc α} =         begin
    F (suc ((F ⁺) α))             ≤⟨ ≤-mono (s≤s (⁺-monoʰ-≤ F≤G)) ⟩
    F (suc ((G ⁺) α))             ≤⟨ F≤G ⟩
    G (suc ((G ⁺) α))             ∎
  ⁺-monoʰ-≤ F≤G {lim f} =         begin
    lim (λ n  (F ⁺) (f n))       ≤⟨ l≤l (λ n  ⁺-monoʰ-≤ F≤G) ⟩
    lim (λ n  (G ⁺) (f n))       ∎

引理 _′ 满足高阶单调性.

module _ {F G} (≤-mono : ≤-monotonic F) where
  ′-monoʰ-≤ : ( {α}  F α ≤ G α)  ( {α}  (F ′) α ≤ (G ′) α)
  ′-monoʰ-≤ F≤G = ⁺-monoʰ-≤ (⋱-mono-≤ ≤-mono) (l≤l ≤) where
    :  {α} n  rec F from α by ⌜ n ⌝ ≤ rec G from α by ⌜ n ⌝
    ≤ zero = ≤-refl
    ≤ {α} (suc n) =             begin
      F (rec F from α by ⌜ n ⌝) ≤⟨ ≤-mono (≤ n) ⟩
      F (rec G from α by ⌜ n ⌝) ≤⟨ F≤G ⟩
      G (rec G from α by ⌜ n ⌝) ∎

定理 _⁺_′ 满足高阶合同性, 即保持函数外延 ≈ᶠ.

module _ {F G} (F-mono : ≤-monotonic F) (G-mono : ≤-monotonic G) where

  ⁺-congʰ : F ≈ᶠ G  (F ⁺) ≈ᶠ (G ⁺)
  ⁺-congʰ F≈ᶠG = ⁺-monoʰ-≤ F-mono (proj₁ F≈ᶠG)
               , ⁺-monoʰ-≤ G-mono (proj₂ F≈ᶠG)

  ′-congʰ : F ≈ᶠ G  (F ′) ≈ᶠ (G ′)
  ′-congʰ F≈ᶠG = ′-monoʰ-≤ F-mono (proj₁ F≈ᶠG)
               , ′-monoʰ-≤ G-mono (proj₂ F≈ᶠG)