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@chrisant996 chrisant996 released this 24 Jun 02:40
· 1814 commits to master since this release

Oops, sorry: If you see "Unable to find latest release zip file" or "Failed to unzip the latest release", then you will need to manually update (it should only affect Windows 8.x users).

Recent highlights: The v1.3.13 release added features that make the i.lua script possible. Argmatchers can now be written to do match completion in directories other than the current directory. Argmatchers can also be written to take a whole command line as an argument: for example the built-in cmd argmatcher (cmd some_command).


  • Added more detailed logging when the updater fails.
  • Added check to make sure PowerShell v5 is present when using clink update.
  • Added unicode.fromcodepage() and unicode.tocodepage() for UTF8 conversions. One of the cases where this can be useful is when handling redirected output from programs that product output using the current Active Code Page.