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@chrisant996 chrisant996 released this 05 Jul 23:51
· 3605 commits to master since this release


  • Added completions for clink installscripts and clink uninstallscripts.
  • Added support for Readline's coloring and marking of symlinks.
  • Fixed clink installscripts --help.
  • Fixed clink-popup-directories for directories with spaces.

⚠ Windows Defender is falsely detecting malware in the Clink installer; it has been reported to Windows Defender. ⚠

Workaround: in the meantime, try downloading the .zip file, as Windows Defender is happy with the Clink files themselves, just not with the installer program.


Clink is nearing a point where it will switch to only bug-fix updates for a while.
There are only two remaining known upcoming changes:

  • Adding a clink-select-complete command that behaves similar to Ctrl+Space in Powershell (which will close #52).
  • Possibly a change to resolve #137 (cmd.auto_answer not working in German), depending on troubleshooting response.