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Releases: chrisant996/clink


17 Jun 02:50
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  • Added a workaround for how scoop tries to control app versions and updates (#615; scoop causes clink autorun install to use a wrong path).
  • Added an auto mode for the match.translate_slashes setting. This mode makes completion translate all slashes in the completed word to match whichever kind occurs first in the word, or to the system path separator if there are no slashes yet (e.g. when completing a directory name).
  • Changed the default to auto for the match.translate_slashes setting.
  • Updated the clink.slash_translation() function.
  • UNC share name completion works with forward slashes now (e.g. //localhost/).
  • Added a clink-toggle-slashes bindable command, bound by default to Ctrl-/. The command toggles between forward and backslashes in the word at the cursor point, or in the Nth word if a numeric argument is provided (e.g. by the Alt-Digit keys).
  • Fixed the off mode for the matches.translate_slashes setting (regression introduced in v1.1.23).
  • Fixed input line coloring of @ in for %a in (*) do @whatever.
  • Fixed crash in glob-list-expansions when used on an empty word (regression introduced in v1.3.36).
  • Fixed wildcard completions when match.wild is on and match.substring is off.
  • Fixed obscure edge case where match filtering with wildcards could potentially yield inaccurate results immediately after an auto-suggestion was offered.


09 Jun 00:43
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  • Fixed hiding internal script names in the clink-diagnostics output (regression introduced in v1.6.11).
  • Fixed #613; wrong input line coloring for cmd /c "command line".


25 May 22:45
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  • Fixed menu-complete to respect completion-auto-query-items.
  • Fixed missing line break before dump-macros, dump-variables, clink-dump-functions, and clink-dump-macros (regression introduced in v1.6.3).
  • Fixed rl.getbinding() to return clink-select-complete instead of clink-popup-complete (the latter is just an alias; the real command name is clink-select-complete).


05 May 23:27
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  • Popup lists can now be filtered.
    • Press F4 in a popup list to toggle the search mode between "find" and "filter".
    • The clink.popup_search_mode setting controls the default search mode.
    • The clink.popuplist() function can be told to start in a specific search mode.
  • Added os.findfiles() to allow getting files/directories one at a time (versus os.globfiles() which collects the entire set all at once into a table).
  • Added exec.associations setting to let Executable Completion include files with registered file associations as matches (e.g. launchable documents such as "*.pdf" files).
  • Fixed Ctrl-C in a popup list copying the wrong entry after having used Del to delete an entry.
  • Fixed input line coloring to use color.executable also for files included by the exec.path setting, if the files have registered file associations.


18 Apr 15:55
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  • Fixed #597; prompt shows leftover text sometimes (regression introduced in v1.6.10).
  • Fixed #596; it's easy to forget whether Enter in history list executes or inserts.


08 Apr 16:41
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  • Added os.setalias() for setting a doskey alias without needing to invoke the doskey.exe program.
  • Fixed a case where match descriptions could be displayed with incorrect padding and truncation (regression introduced in v1.6.6).
  • Lua debugging enhancements:
    • Changed the built-in embedded scripts to include debug info, which allows some Lua error messages to be more useful for troubleshooting.
    • Added srcmap command in the Lua debugger to override where to find source files.


23 Mar 19:04
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  • Added an optimization to further reduce flicker when re-drawing the prompt.
  • Added a user_data.shared_user_data table to allow linked argmatchers to share data with each other while an input line is being parsed (see Responding to Arguments in Argmatchers for details).
  • Fixed #579; popup lists could accidentally truncate text in the first column when there's only one column.
  • Fixed #576; setup exe doesn't remove old uninstall exe files.
  • Fixed #575; error when color.executable is set and color.unrecognized is not (regression introduced in v1.6.2).


18 Mar 16:58
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  • Fixed #574; prompt.spacing "eats" lines containing Unicode Surrogate Pairs such as for some nerdfont icons (Windows Terminal accidentally returns that such lines are empty).
  • Fixed #573; C# was unable to read Clink's version resource.
  • Fixed #555; security advisory CVE-2020-24370 for a Lua bug.


07 Mar 12:46
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  • Fixed #571; error in clink.bat under some circumstances (regression introduced in v1.6.7).


  • Recognize the little-known cmd /r as a synonym for cmd /c so that Clink can optimize and skip injecting into a cmd /r process.
  • Fixed displaying descriptions when they're left-justified (regression introduced in v1.6.6).
  • Fixed argmatcher:chaincommand("run") to not find argmatchers for builtin CMD command names (since CMD doesn't get invoked in that case, so it won't get interpreted as a CMD command).
  • Fixed argmatcher:chaincommand() to find an argmatcher for a builtin CMD command even if a directory exists with the same name (since CMD interprets that case as a CMD command).
  • Fixed argmatcher:chaincommand("cmd") so when exec.aliases is enabled it can include aliases as completions.
  • Fixed argmatcher:addarg({loopchars="+", etcetc}) so that -Q:+x still gets parsed into two input words -Q: and +x.
  • Fixed to parse foo^ bar as two words "foo" and "bar".
  • Fixed to recognize ^echo (etc) as a builtin CMD command name despite embedded ^ characters.
  • Fixed #570; fixed #569 more thoroughly, and cd /d cannot be used anywhere because it also requires command extensions.


07 Mar 11:14
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  • Recognize the little-known cmd /r as a synonym for cmd /c so that Clink can optimize and skip injecting into a cmd /r process.
  • Fixed displaying descriptions when they're left-justified (regression introduced in v1.6.6).
  • Fixed argmatcher:chaincommand("run") to not find argmatchers for builtin CMD command names (since CMD doesn't get invoked in that case, so it won't get interpreted as a CMD command).
  • Fixed argmatcher:chaincommand() to find an argmatcher for a builtin CMD command even if a directory exists with the same name (since CMD interprets that case as a CMD command).
  • Fixed argmatcher:chaincommand("cmd") so when exec.aliases is enabled it can include aliases as completions.
  • Fixed argmatcher:addarg({loopchars="+", etcetc}) so that -Q:+x still gets parsed into two input words -Q: and +x.
  • Fixed to parse foo^ bar as two words "foo" and "bar".
  • Fixed to recognize ^echo (etc) as a builtin CMD command name despite embedded ^ characters.
  • Fixed #570; fixed #569 more thoroughly, and cd /d cannot be used anywhere because it also requires command extensions.