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Repository files navigation

ITransfer Backend 🚀

This library to allow you to share files from a server with the outside world by generating download links.

Enjoy ! ❤️

Table of contents

  • Setup
  • [API reference](#api reference)
  • [Known issues](#known issues)


First clone the repository

git clone

create a new postgresql database then use the provided .env.dist file to create your own environment file

  • APP_PORT: The port your app is going to be running on (defaults to 8080)
  • ENV: dev or prod (defaults to dev)
  • HOST: host url to prepend to your generated links
  • SHARED_DIR: (optionnal) if you want to be able to generate links using a path relative to a specific directory instead of always using absolute paths
  • POSTGRES_PORT: port to access your database
  • POSTGRES_HOST: host of you database
  • POSTGRES_USER: user to access your database
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password to access your database
  • POSTGRES_DB: name of your database

you need to install typescript and gulp (optionnal) globally:

npm i -g typescript gulp

you can now install the project dependencies:

npm i

you can now build the app:


if you don't want to use gulp you may juste build your app using:

npm run build

run the migrations:

npm run typeorm migration:run

your app is ready, start it using:

npm start

or however you prefer!

API reference



downloads the file linked to the given hash


returns all available links



generates a single download link, if multiple paths are submited they will be compressed in a single zip file. body params:

  • filePaths: string[]
  • expirationDate: (optional) ISOstring


generates individual links for each submitted paths. body params:

  • filePaths: string[]
  • expirationDate: (optional) ISOstring



deletes a link


deletes multiple links

Known issues

The app expects the database to be able to generate uuid fields, sometimes the required addon isn't installed or activated. The package you need is called postgresql-11-postgis-3 (your version of postgresql and postgis may vary), check that it is installed. You can then activate it using

psql -d -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";'

When running the app in docker, symlinks wont work unless: both the symlinks and their base files are mounted as volumes using the same absolute paths inside and outsite the container.