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Open Source CI/CD Secrets Management with Amber example usage Github

Normally in GitHub/Gitlab CI/CD based pipelines, you have to create an entry for every secret, per environment, and keep updating these. This does not scale.

  • Better tools. Better productivity

This is an example repo demonstrating how to use Amber to manage CI/CD secrets across different environments. Your branching strategy is up to you, amber does not impose any rules here, this is just an example of how to use amber with different environments.

Praise / ah-ha! moments 💡

"Damn, I forgot to update the CI/CD secrets and my build is failing."

With amber your secrets are version controlled alongside your code.

"Help! I'm debugging my pipeline, I wish I could securly decrypt my CI/CD secrets to troubleshoot my issue."

With amber you can securly decrypt your secrets.

"That would be useful for updating and maintaining the secrets because it gets confusing with so many secrets."

Every CI/CD system has a different interface, amber reduces the compexity with only one place to manage such secrets.

tldr: How do I store secrets using amber for different environments?

  1. Init amber one-time and put the secret key somewhere safe 🔐
amber init --amber-yaml amber-staging.yaml
  1. Store a secret
amber --amber-yaml amber-staging.yaml encrypt API_KEY api-key-secret-for-staging-environment
  1. Print all secrets
export AMBER_SECRET=<secret-key>
amber print --amber-yaml amber-staging.yaml
export API_KEY="api-key-secret-for-staging-environment"
  1. Use secret in a command: (output is automatically hidden from stdout)
amber exec --amber-yaml amber-staging.yaml -- sh -c 'echo $API_KEY'
# Proof
amber exec --amber-yaml amber-staging.yaml -- sh -c 'echo $API_KEY > out.txt'
cat out.txt

Details - Why is this better?

You could use your CI/CD's secrets apis (if it exists), but there's a better way.

With amber, you only need to store one secret per environment, and they're version tracked.

Another bonus is that it's the same process regardless of which CI/CD pipeline tool your using (GitHub, GitLab, concourse ci, Jenkins) it's the same pattern, reducing lock-in to your CI/CD system.

Finally, since secrets are securly stored in the repo, they are versioned.


Install amber

See amber instructions for your os.

If on x86_64 linux:

curl -L > amber
chmod +x amber
sudo mv amber /usr/local/sbin/

Generate staging secret key (aka AMBER_SECRET)

Use the amber cli to create a secret key and yaml file for each environment.

e.g. here we create a staging and production file:

Remember to store your secret key elsewhere for each environment, since you'll never be shown it again. Recommendation: keep it in a password manager.

Create amber-staging.yaml

amber init --amber-yaml amber-staging.yaml

After running the above command, amber will create a file amber-staging.yaml for you, and generate a secret key which can be used to decrypt the file contents.

Important: Copy the secret key to you password manager.

Create amber-production.yaml

amber init --amber-yaml amber-production.yaml

Important again: Copy the secret key for production to you password manager.

Commit amber-staging.yaml and amber-production.yaml

Commit amber-staging.yaml and amber-production.yaml to your repo.


git add amber-staging.yaml amber-production.yaml
git commit -m 'added amber-staging.yaml and amber-production.yaml'

Creating secrets

Now you have created amber-staging.yaml and amber-production.yaml you can create and securly store secrets per environment.

In this example, we'll create a secret called API_KEY, which has a different value for staging than production, so we'll use amber to create the API_KEY for each environment.

Create API_KEY for staging environment

amber --amber-yaml amber-staging.yaml encrypt API_KEY api-key-secret-for-staging-environment

The above asks amber to encrypt and store the secret key API_KEY with the value api-key-secret-for-staging-environment in your amber-staging.yaml file.

Before adding secret:

(base) (main)$ cat amber-staging.yaml 
file_format_version: 1
public_key: faeb750df2e702c8e525d2738b528d53ed646f5ca9b6552bbc17025a27630706
secrets: []

After adding secret:

(base) (main)$ cat amber-staging.yaml 
file_format_version: 1
public_key: faeb750df2e702c8e525d2738b528d53ed646f5ca9b6552bbc17025a27630706
  - name: API_KEY
    sha256: 166a83a8722764ad600d7663fea47f43002e988bb1d2a692c1ad2e5a5c04637a
    cipher: 7d23a1ccedef3f528c69d3cb9734afe6e77640c2736fa668b30e50f204e1d02cd6b81050b0e9e42f8288f076c52220a0027d31e3e5a50e4675106c60e5e2b670bd0dc382264b367d8c6f5c5af2c7f8e7650421e6eb42

Create API_KEY for production environment

Important remember to export the AMBER_SECRET for the environment your working with otherwise, secrets will be encrypted with a different secret key to what you're expecting. It's no less secure, only confusing and you'll see errors when decrypting like:

Error: Error loading secret key from environment variable AMBER_SECRET

Caused by:
    Secret key does not match config file's public key
# export the production AMBER_SECRET
export AMBER_SECRET=<secret-key-production>
amber --amber-yaml amber-production.yaml encrypt API_KEY api-key-secret-for-production-environment

Verify by printing the secret

amber print --amber-yaml amber-production.yaml 
export API_KEY="api-key-secret-for-production-environment"

Set up environments (Github CI/CD)

Detailed step-by-step how to create environments & add secrets in GitHub

Detailed Github CI steps with images

Create github environment

Crate staging environment Create staging environment

Add secret Add a secret

Add the AMBER_SECRET you generated from the amber cli Add amber secret

Verify AMBER_SECRET secret saved to environment. Add amber secret


Error: Error loading secret key from environment variable AMBER_SECRET

Caused by:
    Secret key does not match config file's public key

Did you mistakenly encrypt a value with the wrong secret key (e.g. encrypt a production secret using your staging key?) export your other secret and amber print to check.


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