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Obsidian Plugin for blazingly fast file switching. For those who find the Quick Switcher still too slow.


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Obsidian Plugin for blazingly fast file switching. For those who find the Quick Switcher still too slow. Endorsed by Nick Milo.


Bookmark cycler

Goes to your most recently modified bookmarked note. If you are already at a bookmarked note, goes to the next bookmarked note, in order of the last modification date. This allows you to quickly cycle between a core set of files that are important. The command works well for workflows where you work with a dynamic core set of main notes and many auxiliary notes.

When you have text selected, the bookmark cycler switches to its alternative mode, and copies the selected text to the last modified bookmarked note, regardless the note you are.


Only bookmarked files are considered. Bookmarked blocks or headers are ignored.

Illustration bookmark cycler This command is inspired by the Harpoon plugin for neovim.

Alternate note

Go to the last file you were at. As opposed to the Navigate Back command, using the Switch to Alternate Note command moves you forward in history when you press it the second time. This allows you to rapidly switch between two files with only one hotkey. This command is equivalent to vim's :buffer #.

The name of the alternate file is also displayed in the status bar. If the alternate file is already open in another tab, it switches to that tab. If not, the alternate file is opened in the current tab.

Illustration alt-file

Cycle tab/split

Like the Obsidian built-in command Go to next tab, but includes tabs in other splits, meaning you can cycle through all open tabs with one hotkey. This command similar to vim's :<C-w>w.

Next/previous file in current folder

Cycles through all files in the current folder, in alphabetical order.

Open first URL in file

Opens the first URL (external link) found in the file. This includes the frontmatter. Currently, works only in Source Mode and Live Preview.

Note that this only works with URLs that are actually in the file, meaning URLs displayed via dataview or embedded notes are not supported.


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About the developer

In my day job, I am a sociologist studying the social mechanisms underlying the digital economy. For my PhD project, I investigate the governance of the app economy and how software ecosystems manage the tension between innovation and compatibility. If you are interested in this subject, feel free to get in touch.

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