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Tyk API Gateway on IBM s390x

Experimental: building s390x Docker image for the Tyk API Gateway. Supports Open Source and Licensed usage.


Somebody recently asked if they could run the Tyk API Gateway runs s390x. While not currently an officially supported platform for Tyk, I still have a functioning IBM chip implant from my formative years at Big Blue... I couldn't help but give it a try.

Nowadays s390x can run various flavours of Linux such as Ubuntu. Docker buildx and QEMU allow you to build binaries for s390x.

What does this repo do?

The main Tyk repo includes a Dockerfile for building the image. It also has a bunch of Github Actions for building releases.. and they're too much for me to get my head around.

This repo serves as a simple testbed for me to build the s390x binaries without cloning the whole Tyk repo. The Dockerfile runs git directly to clone the code (not always recommended) at the specified tag and builds the binary.

Can I build locally?

Yep. I'm on an M1 Mac and use Colima and the buildx plugin so specifics may vary, but here's how I did it..

docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all
docker buildx build --platform linux/s390x .

Once complete you can run the image locally by specifying --platform linux/s390x as part of your Docker run command.

docker run --platform linux/s390x <image id>

Can I run it locally, without the build, like?

docker run --platform linux/s390x -it


Check out the documentation and tyk-demo for examples.

Mount your tyk.conf into the container over the default in /opt/tyk-gateway/tyk.

You'll need to run a Redis instance and configure access to it in tyk.conf; the default looks for a hostname of tyk-redis without any access control (which doesn't seem smart for any production use.. change it!).

Where can I test in a real s390x environment?

You can get a free 120 day trial of OpenShift and/or a VM.

Docker Compose

Simple example:

version: "3.8"

    hostname: "tyk"
      - ./tyk.conf:/opt/tyk-gateway/tyk.conf
      - 8080:8080
      - gateway
    hostname: "tyk-redis"
    image: redis:6.0.4
      - "6379"
      - tyk-redis-data:/data
      - gateway



Or check the tyk-demo for other examples.

Tyk configuration

Check the tyk-demo for examples.

Sign-up for a Tyk Cloud Demo and get a hybrid gateway setup in minutes.

What's this multi-arch folder?

It's a Dockerfile that uses cross-compilation for Go. It also compiles the python packages to allow Python plugins to work.. grpcio uses boringssl by default and this has issues on s390x, so we have to build it against OpenSSL instead. I haven't figured out how to cross-compile for Python so this is emulated if target != build architecture, so it can take some time.

And one more thing.. IBM Power Servers

Out of my depth... but I noticed ppc64le as a supported build target. In theory, this might allow Tyk API Gateway to run on IBM Power 7, Power 8 and Power 9 servers.. I don't have one to test so DYOR.