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User Documentation

Ryan Van Quinlan edited this page Jun 1, 2014 · 14 revisions

Table Of Contents

Starting The Game
    Starting A Single Player Game
    Starting A Multiplayer Game
    Taking Your Turn
    Reacting To Other Players
    Making An Accusation
Cards And Destinations
    Action Cards
    Suspect Cards
    Destination Cards
    Vehicle Cards


Indication is a game based on the Clue Card Game where players attempt to find clues and deduce the details of a crime. Indication supports 1-5 players.


The player wishing to host the game will need to download IndicationServer.jar and run it with Java. All players (including the host) must download and run IndicationClient.jar. Single player games require IndicationServer.jar to be run as well.

Starting The Game

After opening the client the start window will appear:

You can start a single player game, multiplayer game, view information on how to play or set configuration options for the game. ##### Starting A Single Player Game Click "Single Player" in the start window. You will be taken to the lobby window:

In this window you can see a list of current players in the game, add or kick AI players, begin the game or leave it. Add or kick robot players until you are satisfied (there must be a minimum of 3 players) and click READY! to begin the game. ##### Starting A Multiplayer Game Click "Multiplayer" in the start window. You will be taken to the lobby discovery window:

In this window you can see a list of existing lobbies, how many players are in each, and you can create or join a game lobby. Either highlight a game in the list and click join or click create game and you will be taken to the lobby window:

In the lobby window you will wait until the game is ready to begin. Only the creator of the game will be able to add/kick players and robots and begin the game.


When the game begins the first player is picked at random. After their turn completes the next player in the player list(2) will take a turn and so on until the game completes. As players take turns the game log(1) will be updated to show a history of actions taken by players. Destinations(4) are listed beneath the game log and player list. If a player holds a particular destination tile it will be outlined by that players' color (The same color as their name in the player list). Your current action cards(5) are shown beneath the destinations and on the left. The suspect, destination, and vehicle cards in your hand(6) are displayed to the right of your action cards. You can keep track of discoveries you make in your notes(7) section beneath your hand. You can check suspects/destinations/vehicles you have seen as well as type notes in the text area(8). Your notes, hand, and action cards can only be seen by you (unless another player views cards in your hand by playing an action card). When you are ready to make an accusation you can do so on your turn with the ACCUSE! button(3).
Taking Your Turn

When it is your turn the game log will be updated to indicate so and you will be automatically dealt an action card. You may now choose one of your action cards to play at which point you may have to wait for other players to react to your action card depending on which one you played. If you play an action card requiring you to select a player or cards from their hands a window will pop up with instructions to facilitate this action. If other players showed you cards a window will automatically pop up after they are done making their selections displaying the results of what they showed you. At any point during your turn you may also make an accusation (more details on Making An Accusation are below). After you have finished playing your action card and viewing the results you must click the end turn button and the game will proceed with the next player.

Reacting To Other Players

If another player plays an action card and you are one of the players affected you must react by revealing some of your cards; a window will pop up with instructions that facilitates allowing you to show cards. How and which cards you reveal may differ depending on the action card played. If a suggestion card was played you must reveal any cards in your hand which can disprove the suggestion. Snoop cards mandate that you show cards to the player based on which ones they select. Sleuth and private tip cards require you select cards in your hand that meet a given requirement. After you have chosen the required cards from your hand to show you may click show which will send the chosen cards to the player who played the action card.


A crime has been committed and it is your objective to discover who committed it, in which vehicle, and where. You attempt to deduce this by learning which suspect, vehicle and destination are not held by any player. The 3 cards not held by any player represent the winning solution. The first player to correctly make an accusation detailing the correct 3 answers wins!

Making An Accusation

At any point during your turn you may make an accusation by clicking ACCUSE! At this point a window will appear:

From within this window you may select the suspect, vehicle and destination that you believe consist of the solution. After making your selection click ACCUSE! or click close to cancel making the accusation. If you are correct you have won the game! However, if incorrect you will lose and be expelled from the game and a robot will take over for you for the duration of the game.


Clicking the "Options" button in either the start window or in the game window will display the options window:

Within the options window a background color, font color, and card theme can be selected and applied by clicking the "Apply" button.

Cards And Destinations

Action Cards

There are five different types of action cards. Listed below are each of the action cards in each category and the (count) of each in the deck.

  • Suggestion
    • (10) Make a suggestion from ANY destination
    • (9) Make a suggestion from current destination or move to another destination
  • Snoop
    • (4) Snoop on any player's hand
  • All Snoop
    • (2) All snoop on player's hand to left (the player above you in the player list)
    • (2) All snoop on player's hand to right (the player below you in the player list)
  • Super Sleuth
    • (1) Every player must show me one female suspect card
    • (1) Every player must show me one male suspect card
    • (1) Every player must show me one flying vehicle card
    • (1) Every player must show me one blue vehicle card
    • (1) Every player must show me one southern destination card
    • (1) Every player must show me one western destination card
  • Private Tip
    • (1) One player must show me all their suspect cards
    • (1) One player must show me all their vehicle cards
    • (1) One player must show me all their destination cards
    • (1) One player must show me one female suspect card
    • (1) One player must show me one red vehicle card
    • (1) One player must show me one northern destination card
Suspect Cards
  • Colonel Mustard (Male)
  • Mr. Green (Male)
  • Professor Plum (Male)
  • Mrs. Peacock (Female)
  • Miss Scarlet (Female)
  • Mrs. White (Female)
Destination Cards
  • North/East: Niagara Falls, Coney Island
  • North/West: Mt. Rushmore, Old Faithful
  • South/West: Golden Gate Bridge, Hoover Dam, The Alamo
  • South/East: Lincoln Memorial, Miami Beach
Vehicle Cards
  • Airliner (Red, Flying)
  • Automobile (Red)
  • Train (Red)
  • Hot Air Balloon (Blue, Flying)
  • Seaplane (Blue, Flying)
  • Limousine (Blue)

Destinations correspond with destination cards.


I have found a bug where can I report it?

To report a bug please visit our bug tracker at our GitHub issue tracker. Please search through the listed issues to see if your issue has already been reported before creating a new one. Thank you!