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DockerHub1 DockerHub2


This package provides container images and Docker compose files, for running AiiDA as a multi-container application.

uml diagram


This approach is an alternative to the current aiidateam/aiida-core image, which packages all services into one container. Although this works and has some benefits, it does diverge from a central design principle of docker containers:

"One service per container"

The reasons for this are outlined here and here. Some specific benefits are that:

  1. The responsibility for constructing/maintaining working RabbitMQ and PostgreSQL services are transferred to the official builds.
  2. You can swap-in any RabbitMQ/PostgreSQL versions, without requiring a new core image.
  3. The size of the core image is greatly reduced:
$ docker image list
REPOSITORY                      TAG                  IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
aiidateam/aiida-core            latest               547a467941da        4 days ago          1.72GB
aiidalab/aiidalab-docker-stack  latest               9e1e9a371019        12 hours ago        4.43GB
chrisjsewell/aiida-core         1.2.1                d21f8a58855e        12 hours ago        482MB
rabbitmq                        3.8.3-management     867da7fcdf92        4 days ago          181MB
postgres                        12.3                 adf2b126dda8        9 days ago          313MB
chrisjsewell/quantum-espresso   qe-6.5-pw            7553db6a0972        9 days ago          277MB

* aiidalab-docker-stack include quantum espresso

Using the system: basic

First spin-up the docker system:

$ cd compose/basic
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating aiida-rmq ...
Creating aiida-database ...
Creating aiida-rmq
Creating aiida-database ... done
Creating aiida-core ...
Creating aiida-core ... done

Tip: VSCode-Docker provides a nice UI for visualising Docker systems.

You will now have three containers running and connected over a private networks:

$ docker-compose ps
     Name                   Command               State                           Ports
aiida-core       /sbin/my_init                    Up
aiida-database postgres    Up>5432/tcp
aiida-rmq rabbi ...   Up      15671/tcp,>15672/tcp, 25672/tcp,
                                                          4369/tcp, 5671/tcp, 5672/tcp
$ docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                         DRIVER              SCOPE
63b22ad9aa35        aiidadockercompose_default   bridge              local

The containers are also connected to three volumes, which store data that will persist during container destruction/creation.

$ docker volume list
local               aiida-object-store
local               aiida-postgres-db
local               aiida-rmq-data

The postgres database is exposed to the localhost and can be accessed by:

$ psql postgres -h localhost -p 5432 -U pguser -c "\l"
Password for user pguser:
                              List of databases
   Name    | Owner  | Encoding |  Collate   |   Ctype    | Access privileges
 pguser    | pguser | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |
 postgres  | pguser | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |
 template0 | pguser | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =c/pguser        +
           |        |          |            |            | pguser=CTc/pguser
 template1 | pguser | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =c/pguser        +
           |        |          |            |            | pguser=CTc/pguser
(4 rows)

You can also inspect the RabbitMQ process, using the browser based app at http://localhost:15672/.

To create an AiiDA profile (populating the aiida-postgres-db and aiida-object-store), login to the core container then:

$ docker exec -it --user aiida aiida-core /bin/bash
aiida@951715c4ed5b:~$ verdi status
 ✓ config dir:  /home/aiida/.aiida
aiida@951715c4ed5b:~$ verdi quicksetup --config aiida-configs/aiida-qsetup-conf.yml -n
Success: created new profile `default`.
Info: migrating the database.
Operations to perform:
  Apply all migrations: auth, contenttypes, db
Running migrations:
  Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
Success: database migration completed.
aiida@951715c4ed5b:~$ verdi status
 ✓ config dir:  /home/aiida/.aiida
 ✓ profile:     On profile default
 ✓ repository:  /home/aiida/.aiida/repository/default
 ✓ postgres:    Connected as aiida@database:5432
 ✓ rabbitmq:    Connected to amqp://messaging?heartbeat=600
 ✗ daemon:      The daemon is not running

The database will now show:

$ psql aiida_db -h localhost -p 5432 -U pguser -c "\l"
Password for user pguser:
                               List of databases
   Name    | Owner  | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    | Access privileges
 aiida_db  | aiida  | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =Tc/aiida        +
           |        |          |             |             | aiida=CTc/aiida
 pguser    | pguser | UTF8     | en_US.utf8  | en_US.utf8  |
 postgres  | pguser | UTF8     | en_US.utf8  | en_US.utf8  |
 template0 | pguser | UTF8     | en_US.utf8  | en_US.utf8  | =c/pguser        +
           |        |          |             |             | pguser=CTc/pguser
 template1 | pguser | UTF8     | en_US.utf8  | en_US.utf8  | =c/pguser        +
           |        |          |             |             | pguser=CTc/pguser
(5 rows)

To spin-down the system:

$ docker-compose down
Stopping aiida-core     ... done
Stopping aiida-rmq      ... done
Stopping aiida-database ... done
Removing aiida-core     ... done
Removing aiida-rmq      ... done
Removing aiida-database ... done
Removing network qedirect_default

Add a computer: Quantum Espresso (Direct)

To add a computer to the above system:

$ cd compose/qe-direct
$ docker-compose up -d

You can carry out MPI runs directly:

$ docker exec -it --user qeuser computer mpiexec -np 2 pw.x -i examples/

     Program PWSCF v.6.5 starts on 24May2020 at 17:23:55

     This program is part of the open-source Quantum ESPRESSO suite
     for quantum simulation of materials; please cite
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 21 395502 (2009);
         "P. Giannozzi et al., J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 29 465901 (2017);
     in publications or presentations arising from this work. More details at

     Parallel version (MPI), running on     2 processors

To add the computer and code to the AiiDA profile, an additional folder is mounted to both the computer and core containers, containing SSH keys and configuration to set up the nodes:

$ docker exec -it --user aiida aiida-core /bin/bash
$ verdi computer setup --config ssh_key/aiida-computer-setup.yml
$ verdi computer configure ssh qe_computer --config ssh_key/aiida-computer-config.yml
$ verdi computer test qe_computer
Info: Testing computer<qe_computer> for user<>...
* Opening connection... [OK]
* Checking for spurious output... [OK]
* Getting number of jobs from scheduler... [OK]: 5 jobs found in the queue
* Determining remote user name... [OK]: qeuser
* Creating and deleting temporary file... [OK]
Success: all 5 tests succeeded
$ verdi code setup --config ssh_key/aiida-code-setup.yml
Success: Code<1> qe-direct@qe_computer created

To add a pseudo-potential family to the profile:

$ aiida-sssp install -v 1.1 -f PBE -p efficiency
Info: downloading selected pseudo potentials archive...  [OK]
Info: downloading selected pseudo potentials metadata...  [OK]
Info: unpacking archive and parsing pseudos...  [OK]
Success: installed `SSSP/1.1/PBE/efficiency` containing 85 pseudo potentials
$ verdi group list -T
  PK  Label                    Type string    User
----  -----------------------  -------------  ------------
   3  SSSP/1.1/PBE/efficiency

To run an example calculation:

$ verdi export inspect ssh_key/qe-pw-test.aiida
$ verdi node show 5eb94d2d-2f58-4769-9f74-80c223791077 a63f51e4-4a86-4271-bb30-ad69c1e1a7e2 ea01fb5e-9098-481c-b46e-57cfa60a77cc
Property     Value
-----------  ------------------------------------
type         StructureData
pk           2
uuid         5eb94d2d-2f58-4769-9f74-80c223791077
ctime        2020-04-29 01:33:56.285489+00:00
mtime        2020-04-29 01:36:59.366312+00:00
Property     Value
-----------  ------------------------------------
type         KpointsData
pk           3
uuid         a63f51e4-4a86-4271-bb30-ad69c1e1a7e2
ctime        2020-04-29 01:38:20.385837+00:00
mtime        2020-04-29 01:39:44.531806+00:00
Property     Value
-----------  ------------------------------------
type         Dict
pk           4
uuid         ea01fb5e-9098-481c-b46e-57cfa60a77cc
ctime        2020-04-29 01:40:54.281852+00:00
mtime        2020-04-29 01:41:02.971497+00:00
$ verdi daemon start
Starting the daemon... RUNNING
$ verdi run ssh_key/
pk= 102
$ verdi process watch 102
Info: watching for broadcasted messages, press CTRL+C to stop...
Process<102> [state_changed.waiting.waiting|--]: No message specified
Process<102> [state_changed.waiting.waiting|--]: No message specified
Process<102> [state_changed.waiting.waiting|--]: No message specified
Process<102> [state_changed.waiting.running|--]: No message specified
Process<102> [state_changed.running.finished|--]: No message specified
Info: received interrupt, exiting...

$ verdi process show 102
Property     Value
-----------  ------------------------------------
type         PwCalculation
state        Finished [0]
pk           102
uuid         1768a99c-c964-4ead-9b27-ed49c0a5a94c
ctime        2020-05-25 09:59:38.544190+00:00
mtime        2020-05-25 10:01:47.948854+00:00
computer     [1] qe_computer

Inputs      PK    Type
----------  ----  -------------
    Si      45    UpfData
code        101   Code
kpoints     3     KpointsData
parameters  4     Dict
structure   2     StructureData

Outputs              PK  Type
-----------------  ----  --------------
output_band         105  BandsData
output_parameters   107  Dict
output_trajectory   106  TrajectoryData
remote_folder       103  RemoteData
retrieved           104  FolderData
$ docker-compose down
Stopping aiida-core     ... done
Stopping computer       ... done
Stopping aiida-rmq      ... done
Stopping aiida-database ... done
Removing aiida-core     ... done
Removing computer       ... done
Removing aiida-rmq      ... done
Removing aiida-database ... done
Removing network qedirect_default

Development Notes

Image sizes (un-compressed):

$ docker image list
REPOSITORY                      TAG                  IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
aiidateam/aiida-core            latest               547a467941da        4 days ago          1.72GB
chrisjsewell/aiida-core         1.2.1                d21f8a58855e        12 hours ago        482MB
chrisjsewell/aiida-core         qe-3.0.0             2f1f86f77fbc        15 hours ago        832MB
rabbitmq                        3.8.3-management     867da7fcdf92        4 days ago          181MB
postgres                        12.3                 adf2b126dda8        9 days ago          313MB
chrisjsewell/quantum-espresso   qe-6.5-pw            7553db6a0972        12 hours ago        277MB