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“Friends don’t let friends run Ubuntu on embedded devices.”



doing the dev work; macbook, thinkpad, etc.

build on this


ARM processor on RPi

deploy to this


tools required to build code for target, ie compilers, linkers, C runtime


lean Buildroot-based Linux root filesystem that has been customized and cross-compiled for a particular target

Firmware bundle

sngle file tghat has system, application, etc

Firmware image

large binary file generated from the firmware bunlde that is a bit-for-bit image of a device’s non-volatile memory

Overview of Nerves

#1 priority – don’t make that thing a brick

MBR: master boot record; has 4 partitions

boot A, boot B, root file system A, root file system B are all read-only

application data partition is write, could be corrupted, so prepare for that possibility

switched to F2FS (whatever the fuck that is)

nerves_system_* size is ~20 MB; linux kernel, erlang vm, etc

can make images smaller by stripped out unneeded feature support, ie audio jack

kiosk_system_* though, is like 120 MB


app_name | host | vsn | checksum | .tar.gz

Tar files: ~/.nerves/dl

Unpackaged artifacts: ~/.nerves/artifacts


RPi, beaglebones, x86_64, custom hardware (Buildroot)

will run nearly everywhere embedded linux runs; just takes a little work to get the configuration correct

will not run on arduino (which is a microcontroller, not a microprocessor)

linux is soft realtime, it has a scheduler and does timesharing

precise timing does not work with microprocessor (like with motors)

Farmbot gardening robot – stepper motor control is easy with microcontroller, not with micrprocessor

microprocessor can control microcontroller, which is what it’s good at

What We’re Building


what can they be used for

digital signage

control surface

industrial automation

displaying remote content

tricking web devs into being embedded systems devs

not growing the devil’s lettuce

home hydroponics system

reality is, turning off and on light switches at different times

Initial Goals

build and burn firmware

connect to Nerves device over SSH

push updates over SSH

Creating our first project

10334 2/29/2020 09:15 md kiosk_training && cd $_ 10335 2/29/2020 09:15 mix kiosk_nerves –nerves-pack –target rpi3 10337 2/29/2020 09:23 cd kiosk_nerves

10339 2/29/2020 09:26 MIX_TARGET=rpi3 mix deps.update –all

confirm that it works: `iex -S mix` and then `iex(1)> KioskNerves.hello` which should output `:world`

config,target.exs: just change to eth0, use directNet

$> export MIX_TARGET=rpi3 # don’t have to keep exporting

$> mix firmware

$> mix burn # uses a local SSH key to make sure the machine can reconnect later

move the micro sd card to the rpi3, turn it on, wait for it to boot up

`ping nerves.local` to see traffic

`ssh nerves.local` to connect

running tiny mdns server to respond to `nerves.local`; can make a change in config/target.exs file

exit the ssh connection: `~.` you won’t see it, but it’ll just exit your shit; even if the connection is totally fucked


Toolshed: analogs for *nix bash commands

To update code on target

make changes

mix firmware

mix firmware.gen.script

./ is generated; run that command


use `require Logger` and `Logger.debug`, etc

connect via ssh

once those functions are run, the logs are available via RingLogger – RingLogger.attach and then do the thing that outputs the log message

if you need to see something that happened earlier, to see it all; to search for something, RingLogger.grep(Elixir regex sigil)


separates application code from mission-critical code

if an application crashes, it shouldn’t take down the whole OS; this is similar in concept


`Nerves.Runtime.revert` but this might not work as expected – had to put the SD card back in the writer and then re-run the burn command


uses webengine_kiosk which uses qt

if mix compile doesn’t work, try `which qmake`; if not found, `brew link qt5 –force` or `QMAKE=/usr/local/opt/qt/bin/qmake mix compile`

Supervision tree

kiosk_nerves/lib/kiosk_nerves/application.ex – has two `def children` for the supervisor to start things for host and target separately, like deps and devDeps

Adding config to run in “host mode,” which doesn’t run in fullscreen, for instance: in config/config.exs

If needing to use pid to reference a process that we start using the supervision tree’s “name” tuple, we can use the value of the “name” property in place of the pid

Doing Work

Make changes, `mix firmware`, `./`, and after it reboots, `ssh nerves.local`

Ponchos vs Umbrellas

umbrella problem: everything from the top-down gets compiled; not ideal when developing against host and target devices

poncho solves this by allowing side-by-side compiles


Using socat, get IP address of device, subtract 1 from the last block of numbers, go to in host browser

Cool Things

In target’s iex: `File.write! “/sys/class/backlight/rpi_backlight/brightness”, “99”` to change brightness of device in realtime

Can create a module to change these files, and therefore, properties of the hardware


Elixir + Nerves workshop: 29 February 2020






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