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Singly Android SDK

Alpha State

Be aware that the Singly Android Client is in an alpha state. Package names, class names, and method names are subject to change. As we work to evolve the sdk we are not as concerned with breaking backwards compatibility. This will change in the future as the sdk progresses.


This Singly Android SDK repository contains two different Android projects. The first is the Singly Android client library. This is an Android Library project you can include into your Android apps that makes it easy to use the Singly API. The second in an examples Android project that show useage of the Singly client and various components.

The Singly Android client is a library supporting the Singly social API that:

  • Allows users to easily authenticate with any service supported by Singly; for example Facebook, Twitter, Github, Foursquare and others
  • Allows making requests to the Singly API to retrieve social data for use in your app

The library code is contained in the SinglyAndroidSDK project in the sdk folder. The class is the entry point to using the Singly API in your Android project.

Sample implementations are contained in the SinglyAndroidExamples project in the examples folder. Once you add your Singly client id and client secret as described below you can build and deploy the example application to see usage of the SDK.


The Singly Android SDK is built against latest version of Android, at this time 4.1, with the project build target being Android 2.3.3. You will need to ensure you have Android 2.3.3 in your Android SDK or change the Singly SDK to use a later build target.

The Singly Android SDK supports native Facebook authentication if the user has the Facebook Android app installed. To support this functionality the Facebook Android SDK must be downloaded and linked as an Android Library project. The Singly Android SDK already references the Facebook Android SDK as a Library project. All tha needs to be done is to download the Facebook Android SDK from github at the following location and place it in the same parent directory as the Singly Android SDK:

Getting Started

Here is the fastest way to get started by running the example app.

  1. Download the Singly Android SDK from github.
  2. Download the Facebook Android SDK from github in the same parent directory as the Singly SDK.
  3. In eclipse:
    • Go to the File menu.
    • Select Import.
    • In the dialog select Android → Existing code into workspace → Next. This is different than General → Existing Projects into Workspace and the Facebook SDK is specific.
    • Browse for the facebook-android-sdk/facebook folder.
    • Click ok.
    • This should import a project into your workspace called facebook.
  4. On the command line:
    • Go to the facebook-android-sdk/facebook folder.
    • Run android update project -p . from the command line. This will set the correct android sdk home directory for the Facebook project.
  5. In eclipse:
    • Go to the File menu.
    • Select Import.
    • In the dialog select General folder → Existing projects into workspace → Next.
    • Select root directory → Browse.
    • Navigate to the singly-android root folder click Ok.
    • This should import both the SinglyAndroidSDK and the SinglyAndroidExample projects into eclipse.
  6. In eclipse:
    • Go to the navigator view.
    • Right click on the facebook project → Properties.
    • Select Java Compiler.
    • Check "Enable project specific settings".
    • Ensure compliance settings are 1.6 or higher.
  7. In eclipse:
    • Go to the Project menu.
    • Select Clean → Clean all projects. Everything should build now.
  8. Go to and register or login.
  9. Get your Singly client id and client secret for your app.
  10. Set your Singly client id and client secret in the private constructor in the source code of the Singly Android SDK library. The hardcoding of the client id and client secret are for security purposes.
  11. In Eclipse:
    • Go to the navigator view.
    • Right click the SinglyAndroidExamples project and select Run As → Android Application.
    • This should launch the examples app in the Android virtual device manager. If you haven't setup an AVD you would need to set one up or connect an Android device.

Using the Singly SDK

The flow of using the Singly Android SDK is as follows

  1. Download the Singly and Facebook Android SDKs.
  2. Configure the Facebook SDK as described above. This should be a one time thing.
  3. Go to and register or login.
  4. Create your Singly app or use the default Singly app.
  5. Get the Singly client id and client secret for your app.
  6. Set your Singly client id and client secret in the SinglyClient class
  7. Link the Singly Android SDK as a Library project into your application.
  8. Register permissions and activites from the Singly SDK into your app's AndroidManifest.xml file.
  9. Get an instance of the SinglyClient using the method.
  10. Authenticate a user against one or more services that singly supports. This gives you a Singly access token. The one Singly access token allow you to call methods for any service the user is authenticated against. The Singly access token is stored in SharedPreferences along with a unique account id.
  11. Call Singly API methods to retrieve social data. Parse the JSON responses and use the data in your application.

Using the Android Client

Setting Your Singly Keys

To start you will need to setup your Singly client id and client secret. This is set in the source code of the Singly Android SDK library. Go to the class and in the private constructor you will see two lines like this:

this.clientId = "your_client_id";
this.clientSecret = "your_client_secret";

You will need to change those lines to be your client id and client secret. If you haven't done so yet, follow the Singly app registration process at to obtain your app client id and client secret.

Register the Singly Android SDK as a Library

To use the SDK you will need to register the SinglyAndroidSDK project as a Libray in your app. To do this through Eclipse, right click on your project in the navigator tab. Select properties from the context menu. They select the Android link on the Project properties dialog. Scroll down on the right hand pane. At the bottom there is a Library pane. Click add and navigate to the sdk directory of the Singly Android SDK project.

Setting up the AndroidManifest.xml file

You will then need to register a few activites and permissions in the AndroidManifest.xml file for your app. First register permissions. The Singly Android SDK will need to access the internet, network state, and write to internal storage.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_INTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Next register the activities used when calling authenticate on the SinglyClient. These are required.

<activity android:name="" />
<activity android:name="" />

And finally if using any of the Singly components you would also need to register those activites. For example if using the Authenticated Services component you would need to register its activity in your AndroidManifest.xml file.

<activity android:name="" />

Instantiating the SinglyClient

Once you have set your client id and client secret you can obtain an instance of the SinglyClient using the getInstance method.

SinglyClient api = SinglyClient.getInstance();

The SinglyClient is a singleton. Only one instance of the client is used throughout an Android application.

Authenticate the User

To access the Singly API your user must first authenticate with one or more services that Singly supports. This is done through the authenticate() method of the SinglyClient class. The authenticate method will launch an AuthenticationActivity that handles authenticating the user with the service. The current Android context and a service name to authenticate against are passed in. You can replace the service name "facebook" with any service Singly supports

api.authenticate(context, "facebook");

Making API calls

Once a user has authenticated with a service you will be able to make api calls to the Singly API to retrieve the user's social data. This is done throught the methods. To make an api call you provide the api path and any api parameters. Access token is not required as it will be appended to any api calls made through the client.

api.doGetApiRequest(context, "/profiles", queryParams, new AsyncApiResponseHandler() {

  public void onSuccess(String response) {
    // the response from the api, usually a JSON string, is passed in

  public void onFailure(Throwable error, String message) {
    // error performing the api request

All api calls are performed asynchronously. A class is provided to callback on the success or error of the call. Upon success the JSONObject reprsenting the api response is returned to the listener. This data can then be used within your Android app.

For more information on available Singly api calls check out our API Overview.

Components and Utilities

One of our goals with the Singly Android SDK is to create best of breed drop-in social data components. The and packages contains different drop-in components and utility classes you may want to use:

  • - An Activity that presents a list of services that the user can authenticate against. Interaction with the SinglyClient class for authentication is handled.
  • - An Activity that provides a list of friends/contacts from all networks using the Singly /friends API. Actions can be taken when the row of a friend is clicked.
  • - A utility class for downloading and caching remote images locally. Optimizes image sizes for memory.
  • - Utility method for quickly parsing JSON.

Each of the components has JavaDoc on different configuration options. Components are configured by passing in information through the Intent that started it.

Java SDK

If you are building a Java desktop or web application, not an Android app, it is better to use the Singly SDK for Java.


This is a work in progress. If you have questions or comments


Singly Android SDK and Example




