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Christian Meyer edited this page Dec 27, 2020 · 12 revisions

A brief Introduction to CRooD

An easy-to-use CRUD service/repository written in Kotlin and based on jOOQ. It comes with a customized generator, e.g. DomainGenerator/KDomainGenerator which helps you to avoid writing boiler-plate code. You will never have to manually write data transfer objects or entities again :-)

The operations that CRUDService provides return so called Domain object which don't contain any jOOQ dependency. That way you can keep your business services free of jOOQ Records. You can also persist any Domain object which makes it redundant to first map everything into a Record class.

CRooD can both create Domain objects in Java and in Kotlin. There's currently no plans to come up with a solution for Scala. Groovy users can easily use the Java variant.

CRooD can be easily integrated into your current project if it's already based on jOOQ and either uses the Gradle or Maven plugin. Also have a look at the examples.

You can find out more about the generator here.