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Added opus streaming
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chris-rudmin committed Apr 13, 2015
1 parent 2c1ab2a commit 4c78b1f
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Showing 5 changed files with 107 additions and 145 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ Creates a recorder instance. Instantiating an instance will prompt the user for
- **bufferLength** - (*optional*) The length of the buffer that the internal JavaScriptNode uses to capture the audio. Can be tweaked if experiencing performance issues. Defaults to 4096.
- **monitorGain** - (*optional*) Sets the gain of the monitoring output. Gain is an a-weighted value between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0
- **numberOfChannels** - (*optional*) The number of channels to record. 1 = mono, 2 = stereo. Defaults to 1. More than two channels has not been tested.
- **recordOpus** - (*optional*) Specifies if recorder should record using the opus encoder. Defaults to true.
- **sampleRate** - (*optional*) Specifies the sample rate to record at. Defaults to device sample rate. If resampling occurs, the audio is filtered with a 6th order butterworth filter and then resampled using a gaussing convolution. The Opus encoder will not work if the value is not 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000 or 48000.
- **recordOpus** - (*optional*) Specifies if recorder should record using the opus encoder. Defaults to true. If set to { stream : true }, then dataAvailable event will fire when each page is ready. Additionaly if stream is true, you can specify a maximum number of buffers per page to reduce latency using { stream: true, maxBuffersPerPage: 10 }. At 44100 Hz, 10 buffers will be ~1 second of latency.
- **sampleRate** - (*optional*) Specifies the sample rate to record at. Defaults to device sample rate. If different than native rate, the audio will be filtered and resampled. If recordOpus is true, this value will default to 48000.
The Opus encoder will not work if the value is not 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000 or 48000.
- **workerPath** - (*optional*) Path to recorder.js worker script. Defaults to 'recorderWorker.js'

Expand All @@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ Creates a recorder instance. Instantiating an instance will prompt the user for


**requestData** will request the recorded data if not recording. If successful, the event "dataAvailable" will be published with a blob containing the appropriate data as an ogg or wav file depending on config.
**requestData** will request the recorded data if not recording. If successful, the event "dataAvailable" will be published with a blob containing the appropriate data as an ogg or wav file depending on config. requestData will not work if recordOpus stream is enabled, as the data is being streamed and not recorded.


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211 changes: 81 additions & 130 deletions oggopus.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,39 +1,34 @@
importScripts( 'libopus.js', 'wavepcm.js' );

var OggOpus = function( config ){

this.numberOfChannels = config.numberOfChannels;
this.inputSampleRate = config.inputSampleRate;
this.outputSampleRate = config.outputSampleRate;
this.bitDepth = config.bitDepth;
this.encoderApplication = config.encoderApplication || 2049; // 2048 = Voice, 2049 = Full Band Audio, 2051 = Restricted Low Delay
this.onPageComplete = config.onPageComplete || this.onPageComplete;
this.maxBuffersPerPage = config.recordOpus.maxBuffersPerPage || 40; // Limit latency for streaming
this.encoderApplication = config.recordOpus.encoderApplication || 2049; // 2048 = Voice, 2049 = Full Band Audio, 2051 = Restricted Low Delay
this.encoderFrameSize = config.encoderFrameSize || 20; // 20ms frame
this.granuleIncrement = 48 * this.encoderFrameSize
this.wavepcm = new WavePCM( config );
this.packets = [];

this.pageIndex = 0;
this.granulePosition = 0;
this.segmentData = new Uint8Array( 65025 );
this.segmentDataIndex = 0;
this.segmentTable = new Uint8Array( 255 );
this.segmentTableIndex = 0;
this.pages = [];
this.fileLength = 0;
this.buffersInPage = 0;


OggOpus.prototype.decode = function( packets ) {
var outputSampleLength;
var decodedAudio = new Int16Array( packets.length * this.encoderBufferLength );

for ( var i = 0; i < packets.length; i++ ) {
this.decoderBuffer.set( packets[i] );
outputSampleLength = _opus_decode( this.decoder, this.decoderBufferPointer, packets[i].byteLength, this.decoderOutputPointer, this.decoderOutputMaxLength, 0);
decodedAudio.set( this.decoderOutputBuffer, i*this.encoderBufferLength );

return new Uint8Array( decodedAudio.buffer );

OggOpus.prototype.encode = function( samples ) {
var outputPackets = [];
var sampleIndex = 0;
var lengthToCopy;
var outputPacketLength;

while ( sampleIndex < samples.length ) {

Expand All @@ -43,13 +38,22 @@ OggOpus.prototype.encode = function( samples ) {
this.encoderBufferIndex += lengthToCopy;

if ( this.encoderBufferIndex === this.encoderBufferLength ) {
outputPacketLength = _opus_encode_float( this.encoder, this.encoderBufferPointer, this.encoderSamplesPerChannelPerPacket, this.encoderOutputPointer, this.encoderOutputMaxLength );
outputPackets.push( new Uint8Array( this.encoderOutputBuffer.subarray(0, outputPacketLength) ) );
var packetLength = _opus_encode_float( this.encoder, this.encoderBufferPointer, this.encoderSamplesPerChannelPerPacket, this.encoderOutputPointer, this.encoderOutputMaxLength );
this.segmentPacket( packetLength );
this.encoderBufferIndex = 0;

return outputPackets;
if ( this.buffersInPage >= this.maxBuffersPerPage ) {

OggOpus.prototype.encodeFinalFrame = function() {
this.encode( new Float32Array( this.encoderBufferLength - this.encoderBufferIndex ) );
this.headerType += 4;

OggOpus.prototype.getChecksum = function( data ){
Expand All @@ -60,51 +64,22 @@ OggOpus.prototype.getChecksum = function( data ){
return checksum >>> 0;

OggOpus.prototype.getCommentPage = function( pageIndex ){
var segmentDataBuffer = new ArrayBuffer( 24 );
var segmentDataView = new DataView( segmentDataBuffer );
var segmentData = new Uint8Array( segmentDataBuffer );
var segmentTable = new Uint8Array(1);

segmentTable[0] = segmentData.length;
OggOpus.prototype.generateCommentPage = function(){
var segmentDataView = new DataView( this.segmentData.buffer );
segmentDataView.setUint32( 0, 1332770163, false ) // Magic Signature 'Opus'
segmentDataView.setUint32( 4, 1415669619, false ) // Magic Signature 'Tags'
segmentDataView.setUint32( 8, 8, true ); // Vendor Length
segmentDataView.setUint32( 12, 1382376303, false ); // Vendor name 'Reco'
segmentDataView.setUint32( 16, 1919182194, false ); // Vendor name 'rder'
segmentDataView.setUint32( 20, 0, true ); // User Comment List Length

return this.getPage( 0, 0, pageIndex, segmentTable, segmentData );
this.segmentTableIndex = 1;
this.segmentDataIndex = this.segmentTable[0] = 24;
this.headerType = 0;

OggOpus.prototype.getFile = function( pageData ){
var lastPage = pageData[ pageData.length-1 ];
var oggFile = new Uint8Array( lastPage.fileOffset + lastPage.segmentTable.length + lastPage.segmentData.length + 27 );
var oggPageIndex = 0;

oggFile.set( this.getIdPage( oggPageIndex++ ) );
oggFile.set( this.getCommentPage( oggPageIndex++ ), 47 );

for ( var i = 0; i < pageData.length; i++ ) {
oggFile.set( this.getPage(
), pageData[i].fileOffset );

return oggFile;

OggOpus.prototype.getIdPage = function( pageIndex ){
var segmentDataBuffer = new ArrayBuffer( 19 );
var segmentDataView = new DataView( segmentDataBuffer );
var segmentData = new Uint8Array( segmentDataBuffer );
var segmentTable = new Uint8Array(1);

segmentTable[0] = segmentData.length;
OggOpus.prototype.generateIdPage = function(){
var segmentDataView = new DataView( this.segmentData.buffer );
segmentDataView.setUint32( 0, 1332770163, false ) // Magic Signature 'Opus'
segmentDataView.setUint32( 4, 1214603620, false ) // Magic Signature 'Head'
segmentDataView.setUint8( 8, 1, true ); // Version
Expand All @@ -113,19 +88,21 @@ OggOpus.prototype.getIdPage = function( pageIndex ){
segmentDataView.setUint32( 12, this.inputSampleRate, true ); // original sample rate
segmentDataView.setUint16( 16, 0, true ); // output gain
segmentDataView.setUint8( 18, 0, true ); // channel map 0 = mono or stereo

return this.getPage( 2, 0, pageIndex, segmentTable, segmentData );
this.segmentTableIndex = 1;
this.segmentDataIndex = this.segmentTable[0] = 19;
this.headerType = 2;

OggOpus.prototype.getPage = function( headerType, granulePosition, pageIndex, segmentTable, segmentData ){
var numberOfSegments = segmentTable.length;
var pageBuffer = new ArrayBuffer( 27 + numberOfSegments + segmentData.length );
OggOpus.prototype.generatePage = function(){
var granulePosition = ( this.lastPositiveGranulePosition === this.granulePosition) ? -1 : this.granulePosition;
var pageBuffer = new ArrayBuffer( 27 + this.segmentTableIndex + this.segmentDataIndex );
var pageBufferView = new DataView( pageBuffer );
var page = new Uint8Array( pageBuffer );

pageBufferView.setUint32( 0, 1332176723, false); // Capture Pattern starts all page headers 'OggS'
pageBufferView.setUint8( 4, 0, true ); // Version
pageBufferView.setUint8( 5, headerType, true ); // 1 = continuation, 2 = beginning of stream, 4 = end of stream
pageBufferView.setUint8( 5, this.headerType, true ); // 1 = continuation, 2 = beginning of stream, 4 = end of stream

// Number of samples upto and including this page at 48000Hz, into 64 bits
pageBufferView.setUint32( 6, granulePosition, true );
Expand All @@ -134,13 +111,19 @@ OggOpus.prototype.getPage = function( headerType, granulePosition, pageIndex, se

pageBufferView.setUint32( 14, 0, true ); // Bitstream serial number
pageBufferView.setUint32( 18, pageIndex, true ); // Page sequence number
pageBufferView.setUint8( 26, numberOfSegments, true ); // Number of segments in page.
page.set( segmentTable, 27 ); // Segment Table
page.set( segmentData, 27 + numberOfSegments ); // Segment Data
pageBufferView.setUint32( 18, this.pageIndex++, true ); // Page sequence number
pageBufferView.setUint8( 26, this.segmentTableIndex, true ); // Number of segments in page.
page.set( this.segmentTable.subarray(0, this.segmentTableIndex), 27 ); // Segment Table
page.set( this.segmentData.subarray(0, this.segmentDataIndex), 27 + this.segmentTableIndex ); // Segment Data
pageBufferView.setUint32( 22, this.getChecksum( page ), true ); // Checksum

return page;
this.onPageComplete( page );
this.segmentTableIndex = 0;
this.segmentDataIndex = 0;
this.buffersInPage = 0;
if ( granulePosition > 0 ) {
this.lastPositiveGranulePosition = granulePosition;

OggOpus.prototype.initChecksumTable = function(){
Expand All @@ -164,75 +147,43 @@ OggOpus.prototype.initCodec = function() {
this.encoderOutputMaxLength = 4000;
this.encoderOutputPointer = _malloc( this.encoderOutputMaxLength );
this.encoderOutputBuffer = HEAPU8.subarray( this.encoderOutputPointer, this.encoderOutputPointer + this.encoderOutputMaxLength );

this.decoder = _opus_decoder_create( this.outputSampleRate, this.numberOfChannels, allocate(4, 'i32', ALLOC_STACK) );
this.decoderBufferPointer = _malloc( this.encoderOutputMaxLength );
this.decoderBuffer = HEAPU8.subarray( this.decoderBufferPointer, this.decoderBufferPointer + this.encoderOutputMaxLength );
this.decoderOutputMaxLength = this.encoderBufferLength * 2; // 2 bytes per sample
this.decoderOutputPointer = _malloc( this.decoderOutputMaxLength );
this.decoderOutputBuffer = HEAP16.subarray( this.decoderOutputPointer >> 1, (this.decoderOutputPointer + this.decoderOutputMaxLength) >> 1 );
OggOpus.prototype.onPageComplete = function( page ){
this.fileLength += page.length;
this.pages.push( page );

OggOpus.prototype.recordBuffers = function( buffers ) {
this.packets.push.apply( this.packets, this.encode( this.wavepcm.resampleAndInterleave( buffers ) ) );
this.encode( this.wavepcm.resampleAndInterleave( buffers ) );

OggOpus.prototype.requestData = function(){
return this.getFile( this.segmentPackets( this.packets ) );
OggOpus.prototype.requestData = function() {
var data = new Uint8Array( this.fileLength );
var offset = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++ ) {
data.set( this.pages[i], offset );
offset += this.pages[i].length;
return data;

OggOpus.prototype.segmentPackets = function( packets ) {
var segmentTable = new Uint8Array( 255 );
var segmentTableIndex = 0;
var segmentData = new Uint8Array( 65025 );
var segmentDataIndex = 0;
var granulePosition = 0;
var headerType = 0;
var lastPositiveGranulePosition = 0;
var segmentedPackets = [];
var fileOffset = 99; // size of comment and id page
var pageComplete = function(){

segmentTable: new Uint8Array( segmentTable.subarray(0, segmentTableIndex) ),
segmentData: new Uint8Array( segmentData.subarray(0, segmentDataIndex) ),
headerType: headerType,
granulePosition: (lastPositiveGranulePosition === granulePosition) ? -1 : granulePosition,
fileOffset: fileOffset

fileOffset += 27 + segmentTableIndex + segmentDataIndex;
segmentTableIndex = 0;
segmentDataIndex = 0;
if ( segmentedPackets[segmentedPackets.length-1].granulePosition !== -1 ) {
lastPositiveGranulePosition = granulePosition;

for ( var i = 0; i < packets.length; i++ ) {
var remainingPacketLength = packets[i].length;
var packetIndex = 0;

while ( remainingPacketLength >= 0 ) {
OggOpus.prototype.segmentPacket = function( packetLength ) {
var packetIndex = 0;

if ( segmentTableIndex === 255 ) {
headerType = ( remainingPacketLength >= 255 ) ? 1 : 0;
while ( packetLength >= 0 ) {
var segmentLength = Math.min( packetLength, 255 );
this.segmentTable[ this.segmentTableIndex++ ] = segmentLength;
this.segmentData.set( this.encoderOutputBuffer.subarray( packetIndex, packetIndex + segmentLength ), this.segmentDataIndex );
this.segmentDataIndex += segmentLength;
packetIndex += segmentLength;
packetLength -= 255;

var dataLength = Math.min( remainingPacketLength, 255 );
segmentData.set( packets[i].subarray( packetIndex, dataLength ), segmentDataIndex );
segmentTable[ segmentTableIndex++ ] = dataLength;
packetIndex += dataLength;
segmentDataIndex += dataLength;
remainingPacketLength -= 255;
if ( this.segmentTableIndex === 255 ) {
this.headerType = ( packetLength >= 0 ) ? 1 : 0;

granulePosition += this.granuleIncrement;

headerType += 4;

return segmentedPackets;
this.granulePosition += ( 48 * this.encoderFrameSize );
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions recorder.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ var Recorder = function( config ){

config = config || {};
config.recordOpus = config.recordOpus === false ? false : true;
config.bitDepth = (config.recordOpus ? 16 : config.bitDepth) || 16;
config.recordOpus = (config.recordOpus === false) ? false : config.recordOpus || true;
config.bitDepth = config.recordOpus ? 16 : config.bitDepth || 16;
config.bufferLength = config.bufferLength || 4096;
config.monitorGain = config.monitorGain || 0;
config.numberOfChannels = config.numberOfChannels || 1;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ Recorder.prototype.stop = function(){
this.state = "inactive";
this.eventTarget.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'stop' ) );
this.worker.postMessage({ command: "requestData" });
this.worker.postMessage({ command: "stop" });
26 changes: 18 additions & 8 deletions recorderWorker.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,28 +1,38 @@
this.onmessage = function( e ){
var worker = this;
switch( ){

case 'recordBuffers':
this.recorder.recordBuffers( );
worker.recorder.recordBuffers( );

case 'requestData':
var data = this.recorder.requestData();
this.postMessage( data, [data.buffer] );
if ( worker.recorder.encodeFinalFrame ) {
if ( ! ) {
var data = worker.recorder.requestData();
worker.postMessage( data, [data.buffer] );

case 'stop':

case 'start':
if ( ) {
worker.recordOpus =;
if ( worker.recordOpus ) {
importScripts( 'oggopus.js' );
this.recorder = new OggOpus( );
if ( ) { = function( page ){ worker.postMessage( page, [page.buffer] ); };
worker.recorder = new OggOpus( );
else {
importScripts( 'wavepcm.js' );
this.recorder = new WavePCM( );
worker.recorder = new WavePCM( );
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion wavepcm.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ WavePCM.prototype.resampleAndInterleave = function( buffers ) {
var channelData = buffers[ channel ];

for ( var tap = -1; tap < 2; tap++ ) {
var sampleValue = channelData[ nearestPoint + tap ] || this.cachedSamples[channel][ 1 + tap ];
var sampleValue = channelData[ nearestPoint + tap ] || this.cachedSamples[channel][ 1 + tap ] || channelData[ nearestPoint ];
outputData[ i * this.numberOfChannels + channel ] += sampleValue * this.magicKernel( resampleValue - nearestPoint - tap );
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